Topic: uncharted-culture news

On June 14th 2021, the UNCHARTED project was presented at EVA Florence 2021, the “Foremost European Electronic Imaging Events in the Visual Arts”. The Conference was held at Palazzo del Pegaso, Regional Council of Tuscany, Florence and attended by participants … Continue reading

The ILUCIDARE Consortium including Europa Nostra, and the European Commission are delighted to present the shortlisted projects for the 2021 edition of the ILUCIDARE Special Prizes, awarded within the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards! Being co-funded by the … Continue reading

The report “Towards gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors” focuses on the role that culture plays in promoting gender equality and how to achieve gender equality within the cultural and creative sectors. It was drafted by the OMC … Continue reading

The EU annual meeting has recently opened the door to registration. This second on line edition is planned for the 23th and the 24th June 2021. As every year this Research and Innovation event organised by the European Commission, will … Continue reading

During the last month, 5 new projects joined the UNCHARTED community, contributing to enrich the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the debate concerning the identification of cultural values and the impact of cultural policies in Europe. INVENT is a … Continue reading

In 2002 the European Commission launched the Awards programme European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards which is run by Europa Nostra and is supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union; the awards highlight and share heritage … Continue reading

The DIALLS research project (Dialogue & Argumentation for Cultural Literacy Learning in Schools), funded by the European Commission’s H2020 Programme (grant no 770045) has published its third and final policy brief entitled Dialogue, Argumentation, and Creative Practices as Tools in … Continue reading

This on line seminar will the occasion to present and discuss the findings of the latest research conducted by Paolo Ferri (Department of Management, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy), Shannon I.L. Sidaway(Department of Accounting, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia) … Continue reading

On May 5-6, 2021, in the framework of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union Council, was held a high level Conference on the topic of Culture, education and youth, Employment and social rights. The two-day event was structured in … Continue reading