Topic: websites

Applications for research position on Digital Heritage and Cultural Informatics in Cyprus

Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary qualifications in order to fill one (1) Full-time Researcher Position: Special Scientist for Research / Senior Researcher A / ERA Chair holder on Digital Cultural Heritage) at the newly established UNESCO … Continue reading

Small Towns Heritage Pilot- Regional meeting with associate partners

On 15 February Charles University, leader of the REACH Project Pilot on Small Towns Heritage, held a half-day regional meeting with the associated partners representing regional governance and the heritage institute in the Vysočina region. This small informal meeting took … Continue reading

REACH project local encounter: Mini-conference “The Roma Heritage of the 8th district”

The conference was co-organized by ELTE, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, together with the students of the Cultural Heritage MA programme of the Atelier department. The students completed a research during the first semester in three groups: they had … Continue reading

«The Museum for all people: Art, Accessibility and Social Inclusion»: call for papers

The International Conference “The Museum for all people: Art, Accessibility and Social Inclusion” will be held in Madrid between 2nd-5th April 2019 organized by the MUSACCES Consortium (UCM-UNED-AUM).   The conference aims to provide a forum for exchange and debate among museum managers, … Continue reading

daisie is a playground for creative collaboration, exchange and networking

daisie is a new app designed by a hugely passionate team who cares about the future of creatives in a rapidly changing world: daisie supports creatives work together and discover one another, by sharing original content, and facilitating exchange and … Continue reading

COURAGE Policy Brief

The COURAGE project (Cultural Opposition – Understanding the CultuRal HeritAGE of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries) is an international research project funded by Horizon 2020, it studied the role of culture in opposing authoritarian regimes and the efforts to … Continue reading

CH Symposium and Policy debate

One year after the Brussels launch of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH), REACH Social Platform for participatory approaches and social innovation in culture was presented a two-day event in Brussels on the 20th and the 21st of March … Continue reading

Italy: design, politics and democracy in the 20th century.

The focus of the conference organized by Associazione Italiana  Storici del Design is to investigate the complexity of historical relations between design and politics during the 20th century; the event will be held the 20th and 21st of June 2019 … Continue reading

«Not a mere tangential outbreak»: gender, feminism and cultural heritage

The journal CAPITALE CULTURALE Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage of the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism of the University of Macerata, has published the article «Not a mere tangential outbreak»: gender, feminism and cultural heritage by … Continue reading

A concept workshop for 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope

all photos courtesy Fred Truyen. One of the technological aspects in the 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope project relates to implement a specific visual matching search tool for photography of the Fifties, that will support user engagement with Europeana content and … Continue reading