Topic: websites

Tibetan Opera, the most popular traditional opera of minority ethnic groups in China

Text by Caterina Sbrana. Let’s continue our research on intangible cultural heritage to learn about the most popular traditional opera of minority ethnic groups in China, the Tibetan Opera, nowdays accessible online at, or at The contribution of … Continue reading

The exhibition Fragmenta, dialoguing with Generation Z

From 16 November to 6 December at Today Museum of Bejing the solo exhibition Fragmenta dedicated to the digital art of Gianluca Cingolani was held, garnering great interest, in particular, on the part of the Generation Z audience. Gianluca Cingolani … Continue reading

Culture Moves project: Dance (Algo)Rhythms

The CultureMoves research team of the C-DaRE center of Coventry University – Sarah Whatley, Rosa Cisneros and Marie-Louise Crawley – participated in the  ‘Moving Culture: Tourism, Dance and Digital Storytelling’, organised by the Culture Moves project in Pisa. Key stakeholders from … Continue reading

2020 March – Documentation Strategies in (Archaeological) Open-Air Museums

What’s an open-air museum? What is it for? How can it be preserved? Open-air museums are the faithful reconstruction of medieval villages. Starting from the discovery of (pre)history archaeological sites and architectural sources, experts and professionals are able to recreate … Continue reading

Remarkable outcomes for the REACH International Workshop on Rural Heritage

The last 26th November, the University of Granada, task leader of the Rural Heritage Pilot of the REACH project, held a Workshop on“Participatory Approaches for Territorial Cohesion”. Aim of the meeting was to investigate the value of participatory preservation of … Continue reading

The technology and methodology behind WeAre#EuropeForCulture

WeAre#EuropeForCulture wanted people and citizens of any age and background to meet cultural heritage and interact with it, under the motto “it’s your history too”. It is a stubborn misunderstanding that communities or individuals who do not routinely engage with cultural … Continue reading

PAST | PRESENT event of EYCH project WeAre#EuropeForCulture

WeAre#EuropeForCulture, financed in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, has the objective to realize a series of pop-up exhibitions across 2019 in various European cities, to celebrate the diversity of European cultural heritage and to empower citizens in a more … Continue reading

Education, Youth, Culture and Sports European Council

These days, 21-22 November 2019, the European council is meeting in Brussels to discuss Education, Youth, Culture and Sports. Culture was one of the main topic of yesterday meeting which aimed to improve the contribution of culture to the global … Continue reading

RURITAGE and ROCK projects joint workshop

The workshop “Heritage-Led Regeneration: What Is Our Vision?” will take place in Brussels on Thursday 20 November, co-hosting by RURITAGE and ROCK projects. This joint workshop will discuss the use of cultural heritage as a driver for sustainable growth in … Continue reading

New ICOMOS publication: a multidisciplinary research linking water to heritage

ICOMOS (Institutional Council On Monuments and Sites)  Netherlands, in collaboration with scholars from the LeidenDelftErasmus Centre for Global Heritage and Development, published a new work presenting multidisciplinary research that connects water to heritage. The society has not come to terms … Continue reading