Topic: uncharted-culture news

The choice of Paris 8 to dedicate a page to UNCHARTED project in the university website is a key contribution for the promotion of the project among researchers and experts of the academic world. The showcase has been included in … Continue reading

Professionals and organizations involved in preservation, management and valorisation of Komani, of other heritage sites in the Drin Valley, Albania and the Balkan region as well as relevant speakers with an important experience in preservation of Balkans heritage are invites … Continue reading

Last 7th February, the UNCHARTED partners held their first meeting in Paris. 10 partners, from 7 EU Countries, presented their work packages and they worked in a positive and functional way going through the main technical and logistic issues and … Continue reading

– How can museums avoid the trap of “freezing” intangible cultural heritage in time by integrating it into more static collections? – How may we assure that heritage practitioners and communities are sufficiently being heard in display settings? – What … Continue reading

The Idrija 2020 Association organized, from the 13th to the 15th March, a 3-day hackathon for cultural Heritage called HeritageHack. The Association was founded in 2012 when 5 professionals, highly educated and native to Idrija, rethought the cultural heritage of … Continue reading

The 1st February started a new EU project, UNCHARTED, focused on the valuation practices of the actors involved in cultural life. UNCHARTED is a four years project which responds to the H2020 “Transformations” call: The societal value of culture and … Continue reading