Topic: uncharted-culture news

EHT is a free digital newsletter for European heritage professionals. It aims to build a lasting European network by sharing knowledge, connecting people and the cultural and creative sectors. With its monthly publication, it offers an overview of the most important … Continue reading

An online archive of photos, videos, maps and documents designed to celebrate the city’s heritage: this is the new initiative promoted by Coventry University in cooperation with Coventry City of Culture Trust, Culture Coventry and other partners. Coventry Digital was … Continue reading

Yesterday, January 26th, it was held the final event of a 3-days online participatory initiative promoted by the HERIWELL project. In the first part of the meeting the HERIWELL team introduced the goals of the project and a brief description … Continue reading

Google Arts and Culture (GA&C) is now a major portal through which users can experience artworks and cultural artifacts from over 2000 galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM), from over 80 countries, worldwide. While the portal attracts large audiences, there … Continue reading

Digital Past is an annual two-day conference organised by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales. It showcases innovative digital technologies and techniques for data capture, interpretation and dissemination of the heritage of Wales, the UK … Continue reading

The 7 Most Endangered programme was launched in 2013 as part of a civil society campaign to save Europe’s endangered heritage. Each year, 7 European heritage sites are selected as the most endangered. This selection aims to draw attention for … Continue reading

Culture Action Europe, European Cultural Foundation, and Europa Nostra have recently launched the #CulturalDealEU campaign to propose a new Cultural Deal framework that should demonstrate the EU’s political commitment to place culture at the center of the political debate and … Continue reading

As the result of the online conference “Museums and social responsibility—values revisited” organised in the framework of German presidency of the Council of the European Union, the organizers, NEMO and the German Museums Association, have published a publication with texts … Continue reading

The last December 10, the first of the “Infected Cities” livecasts on creative resilience in European cities was launched by DutchCulture together with Pakhuis de Zwijger in Paris. It was the first of four new livecasts to reflect on how … Continue reading