Topic: websites

Pre Commercial Procurement for the long-term Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage

Results of the webinar organised by the Open Preservation Foundation to present the possibilities offered by the Pre-Commercial Procurement, a competition-like method designed to steer the development of innovative solutions towards concrete public sector needs, and by PREFORMA, a PCP project co-funded by the European Commission to work on the long-term preservation of digital data Continue reading

Open Preservation Foundation publishes Annual Report

The 2014-2016 Annual Report has been published by Open Preservation Foundation, looking back on the activities and achievements undertaken by the Foundation over the past two years. veraPDF, one of the three open source projects funded in the framework in PREFORMA, is considered a crucial technical success by providing the definitive implementation of a PDF/A validation tool, which was released in version 0.14 earlier this year. Continue reading

Museum Next conference in NYC

MuseumNext is a global conference on the future of museums.  Since 2009 it has acted as a platform for showcasing best practice today to shine a light on the museum of tomorrow. MuseumNext NYC will take place on 14-15 November 2016 with … Continue reading

EuroMed 2016: Call for Papers

A successful decade of European – Mediterranean Conferences on Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection (EuroMed): 2006 – 2016 You are kindly invited to submit a paper to the EuroMed 2016 conference which will provide an opportunity to exchange research results, … Continue reading

Transmedia Knowledge-Base for Performing Arts, official launch in Lisbon

The Knowledge-Base for performing arts (TKB) is a dynamic and open-ended resource to support the creation and documentation of contemporary performances in the format of a digital “archive of processes”. It has been recently presented at the important Alkantara International … Continue reading

Heritage content: how to address the new digital challenges?

Digital content is in no comparison stronger to analog when it comes to reaching wider grounds and larger audiences. Come and discover how new digitization techniques improve the original works preservation and distribution. Experts from FeniXX, BnF (French National Library), … Continue reading

Call for Papers open for DIPP2016

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research and project papers to the Sixth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage. The Conference is organised under the UNESCO patronage and aims at presenting innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of digitisation, documentation, archiving, representation and preservation of global and national tangible and intangible cultural and scientific heritage. Continue reading

DiPP2016 Conference

The Sixth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage–DiPP2016 is organized under the UNESCO patronage and aims at presenting innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of digitisation, documentation, archiving, representation and preservation of global and national tangible and intangible cultural and scientific heritage. Continue reading

4th International Festival of NanoArt

The 4th International Festival of NanoArt was be hosted in Cluj-Napoca, Romania by Babes-Bolyai University between September 8 – 14, 2016 in parallel with the 11th International Conference On Physics Of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-11). The artworks were shown in the … Continue reading

Europeana Space Toolbox, a flexible solution for museums educators

by Beatrix Lehmann (Museumsmedien) At the end of May 2016 the Europeana Space Toolbox was presented by Beatrix Lehmann from  Museumsmedien, in an event for educators in memorials and museums. The participants came from different institutions in Berlin: German Historical … Continue reading