Topic: websites

#Mannheim2020: European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns

Cultural Heritage, Resilience and Sustainable Urban Regeneration are the focus of the session “Re-Inventing Heritage for Sustainable Urban Regeneration’, which will be held the morning of the third day conference from 9:30 to 11:00 CET. The session will explore how … Continue reading

Cultural Heritage, Resilience and Sustainable Urban Regeneration at Mannheim2020

The 9th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, is organised as a virtual event from today 30 September to 2 October 2020.  It brings together local and regional leaders, European and international institutions and some of the … Continue reading

PAGODE Technical Workshop

Originally planned as a project meeting in Athens focused on dataset enrichment, due to the covid-crisis this event was expanded and transformed in an online gathering, to discuss and share knowledge on metadata curation, vocabularies and thesauri, semantic enrichment, aggregation … Continue reading

What is the link between cultural heritage and resilience?

The 9th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns will take place from 30th September to 2nd October, to carry on a debate on how to shape a more sustainable Europe. It is organised by ICLEI – … Continue reading

Re-Inventing Heritage for Sustainable Urban Regeneration

The 9th edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, is organised as a virtual event from 30 September to 2 October 2020 by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and the City of Mannheim . Held every … Continue reading

The 2020 Annual Global Art Access Corporation Curatorial Competition

The Global Art Access Corporation is a nonprofit focused on arts, culture and humanities. It was founded in 2019 with the aim of promoting access and engagement with art and history to a wider audience, through the creation of analog … Continue reading


The new S+T+ARTS exhibition VISIBLE SENSIBLE is opening at Fondation Fiminco, in Romainville (Grand Paris), from September 18th through October 4th, organized by two partners, French Tech Grande Provence and Fondation Fiminco. Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban … Continue reading

Europeana 2020: Crisis, Change and Culture

2020 is not the year we thought it was going to be. A global pandemic has changed our day-to-day lives. The Covid crisis has brought home how connected our lives are across the globe, while the injustices and societal inequalities … Continue reading

23-24 November 2020: “Collect & Connect International conference”

The conference aims to promote exchange and discussion between researchers and heritage professionals in the field of digital natural and cultural heritage. It officially concludes the NWO/Brill Creative Industries Project Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives and it will present … Continue reading

Collect & Connect International conference: paper submission deadline extended to September 18 2020

This conference welcomes papers that present, discuss, and reflect upon the technical, social, and institutional challenges that experts and researchers in the field of digital heritage encounter when enriching heterogeneous digitized collections with context. Thematic scope of the conference: Many … Continue reading