Topic: home_art

ULTRAORBISM brings performing arts a step forward

The impact of the distributed performance, as new forms of Cultural Heritage expression, is studied in the framework of the RICHES project. “ULTRAORBISM” opens new doors for experimental and creative formats using advanced visual environments in the field of telematics and distributed events. The potential utilities of the results are very rich from a technical point of view and also from an artistic perspective, and the excellent results of this experience present a very optimistic future in the development of co-creation environments in Europe and the use of ICT in the fields of culture and the arts. Continue reading

ADDICTed to creative and cultural industries!

Last month EBN welcomed ADDICT – Creative Industries Portugal, the Creative Industries Agency in Portugal. ADDICT is a non-profit association created in 2008. It currently gathers around 100 members and is recognised by the Ministry for Economy as the coordinator of the Creative Industries Cluster in Portugal. ADDICT’s mission is to foster a favourable environment for culture and creative economy to thrive, advocating the sector interests and acting as platform for knowledge and innovation. Continue reading

Ballade of Women for women’s right

Ballade of Women is an interactive installation that explores perspectives on women’s rights. Through the lens of the personal experience of three women, the exhibition offers an interactive narration on three fundamental themes: emancipation, self-determination and violence. In the installation, representations of three paintings are fragmented and float in the space; set on rotating spindles, these fragments resist attempts by the viewer to capture them as a whole. Thus, the screens only provide a complete view of the paintings at selected times and from specific view-points in the room… Continue reading

Pisa Game Jam 2015

In Pisa, a 3-days event including an opening workshop, where videogames veterans, people with decades of expertise in the field, as well as young students who just started a BSc in Computer Science or Arts (or any other faculty of course) met and accepted the challenge of creating a videogame in 48 hours. Continue reading

Creative Industries and the Arts

Recently, it was published a very interesting article in the Guardian, about creative industries and creative people in the UK. The article reports the opinion of 3 relevant professionals, who are also speakers at Remix Summit 2014, on why supporting artists … Continue reading

Wired Sussex at #BDF14

For the last (full) week of September, 22nd – 26th, at Brighton Digital Festival, Wired Sussex will be coordinating Creative, Digital & IT Open Studios, an event which provides an opportunity for local businesses to lift the curtain on what goes on behind the scenes in the sector. Wired Sussex is a Brighton-based membership organisation for companies and freelancers operating in the digital, media and technology sector in Sussex, UK. Continue reading

Teleperformance: collaborating towards new artistic forms.

New technologies have opened new perspectives in the artistic field. Nowadays, numerous artistic and cultural projects use those technologies as tools, subjects or medium to explore and express new visions of the real and virtual worlds. One of these technologies, … Continue reading

EMERGENCES, a Festival for digital arts

Our correspondents from France inform about a biennal international festival dedicated to electronic cultures and emerging artistic forms. Emergences festival presents innovative projects (hybridization of the artistic forms, new writings, scenography and the relationship to public, way of production) by giving a particular attention to the “emergent” artists. Continue reading