Topic: home_art


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) might be considered by many as synonyms, also because they are the buzzwords of this decade. But actually they are not. They both question though, the ability of the machines to perform and … Continue reading


On December 2017, Kyber Teatro organises in Cagliari (Italy) the fourth edition of International Theatre, Art and New Technologies Festival Le meraviglie del Possibile LMDP Festival is the first of this kind in the whole Italy. It aim to promote … Continue reading

IM052017: Speculative Societies

Thursday, 25th May 2017 7 – 9:30pm at The Trampery Republic A previous edition of Interfaces Monthly (IM092016: ‘A Matter of Materiality’) explored the spatial politics of materiality and immateriality. As an extension of this, IM052017: Speculative Societies will deal with the … Continue reading

In/Out – Artificial Paradises 2017, installation in Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire

IN/OUT – Artificial Paradises is an exclusive multi sensory work of art / installation by Miguel Chevalier for the park in Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire and is accompanied by Jacopo Baboni Schilingi original and generative music. A half elliptical architecture made … Continue reading

An interview with film-maker Ivan Barge about his award-winning short film “Madam Black”

Ivan Barge directed the multi-award winning, Madam Black, a deliciously dark comedy with novel use for a dead cat. On the way home from work, Marcus runs over a cat.  He meets its young owner, Tilly and tells her that … Continue reading

Flower Power 2017, Miguel Chevalier: spring campaign LOVE IN BLOOM, Jing An Kerry Centre, Shanghai (China)

Miguel Chevalier has created three monumental installations, especially for the Jing An Kerry Centre in Shanghai, that are an ode to nature, announcing and celebrating the arrival of Spring.   “Digital Water Lilies” is a new site-specific virtual interactive garden … Continue reading

VaporScape – interactive soundscape installation that reacts with body data

VaporScape is an interactive soundscape installation collaborated with NikeLab’s The Vision-Airs project, globally launched for celebrating the new VaporMax technology. The idea behind is about detecting the humidity of the room, temperature on audience’s skin and translate the vaporization rate … Continue reading

NEoN Digital Arts Festival 2016: The Spaces We’re In

Physical urban space and virtual information space are inseparably intertwined. How does being digital change our sense of our spatial surroundings? Can we play in or animate the hybrid or glitched spaces in-between? Is there negative space in cyberspace? NEoN … Continue reading

Paul, the robot who can draw like a human artist

From Digital Trends online magazine. UK artist Patrick Tresset has eventually turned to robotics, creating a computational system that is “artistic, expressive, and obsessive” in its ability to draw, and more than just a copy machine, Tresset’s robots are designed … Continue reading

Winners of Open& Hybrid Publishing Pilot competition / Photomediations

After much deliberation, the Photomediations team (Open&Hybrid Publishing Pilot of E-Space project), together with guest curators Katrina Sluis (The Photographers Gallery), Karen Newman (Birmingham Open Media), and Pippa Milne (Centre for Contemporary Photography), are proud to announce the overall winner, curators’ choices and commendations for … Continue reading