Topic: websites

Launching the INCULTUM Pilot in San Pellegrino in Alpe (Tuscany)

One of the Pilots of the INCULTUM project, aiming and empowering sustainable cultural tourism in peripheral areas with communities engagement, is coordinated by the University of Pisa and is set in the beautiful landscape of the Garfagnana in Tuscany. San … Continue reading

Proceedings of the SoPHIA’s Stakeholders’ Virtual Conference: the UNCHARTED contribution

The proceedings of the SoPHIA Stakeholders’ Virtual Conference: Cultural Heritage – Rethinking Impact Assessments, held last April 21 and 22, have been released. The Conference gathered over 240 participants from 50 countries, mainly from Europe but also from beyond. The … Continue reading

Latest outputs delivered by UNCHARTED WP2 “Identifying the Emergence of Values of Culture”

The Work Package WP2 of the UNCHARTED project aims at analyzing the emergence of values linked to culture in practical contexts and in the field of cultural policy and cultural administrations. The team in charge to carry on this part … Continue reading

INCULTUM and Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea join forces

The aim of the Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea project is to demonstrate the potential of Data Analytics for tourism development in the area of Black Sea. To achieve this, pilot services will be tested and the dialogue with … Continue reading

Outcomes of UNCHARTED participation presented at KISMIF International Conference

In July, members of the members of the UNCHARTED Consortium were invited to participate to the International KISMIF Conference ‘Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! DIY Cultures and Global Challenges’ (KISMIF 2021). The event goal was to foster a debate … Continue reading


On a regular schedule, the WEAVE team publishes a blog post which features a partner of the WEAVE consortium. This blog item presents partner ERIAC European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture e.V.. WEAVE aims to connects various communities at … Continue reading

The VAST project joined the UNCHARTED network

The VAST project (Values Across Space and Time) is an international collaboration between eight partners from five countries: National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos (Greece), Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – NOVA (Portugal), Fairytale Museum (Cyprus), Semantika (Slovenia), Museo Galileo … Continue reading

Slovenian Presidency of the EU: presentation of priorities to the CULT Committee of the EU Parliament

Since the 1st July, Slovenia has taken the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union and last week Slovenian ministers for education, youth and for culture presented the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency to the Culture and Education … Continue reading


On a regular schedule, the WEAVE team publishes a blog post which features a partner of the WEAVE consortium. This second blog item presents partner PHOTOCONSORTIUM – International Consortium for Photographic Heritage, based in Italy. PHOTOCONSORTIUM is a non for … Continue reading

The mapping of impact assessment practices in CH of the SoPHIA Platform

The Sophia platform, is developing a Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment Model. The recent progresses of its evaluation are referred to the identification of the three axes along which the model can be developed which are domains, people, and time. Next … Continue reading