Topic: websites

Horizon Europe Co-design 2021-2024: share your views with the European Commission

The Horizon Europe framework programme from 2021 to 2027 is the next and largest collaborative multinational research and innovation investment in Europe with a proposed budget of 100 billion euro. The last April, the European Parliament and Council reached a … Continue reading

A new generation of professionals and Cultural Heritage Messengers

The European Young Heritage Professionals Forum was organized by UNESCO in partnership with the European Union within the joint project ‘2018 – European Year of Cultural Heritage: Engaging Youth for an Inclusive and Sustainable Europe’. It took place from 20 … Continue reading

Workshop on Historical Irrigation Systems Management

The 28th of June, was held in the Castillejar (Granada) a full day workshop focus on the management of historical irrigation systems. The event was addressed to Municipalities, irrigator communities, Associations, water users and all these interested in technique of … Continue reading

Arno, Compagno di Vita – photoexhibition in Pisa

European Commission’s project WeAre#EuropeForCulture is partnering with Photoconsortium’s network to organize participatory events in various European cities, with the aim of creating exhibitions that include both institutional and crowdsourced heritage and which celebrate the diversity of European cultural heritage, by … Continue reading

European Commission report on Cultural Heritage: Digitisation, Online Accessibility and Digital Preservation

The Consolidated Progress Report reviews and assesses the overall actions and progress made by Member States in the European Union in implementing the Recommendation (2011/711/EU) which is one of the main EU policy instruments on digitisation, online access and digital … Continue reading

Panel discussion: “The Artist Isn’t (Physically) Present: Women in Digital Art”

Thursday 13th June at Showfields, Manhattan, New York,  the interesting panel discussion “The Artist Isn’t (Physically) Present: Women in Digital Art” took place to discuss why digital art, like other artistic format, continues to be dominated by male exponent although … Continue reading

Kaleidoscope project meeting in Helsinki

The progress meeting of 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope project took place on the 5th June in Helsinki, attached to the annual event of Photoconsortium hosted by Museovirasto. Partners met particularly to discuss the next steps in two main areas of … Continue reading

Fifth Biennial of Public Space: promote projects and initiatives to give quality and vitality to public spaces

The Biennal Public Space is an event for the exchange and dissemination of research activities and actions carried out on the issues of urban public spaces. The Fifth edition took place in Rome in the past few days, organized by … Continue reading

“The Strategic Use of Heritage Representations: The Small Towns of Podlasie Province”

Last May the open-access peer-reviewed international academic journal  “Urbanities” published the result of the Polish case study carried on in the framework of the Small Towns Heritage Pilot of REACH Project. The article was written by Luďa Klusáková(Charles University, Czech … Continue reading

“The legal framework of cultural landscapes in Andalusia (Spain): limits and possibilities of public participation from an archaeological perspective”

The independent European journal of post classical archaeologies PCA recently published an article facing the theme of the participation on cultural landscape. The contribution was given by Dott. L. Delgado Anés and  Prof. J.M. Martín Civantos from the University of Granada, … Continue reading