Topic: websites

Coordination meeting among projects on sustainable cultural tourism

Initiated by IMPACTOUR project coordinator prof. João Martins from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the NOVA School of Science and Technology in Lisbon, a very productive and friendly meeting took place on 11th March between the representatives of … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot in Portugal co-organizes the 10th Congress on Rural Studies

How does water, waters – groundwater, rainwater, river, marine – condition or conditioned agriculture and rural society? What strategies and what processes of cooperation or conflict have occurred in the access and use of water? What economic uses have been … Continue reading

INCULTUM establishes collaboration with H2020 SPOT project

INCULTUM and SPOT projects are both focused on the research and study of problems related to cultural tourism, seeking for stakeholders’ and communities’ involvement and developing information to help policy and decision-making. The EU-funded SPOT project aims to develop a … Continue reading

Irrigation channel cleaning in Jérez del Marquesado and Cáñar at Altiplano de Granada

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). Following the work for recovering the area that was initiated on Pilot site in January and February, on the 5th of March another fieldwork activity was done in the … Continue reading

INCULTUM launches its YouTube channel

The Webpresence of INCULTUM project is now enriched with the opening of the INCULTUM YouTube channel. The channel, coordinated by partner Promoter s.r.l. the responsible for INCULTUM communication and dissemination, opens with the recordings of the recent Data Workshop, INCULTUM’s … Continue reading

UNCHARTED launches a survey to learn about visitors’ experience on its website

Two years after the UNCHARTED project started, the Consortium decided to launch a survey to measure the website’s popularity. The survey is part of the dissemination planning process and aims to receive feedback to learn about the visitor experience on … Continue reading

ARCH’s CEN Workshop Agreement for Resilience Management: open for Comments

ARCH project, together with several other organisations, has developed a draft CEN Workshop Agreement, CWA 17727 on a “Disaster Risk Management / Climate Change Adaptation Framework for historic areas”. The draft , to which more than 40 stakeholders contributed, defines … Continue reading

INCULTUM pilot in Portugal involves students of the University of Seville in fieldwork

text and images courtesy of University of Algarve. The Portuguese pilot of INCULTUM over the Campina de Faro (Algarve), launched a challenge to professors and students of Architecture at the University of Seville. As part of the Taller de Arquitectura … Continue reading

Symposium: ‘Heritage for the Future, Science for Heritage: A European Adventure for Research and Innovation’

Under the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the symposium ‘Heritage for the Future, Science for Heritage: A European Adventure for Research and Innovation’ will be held next 15 – 16 March 2022 organized by the Foundation … Continue reading

The ‘Horizon Europe – New European Bauhaus Nexus Report’

The New European Bauhaus is an ambitious European initiative whose core values ​​are Sustainability, Inclusion and Beauty. The project, which also includes the cultural sector and will combine innovation and heritage, aims to make society more sustainable, aesthetic and inclusive. … Continue reading