Topic: uncharted-culture news

Digital tools offer numerous opportunities and can significantly support the work of museums and strengthen the public exchange. Throughout this digitalization process, museums often have had to overcome many obstacles connected with insufficient resources and insufficient staff. On these topics … Continue reading

Tomorrow July 23, the webinar “Museums after the pandemic” will be held, organized by UNESCO and ICCROM ( International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property). This events aims to comprehensively address the critical issues … Continue reading

The REACH project had to cancelled their final conference planned for the 4-5 June 2020 in Pisa due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the REACH Consortium decided to keep alive the call for posters and videos until October 2020 … Continue reading

NEMO and the German Museums Association, within the framework of Germany’s presidency of the Council of the European Union, are co-organising an online conference from 17-18 September 2020. This conference is the first of three events organised by museum organisations … Continue reading

The Cultural and Creative Sector (CCS), comprises all the sectors whose activities are based on cultural values, or artistic, creative expressions. Beyond its value for the European economy, it plays a crucial role in the well-being and cohesion of the … Continue reading

The Prix Ars Electronica, which has been happening every year since 1987, is considered to be one of the most prestigious media arts competition in the world. The 2020 edition received proposals from 90 countries, for a total of 3,209 … Continue reading

“What is the social value of culture? While culture is increasingly being viewed from an economic perspective, there is much more at stake. Focusing on the valuation practices developed by different actors involved in the cultural sector, the EU-funded UNCHARTED … Continue reading

The entrepreneur Oliver Miro, with decades of sales experience in the family art gallery, has launched an extended reality platform that offers to private galleries the opportunity to virtually reproduce their spaces, adapting the artworks here displayed. This new tool … Continue reading

From 27th October 2020 to 30th October 2020, the ROCK Open Knowledge Week will take place online on the topic: Cultural Heritage as Oxygen in Times of Crisis. After the annulation of the conference in Bologna, scheduled on 14-15 May, … Continue reading

Put forth by UNESCO, artists around the world engage with the “ResiliArt” movement to demonstrate how “confinement can also be a period of openness to others and to culture, to strengthen the links between artistic creation and society.” The movement remains strong … Continue reading