Topic: websites

REACH Local Encounter: “Intangible Roma cultural heritage in Hungary – Communities and participation”

The 21th May a local encounter organized by Elte University, task leader of Minority Heritage Pilot, was held at  the Gandhi Secondary School, located in Pécs; this is the first secondary school in Europe, devoted to preparing young Roma for … Continue reading

RomArchive project winner of the Creative Europe Reasearch Award

The 21 May the European Commission and Europa Nostra, the leading European heritage network, announced the winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2019, the Europe most prestigious honour in the field, funded by the Creative Europe … Continue reading

The first ROCK Roadshow: Technical tests of transmission!

The European ROCK project – Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural Heritage in Creative and Knowledge cities – funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program and coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna has organized its first Roadshow  that … Continue reading

The charming Roma Cultural Heritage

The upcoming local encounter of the Minority Heritage Pilot f REACH Project will be focusing on Roma intangible cultural heritage. It is hosted by the Gandhi High School in Pécs, the first Romani high school which became a part of … Continue reading

First meeting of ECHOES cluster

The 20th of May , at the EU premises in Covent Garden 2, Brussels, the first meeting of the ECHOES cluster will be held under the auspices of the EU Commission. The mission of ECHOES (Enabling Cultural Heritage Oriented European … Continue reading

Dancing Bodies in Coventry Project

Dancing Bodies in Coventry is a multimedia project that aims to start to document the legacy of dance in the city of Coventry. Funded by a Coventry University Group City of Culture Grant, the project is being run by Rosa … Continue reading

Get Involved!

Next  September 2019 world leaders from industry, finance, academia and business will meet in Brussels in occasion of the European research & Innovation Days, the annual policy event which aims is to mobilise EU citizens, increase awareness and understanding of … Continue reading

50s in Budapest, news and updates from the project

photos by Valentina Bachi. Hosted by partner OSZK, on 25th April a plenary meeting for the “Fifties in Europe Kaleidoscope” project took place in the beautiful premises of the National Library in Buda Castle. The meeting was attended by all … Continue reading

Brtnice town, REACH associate partner, winner of the Historical Town of the Year competition

The Historical Town of the Year competition  is organised by the Association of Historical places of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Regional Development of Czech Republic. The activities of the Association are in … Continue reading