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Topic: websites
it is a portal for the people all over Israel and the globe. It enables Israel to be a leading member of the global community for digital culture and heritage, integrated with Europeana and functions a common platform for other cultural branches once they are moving toward the digital era. Continue reading
Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2015) @ IUI Conference call for papers deadline January 16th 2015 http://patch2015.wordpress.com/ 8th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2015) is co-located with the ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 2015 Conference in … Continue reading
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers organises the SMPTE Forum 2015 “Entertainment Technology in the Internet Age: A European Perspective”, being held on 7-8 May 2015, at the Fraunhofer-Forum in Berlin. Factors as wide as EU policy, net neutrality, copyright and mining “big data” are shaping the possibilities in the complex European market and redefining how the industry engages its audience. The SMPTE Forum 2015 will examine these topics Continue reading
After twenty years of abandonment, and even forty in the case of the branch of La Hijuela, the traditional irrigation system of Barjas (Granada, Spain) was rehabilitated in collaboration with the National and Natural Park of Sierra Nevada and CEAMA. This campaign was undertaken between the months of February and March of 2014, using traditional techniques and knowledge provided by the local irrigators’ community. This activity involved 180 national and international volunteers and concluded with 5 kilometres of the channels restored, including the branch of La Hijuela. Continue reading
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the two projects to enable and promote greater re-use of cultural heritage resources by creative industries, starting from the open source tools developed in the framework of PREFORMA PCP and of Europeana Creative. Continue reading
FutureEverything celebrated its 20th anniversary. For the last two decades the festival has brought people together to imagine, shape and question the vision of a truly participatory society. A belief in the emancipatory and creative potential of new technologies runs throughout digital culture. It is found both in the open source community and in the rhetoric of Silicon Valley start-ups. In recent years, the contradictions in this vision have come to the surface. The digital age has brought a collision of positives and negatives. This year was an ideal opportunity for FutureEverything to hit pause on its headlong rush into the future, to reflect on the consequences of the past decades and the prospects for the decades to come. Continue reading
Coventry University Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE, http://c-dare.co.uk/) held the 5th edition of the Digital Echoes Symposium. Digital Echoes Symposium 2015: Intangible and Performance-based Cultural Heritage 13 February 2015, Institute for Creative Enterprise, Coventry University Convenors: Sarah Whatley, Rosamaria Cisneros, Amalia Sabiescu Digital … Continue reading
The International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) is a series of conferences on digital preservation. Since 2004, iPRES conferences have been held on three continents. iPRES 2015 will be held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA on November 2-6, 2015. It will be held at the William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education. Continue reading