DIGITAL MEETS CULTURE Official registered magazine
Saturday, 15 March 2025
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Scenarios illustrating end user concerns

Scenario 2.1.
Researcher discovers a historical database

Researcher in history discovers a historical database resource presenting parish records. She would like to use the data, but she is also concerned to what extent these data could be trusted (authenticity, error rates introduced, errors caused by any transformations needed).


Scenario 2.2.
Research and select a tool serving a specific purpose

A university lecturer in art history wants to use a collection of digitised art images made 15 years ago. They are stored in a format he is not familiar with. Since there are about 200 images, the researcher is looking for tools which would convert them into a format he could easily use in batch mode. He is not sure how to identify a tool or a service which could do this.


Scenario 2.3.
Accessing digitised content from schools

Secondary school students are making an assignment looking at historical maps of their village. They already paid a visit to the local museum but discovered some old digitised maps on the internet.


Scenario 2.4.
Gain access to archived websites

A history student interested in natural history discovers that Riksarkivet has archived the “Linnéjubilet” web site .He wonders how he can get access to it (the link obviously doesn’t work anymore).