Search Results for: cultural project

PREFORMA presented at OFA Event & FOSDEM 2014

Researchers and practitioners from the PREFORMA project participated to the OFA event and at FOSDEM to present the project and to discuss challenges for memory institutions related to implementation of file formats. Continue reading

Europeana 2022: Making digital culture count

From 28 to 30 September the annual Europeana conference will take place in a hybrid format: online and on-site at the KB, National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague. It will be a three-day event to learn, explore and … Continue reading

2013 Teldap International Conference

Highlighting Retrospect & Prospect as the theme, 2013 TELDAP International Conference was scheduled on March 14-16 at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. In 2008, Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archive Program (TELDAP) was launched to integrate the digital archiving and e-learning projects … Continue reading

Call for application! “Bologna si mette in gioco. Playable Bologna”

The public contest “Bologna si mette in gioco- Playable Bologna” is open for applications up to November 27th 2018. Applicants shall develop a videogame aimed at highlighting the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of Bologna taking off from some ideas … Continue reading

INCULTUM first institutional animation meeting in Sicily

The INCULTUM project is an international initiative which landed in Sicily by implementing a Pilot project for tourism promotion in the area of Trapani, coordinated by GAL ELIMOS, Local Action Group. The Pilot is innested in a larger initiative called … Continue reading

Three avenues of innovation explored by Bibracte as part of the INCULTUM pilot

Image and text Flore Coppin, courtesy of Bibracte. As part of its role of innovation manager of the INCULTUM consortium, BIBRACTE contributes to promote innovation in the products and processes proposed, or in techniques and approaches in the different INCULTUM … Continue reading

CULTURA Presentation in Humanities Lecture at University of Graz

On 21st January 2014, in cooperation with the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Graz the TUG team had the opportunity to give a presentation on the CULTURA project to humanities students in the lecture ‘Basic Module: Digital Humanities’. Continue reading

part II – Paradata, Metadata & Data in 2D/3D Digital Heritage Documentation

This webinar in two parts brought together professionals from the spectrum of Digital Cultural Heritage practice to share their experiences of using and working with paradata seeking to lay down a common understanding of paradata as a first step towards … Continue reading

The Fear devours the Soul

Friday 14th and Saturday 15th h 21:00; Sunday 16th of December 2018 h 18:00 SPAZIO OSC, CAGLIARI – “THE FEAR DEVOURS THE SOUL” Theatre and New Technologies Performance outcome of the technological creative residence A.R.T.E – AUGMENTED REALITY EXPERIENCE – … Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at OPATL in Girona

Sònia Oliveras i Artau from Girona City Council, one of the memory institutions participating as procurers in PREFORMA, presented the PREFORMA project to the Permanent Observatory of Archives and Local Televisions (OPATL) in Girona, a collaboration project started in 2008 with its main aim to preserve the local television heritage at the regions of Catalonia and Andorra. Continue reading