Topic: uncharted-culture news

After the ILUCIDARE Playground event on 2-3 December focusing on the relationship between heritage and innovation, citizen involvement and participatory governance of heritage for innovation in the territories, the ILUCIDARE project launched its Innovation Handbook for heritage. The publication is … Continue reading

News from the UNCHARTED community! The SoPHIA project (Social Platform for Holistic Impact Heritage Assessment ) is drawing to an end and has announced that its Final Conference, to discuss the results achieved, will be held on 16-17 December 2021 … Continue reading

As part of the UNCHARTED project, a meeting took place between the delegation of the project and the local authorities of the Municipality of Volterra, which officially becomes part of the UNCHARTED project as one of its case studies. The … Continue reading

Next 2-3 December a new international event of ILUCIDARE H2020 project will take place in Brussels and online. The Playground ILUCIDARE will gather the multiplicity of cultural stakeholders (individual citizens, communities, entrepreneurs, researchers ..) to debate, share practices and reflections. … Continue reading

On 8 December, Cultural Heritage in Action will hold an online event to present the work of the project so far and introduce future activities. Cultural Heritage in Action is one of the actions of the European Framework for Action … Continue reading

The New European Bauhaus initiative is a creative and interdisciplinary movement promotes innovative solutions to complex societal problems through creativity and co-creation. It brings a cultural and creative dimension to the European Green Deal and considers green transition and digital … Continue reading

The European Heritage Days (EHD) is a joint action of the Council of Europe and the European Union, representing the most celebrated participatory cultural event shared by millions of European citizens. During the EHD events, which are held in September … Continue reading

A new European Commission recommendation has been published, aimed at promoting and accelerating the digitisation of cultural heritage. The purpose is to protect and preserve it and incentive its reuse in domains such as education, cultural creative sectors and sustainable … Continue reading

From 8 to 10 December 2021, the international conference “Les Futurs Fantastiques “ on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Libraries, Archives and Museums, will take place in Paris, organized by the National Library of France in collaboration with Université Paris-Saclay and … Continue reading

ReInHerit – Redefining the future of cultural heritage is a H2020 Project , Coordinated by Bank Of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, with the aim of connecting the collections and sites of the European tangible and intangible cultural heritage and presenting it … Continue reading