Topic: websites

RURITAGE Summer School dedicated to heritage-based regeneration at regional level

The 3-days Summer School, arranged within RURITAGE project by Savonia University of Applied Science, will be delivered in presence at the Savonia University (UAS), Kuopio Finland on 9-13 May 2022. It will include both lectures, study visits and interactive workshops … Continue reading

Survey on museums and climate change

On Earth Day 22 April 2022, NEMO, the Network of European Museum Organisations, member of UNCHARTED community, launched a survey to evaluate the status quo of European museums’ transition towards sustainability in a time of climate emergency. With a comprehensive overview, … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: Europeana Foundation

Europeana is Europe’s platform for digital cultural heritage, empowering cultural heritage institutions to share their collections with the world.  Through the Europeana website, millions of cultural heritage items from around 4,000 institutions across Europe are available online. We work to … Continue reading

The role of photographic heritage in empowering communities’ participation in cultural heritage

image: Piazza dei Miracoli a Pisa, photo offred by Lucia Tomasi Tongiorgi in Promoter Digital Gallery CC-BY-NC-ND. Organized by Photoconsortium in cooperation with the Museo della Grafica and University of Pisa and hosted at the Palazzo Lanfranchi, in the very … Continue reading

NEMO webinar on using cultural heritage to foster social cohesion: the MEMEX project

On April 27, NEMO (the Network of European Museum Organizations) organized a webinar focusing on the use of cultural heritage to promote social cohesion by strengthening historically under-represented communities. For the occasion, the experts of the MEMEX project will be … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: ThinkCode

ThinkCode is a start-up company which designs and develops custom intelligent solutions and high-end software products by adopting and applying cutting-edge technology in the area of Artificial Intelligence into real- word applications. Consisting of people with strong research and industrial … Continue reading

Meeting with local tour guides, Vjosa valley, Albania

text and images by Egla Serjani, CeRPHAAL At the core of the INCULTUM project are local communities and stakeholders, as the main protagonist, able to improve cultural tourism in the chosen Pilot areas. In the Upper Vjosa valley, amongst the … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: TopFoto

all images courtesy of Topham Partners LLP (TopFoto) – UK Founded in London in 1927, TopFoto is a rich resource for the world’s political and social history of the 20th century, illustrating the events, cultures and public figures that … Continue reading

Volterra is the first Tuscan city of culture

Volterra, the Tuscan town studied by UNCHARTED as part of WP5 experimental and demonstrations together with the cities of Budapest, Porto and Barcelona, ​​has been awarded the title of first Tuscan city of culture 2022. The participatory cultural project called … Continue reading

Europeana 2022: call for proposals is open

The 2022 edition of the Europeana conference will take place on 28 – 30 September and a call for proposals has been launched for the occasion. The event will be organised in a hybrid format and the conference programme will … Continue reading