Topic: websites

Get involve in Culture Moves project! Art, dance and touristic engagement

Culture Moves and the Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE)of Coventry University have organised a series of events addressed to dance artists and learners interested in finding new way of touristic and community engagement. The first of these meetings titled “Coffee … Continue reading

Strategies and opportunities for cultural heritage in the European Research Area

The seminar is organised in the framework of the European Year of Cultural heritage and aims to: • Present and analyze the opportunities and benefits offered by the participation to European research programs. • Give visibility to research and innovation … Continue reading

Heritage Evenings

Yesterday evening at 18,00 was held the  “Heritage-Evenings” event,  organized by ELTE BTK Atelier Európai Társadalomtudomány és Historiográfia Tanszék. During this joint Heritage evening, the representatives of the two  H2020 projects, REACH and Open Heritage, introduced and discuss the differences … Continue reading

International Workshop: Digital History and Public History

The meeting, held last 29th October at the University of Alicante, represented a good occasion for All those involved in the promotion an preservation of Cultural Heritage in order to introduce the projects they are currently carry on and debate … Continue reading

Where the researcher cannot get: open platforms to collaborate with citizens on cultural heritage research data

Last week, the Editorial of the University of Granada (UGR) and Downhill Publishing have published a book about Digital Humanities, titled “Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Digitales Aplicadas.Casos de estudio y perspectivas críticas”.(Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Applied. Case studies and … Continue reading

REACH project supports EUROMED Conference 2018

The 7th edition of the International Conference on Digital Heritage will host hundreds of excellent oral and poster presentations, as well as workshops and demonstrations from academia and industry, reflecting the wide scope of the work of the main actors … Continue reading

A digital design approach to creative and participatory content-making in digital heritage

“Decoding Kashgar: A Digital Design Approach to Steer and Diversify Creative Engagement in Digital Heritage.” is the title of a PhD thesis by Serdar Aydin at the Victoria University of Wellington. Digital tools have become critical instruments in preserving and … Continue reading

REACH project presented at the International Conference on Multiple Heritages

Last Tuesday 16th October, was celebrated the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Centre of studies of French language and culture at Warsaw University. For the occasion an International Conference titled: “Science et Société dans une Europe qui change”was … Continue reading

Open call for STARTS residencies!

Tech Projects Interested in working with artists to expand technological boundaries, explore novel utilizations, produce new prototypes, and stimulate groundbreaking processes? Boost the innovation potential of your technology by applying to the STARTS Residencies! Only two weeks left to submit … Continue reading

Call for application! “Bologna si mette in gioco. Playable Bologna”

The public contest “Bologna si mette in gioco- Playable Bologna” is open for applications up to November 27th 2018. Applicants shall develop a videogame aimed at highlighting the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of Bologna taking off from some ideas … Continue reading