Topic: home_art

Augmented Reality makes street art come to life

South Florida-based artist Luis Valle, who has spraypainted murals across Miami, is a part of a project called “Augmented Reality.” Using an app, Mussa, viewers can have an augmented reality experience and view a 3D model of his artworks. Luis … Continue reading

Land / Sea / Signal exhibition launch in RuaRed / Dublin, Ireland

Alan Butler, Gregory Chatonsky, John Gerrard, Nicolas Sassoon, Rick Silva and Santa France Curated by Nora O Murchú Rua Red: 20th July – 14th September From overhead satellites to underwater sea cables — network infrastructures and algorithmic software systems are … Continue reading

More than real: art in the digital age

The annual Verbier Art Summit connects thought leaders to key figures in the art world and creates a platform for discourse, innovation and change in a non-transactional context. It is an independent initiative organised by a non-profit association in partnership … Continue reading

Cupid comes to life and gets out of Rubens’ painting

In a waiting room decorated with paintings by Rubens, a Cupid from the painting The Feast of Venus (1636) decided to have a good time randoming in the room. Continue reading

Interaction Design students created a full-scale replica of 1968 semi-interactive installation “Colloquy of Mobiles”

from CCS’s website When we talk about talking to each other in the 21st century — communication, connection — the emphasis is often on how technology enhances or diminishes personal interaction. Every day we engage with smart machines and interfaces, from … Continue reading

From zero* to infinity! Video Art Miden*

Video Art Miden is expanding and broadening, and is ready to present a rich program of international video art in Kalamata -more specifically at the Historic Center and the beach of the city. Celebrating the strong relationship of the organization … Continue reading

UBIQUE – هنا، في كل مكان multimedia theatre performance

This is a multimedia performance generated from the meeting between the Lebanese company Minwal Theater and KyberTeatro, which will be presented in Cagliari on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 June, starting at 9 pm, at Spazio Osc di via Newton … Continue reading

Fiaticorti Film Festival: Entries to the 19th Edition are now open

The Festival is organized by the Municipality of Istrana (TV) and designed by a group of young people under 30 years of age. The 19th edition is divided into three sections: • Fiaticorti: dedicated to national and international short films; … Continue reading

“UBIQUE”, a theatre and new technologies play as the outcome of an artistical technological residency

Minwal Theater Company is a Lebanese theatre company awarded last year at the third edition of Le Meraviglie Del Possibile, LMDP International Theater art and new technologies’ Festival, with their work BARZAKH | Isthmus, in December 2016. Jad Hakawati and … Continue reading

EUCIDA Travel Award: Call out for European Digital Artists and Cultural Workers

EUCIDA is a EU Creative Europe project led by South Dublin Arts Centre Company Ireland, in partnership with Le Département du Territoire de Belfort (France) and Rezeknes Novada Pasvaldiba (Lativa). It is an interactive and innovative community of digital, media … Continue reading