Search Results for: cultural project

veraPDF 1.0 released

The veraPDF consortium announced the release of veraPDF 1.0, an open-source industry-supported PDF/A validator. Led by the Open Preservation Foundation and the PDF Association, veraPDF validates all parts and conformance levels of ISO 19005 (PDF/A). The software is available under a MPLv2+/GLPv3+ license. The software is available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. Please help us improve the software by downloading and testing it. Continue reading

Optical views: a way to travel through Europe – a new blogpost on Europeana

img. from Europeana website As part of the EUreka3D project, a blogpost authored by Helena Nogué (CRDI – Ajuntament de Girona) was recently published on Europeana. The blogpost showcases how optical views were used in 18th and early 19th century … Continue reading

MediaConch Newsletter #7 – Sept. 2016

What’s new in MediaConch 16.08, the results of the pre-IETF Berlin Symposium: “No Time to Wait!: Standardizing FFV1 & Matroska for Preservation”, and much more in this September edition of MediaConch newsletter. Sign up for the upcoming webinar on September 15th and meet MediaArea folks and PREFORMA at large during a workshop organised at iPRES in Bern, Switzerland on October 5th. Continue reading

E-Space Digital Dance Day in Coventry

by Hetty Blades and Rosamaria Cisneros, Coventry, University (UK). As part of the EU funded Europeana Space (E-Space) project, C-DaRE  held its Digital Dance Day March 16th, 2016, to showcase two recently developed digital tools for dance practice and scholarship. E-Space is a three-year project, now in … Continue reading

EVA Florence 2020 – POSTPONED

POSTPONED – new dates to be confirmed EVA FLORENCE: the annual event about Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts Conference, Training and Workshops Palazzo Bastogi, 6 – 7 May 2020 Who Should Attend: – The Cultural Sector – The Government … Continue reading

Remarkable outcomes for the REACH International Workshop on Rural Heritage

The last 26th November, the University of Granada, task leader of the Rural Heritage Pilot of the REACH project, held a Workshop on“Participatory Approaches for Territorial Cohesion”. Aim of the meeting was to investigate the value of participatory preservation of … Continue reading

Thinking ahead sustainability – FLAGSHIP Final Conference

The FLAGSHIP final public conference will be held on December 16, 2015, at CEPS premises (Centre for European Policy Studies), Congresplaats 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, with the title of “Thinking ahead sustainably: Policies, Scenarios and Models to address Grand Societal Challenges”. FLAGSHIP is … Continue reading

veraPDF version 0.10 released

The latest version of veraPDF is now available for download in the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. veraPDF is building the definitive, file-format validator for all parts and conformance levels of ISO 19005 (PDF/A). This version contains several feature enhancements (conformance checker, command line, and test corpus) as well as some bug fixes. This marks the end of the PREFORMA project’s first re-design phase. Continue reading

Tibetan Opera, the most popular traditional opera of minority ethnic groups in China

Text by Caterina Sbrana. Let’s continue our research on intangible cultural heritage to learn about the most popular traditional opera of minority ethnic groups in China, the Tibetan Opera, nowdays accessible online at, or at The contribution of … Continue reading

“Arts and territory” – a participatory approach

“Art and territory” is a participatory approach adopted in the pilot running in Bibracte, Morvan, in the frame of the INCULTUM project. The approach is using scientific methods and artistic practices to analyse the challenges of a shared heritage landscape. … Continue reading