Topic: uncharted-culture news

UNCHARTED project has just established a collaboration with Net4Society, the international network of National Contact Points for the Societal Challenge 6 in Horizon 2020. Net4Society will support the UNCHARTED project in the activity of dissemination and the exchange of knowledge … Continue reading

Clyfford Still was one of the leading figures in the first generation of Abstract Expressionists. Indigenous art has inspired many Abstract Expressionists painters (like Pollock and Newman), but Still was the only one to make contact with these tribes. In … Continue reading

The event is part of a 3-days online participatory initiative, targeting different audiences, with the goal of discussing and validating the main concepts and approach of the HERIWELL project. The first 2 workshops will be followed by a final event, … Continue reading

The third edition of the European Cinema Night was organized by Creative Europe MEDIA in collaboration with Europa Cinemas from 16th to 20th November. Over 70 Europa Cinemas members across Europe are taking part in this unique outreach event which … Continue reading

SOPHIA “Social Platform for Holistic Impact Heritage Assessment” aims to promote collective reflection within the cultural and political sector in Europe on the impact assessment and quality of interventions in European historical environment and cultural heritage at urban level. This … Continue reading

In the framework of its Home Delivery initiative, the Ars Electronica Center, organized a series of online classes focused on Artistic Journalism. Starting by the reflection on the dramatic social changes caused by the Covid19 pandemic, the classes present artistic … Continue reading

Six months ago, NEMO (the Network of European Museum Organisations) published a study on the impact of Covid-19 on the European museum sector. In recent weeks we are experiencing a second wave of museum closures across Europe and NEMO started … Continue reading

The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) invites you to discuss how museums can help visitors make sense of complicated matters – be it climate change or migration processes or economic relations. Through storytelling methods, museums can help us understand … Continue reading

“Cultural Heritage is a Climate Action Issue. Climate Action is a Cultural Heritage Issue” this is the premise of the event organized by the Climate Heritage Network. Culture x Climate 2020 is a virtual global forum for arts, culture … Continue reading