Topic: websites

WATIFY: Inspire to Transform

WATIFY: Inspire to Transform takes place on 2 May at DNK – Space for Contemporary Dance and Performance, National Palace of Culture (Sofia, Bulgaria) and is organised by WATIFY, an awareness-raising campaign funded by the European Commission to stimulate the … Continue reading

Digital Abysses 2018 – Miguel Chevalier

With his exhibition entitled Digital Abysses, artist Miguel Chevalier takes over the monumental spaces of the Bordeaux Submarine Base. This exhibition present, over 3,500 square meters, ten monumental installations, as well as cabinets of curiosities containing more than 100 new … Continue reading

Last call: TEMA+ European Territories-Heritage and Development Erasmus Mundus joint master degree

          The application for the TEMA+ European Territories: Heritage and Development EMJMD with an Erasmus Mundus scholarship is still open until the 31st of March 2018. Do you speak English and French? Do you want to … Continue reading

E-Space MOOC at ECHIC 2018 conference

The Faculty of Arts of KU Leuven and KU Leuven Libraries hosted a European Conference for the Humanities on behalf of the European Consortium of Humanities Institutes and Centres (ECHIC, the 2018 theme is “Equip & Engage: Research and Dissemination … Continue reading

REACH at “Innovation and Cultural Heritage” conference in Brussels

A Horizon 2020 conference of The European Year of Cultural Heritage was  organised in Brussels by the European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation, in close cooperation with the Directorates General for Education and Culture and for Communications Networks, … Continue reading

“ARE YOU READY TO PARTICIPATE?” Communicating the Museum’s 20th edition

Today’s museums are working towards being more inclusive, encouraging participation and a greater diversity of audiences, ideas and perspectives. The main challenges remain as museums strive to meet with their audiences in genuinely participatory ways. The pressure is on museums … Continue reading

Digital Nights: Digital Poetry

Onassis Cultural Centre organized an interesting encounter with J. R. Carpenter, moderated by Prodromos Tsiavos and Thodoris Chiotis. Athens (Greece), 21st March 2018, h19:00 Galaxia & Evridamantos str. (behind the OCC building) Website: J.R. Carpenter first began using the … Continue reading

REACH project at conference/workshop “Cultural heritage, social cohesion and place attachment” in Budapest

Organized by the Hungarian Academy of Science, Centre for Social Science / Institute of Sociology, an important event took place in Budapest on 20-21 March. Following the opening talk by Melanie K. Smith (entitled “New Insights into Cultural heritage and Sense … Continue reading

iPres 2018 – where art and science meet: the art in science and the science in art

iPRES 2018 BOSTON – Where Art and Science Meet – The Art In the Science & The Science In the Art of Digital Preservation – will be co-hosted by MIT Libraries and Harvard Library on September 24-27, 2018. The call for contributions seeks abstracts for papers that tell stories about bridging knowledge gaps in teams, implementing technologies, and overcoming barriers towards proper digital stewarding of digital items, assets, works and collections. Continue reading

Digital Heritage 2018 – 3rd International Congress & Expo

New Realities: Authenticity & Automation in the Digital Age In San Francisco, at the epicenter of the digital revolution, DigitalHERITAGE 2018 was organized with an amazing lineup of talks, exhibits, workshops, tutorials, special sessions and more, including: Internet Archive founder … Continue reading