Topic: websites

“Building Effective Creative Clusters” Conference

This conference will address practical ideas to unlock the economic value of the Creative & Cultural Industries: expert speakers and panelists will be discussing practical ideas to unlock the economic value of the Creative & Cultural Industries. The Conference programme includes … Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at ICA 2014 Conference in Girona

PREFORMA was presented to the almost 1000 attendees in one of the parallel sessions in the afternoon of Monday 13th of October by Antonella Fresa, Technical Coordinator, and Peter Pharow, Responsible of the first design phase. Continue reading

PREFORMA at SUCCEED interoperability workshop

Bert Lemmens represented PREFORMA at the Interoperability Workshop organised by the SUCCEED project to discuss best practices and possibilities for cooperation on a technical level between European Centres of Competence and Digital infrastructures. Continue reading

Europeana Space plenary meeting, 15th October 2014

The plenary meeting of the project took place at the beautiful location of Ca’ Foscari University, one day ahead the Opening Conference of Europeana Space. After the welcome speeches by Sarah Whatley (Project Coordinator) and Leonardo Buzzavo (representing the hosting … Continue reading


The European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, unit B6 Reflective Societies, in cooperation with the FLASH-IT project kindly organises the workshop “Bridge over troubled waters? The link between European historical heritage and the future of European integration” being held in Rome, on the 17th of October 2014. The workshop revolves around the problematic of the interconnectedness of the past, present and the future in the current European societies and brings together specialists of history, cultural heritage and identity studies as well as policy makers and managers from the European Commission and national funding bodies. Continue reading

Open Knowledge Foundation joins Europeana Space

Open Knowledge is a nonprofit organisation that promotes open knowledge, including open content and open data. With such great credentials it seemed natural for Open Knowledge to participate in the Europeana Space project to cooperate on WP3 – The Content Space. Continue reading

Pisa is approaching and…we start co-creating!

How cultural institutions can renew themselves? How can heritage professionals create the conditions for the visitors to leave the role of observers and instead be active contributors to the development of heritage? How can the consumers become producers of cultural heritage? How can cultural heritage be co-created? RICHES is trying to answer these questions through a series of co-creation sessions. The outcomes of these initiatives will be presented during 5 December’s afternoon programme of the First RICHES International Conference, being held in Pisa, at the Museum of Graphics of Palazzo Lanfranchi (4-5 December 2014). Continue reading

RICHES at EuroMed 2014

On 3 November 2014 in Limassol, Cyprus, RICHES particpated in the 5th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2014), held on 3-8 November. RICHES Coordinator Neil Forbes of Coventry University (UK) presented the project, its objectives and its first outcomes within a workshop, entitled “The Digitisation Age: Mass Culture is Quality Culture. Challenges for Cultural Heritage and Society”. The workshop was organised by RICHES Communication Manager Promoter Srl. Continue reading

Symposium on Digital Society and Cultural Memory

This symposium, organised by CODIGT and held in Karlsruhe on 14 November 2014 at the ZAK Centre, was devoted to the goal of raising societal awareness about the benefits of archives and archiving in the digital domain. Politicians, the public and society at large should be made aware that archiving will remain a general task in which each person can play a role. Against the backdrop of primarily economic debates, the already conspicuous consequences of the lack of digital archiving of the cultural heritage are often ignored. Continue reading

IMCW2014 calls for workshop and tutorial proposals!

The 5th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World took place in Antalya, Turkey, from 24 to 26 November 2014. To commemorate the 2014 Turkish-German Science Year, IMCW2014 was organised in cooperation with Hacettepe University and the Goethe-Institutes in Turkey. Research Data Management and Knowledge Discovery was the main theme of the Symposium. Continue reading