Topic: websites

Call for participation for UNCHARTED project: HERIWELL invites the supporting partners to join the Deliberative Event

The event is part of a 3-days online participatory initiative, targeting different audiences, with the goal of discussing and validating the main concepts and approach of the HERIWELL project. The first 2 workshops will be followed by a final event, … Continue reading

Cultural Participation and Local Resilience: Strategies for the recovery

Webinar in cooperation with the European Commission and part of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage What is the issue? The direct and indirect impacts of culture on local development are largely achieved through cultural participation and access … Continue reading

Towards a permanent coordination structure for cultural heritage research

One year after the “Horizons for Heritage Research” Symposium held in Brussels in March 2019, under the aegis of the European Commission, the REACH project planned to continue the discussion about the need a permanent coordination structure of the cultural … Continue reading

DANube Urban Brand + Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Valorization of Danube’s Cultural Heritage

DANUrB is a new EU funded project started on July 2020 and leaded by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics of Budapest. It involves 17 Partners coming from 6 East European Countries: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia. … Continue reading

CitizenHeritage, citizen science and participation in cultural heritage

CitizenHeritage, funded within the Erasmus+ programme of European Commission, takes the Citizen Science approach to the world of cultural heritage, where the digital realm creates new opportunities to reach out to broader audiences and facilitate community building. The project encourages … Continue reading

Europeana XX: Century of Change celebrates today a great milestone!

img.: the Europeana XX Thematic Collection in Europeana. EU funded Europeana XX: Century of Change project celebrates today the launch of a new Europeana Thematic Collection: a dedicated area in the Europeana portal to showcase special cultural heritage collections and … Continue reading

The European Cinema Night, to celebrate the richness of the European film culture

The third edition of  the European Cinema Night was organized by Creative Europe MEDIA in collaboration with Europa Cinemas from 16th to 20th November. Over 70 Europa Cinemas members across Europe are taking part in this unique outreach event which … Continue reading

CIDOC 2020 – Digital Transformation in Cultural Heritage Institutions

The CIDOC Conference 2020 in will address an important societal theme that cannot be ignored nowadays: digital transformation in cultural heritage institutions. The use of digital technology, though marginal at first, has gradually reshaped documentation practices and transformed almost all aspects … Continue reading

UNCHARTED published the first outputs of its investigation: 5 deliverables are now available for consultation and free download

Work package 1 of the UNCHARTED project, leaded by the University of Barcelona, is devoted to the analysis of the configuration of the values of culture. It carries out a first analysis about how the values of culture in Europe … Continue reading