ILUCIDARE Playground: Cracking the future of heritage

CatturaThe ILUCIDARE project is happy to invite you to participate at this open initiative focused on sparking discussion, networking, international exchanges and innovation.
All these that have an interest in CH and innovation can leave their contribute to the debate and to aligning a international and EU actions for heritage and international cultural relations.
As all ILUCIDARE events which stimulate interdisciplinary interactions and networking among participants also this upcoming meeting will offer a special opportunity for exchange experiences in heritage-led innovation and international relations and create network.
The event is co-organised by ROCK, RURITAGE, ECHOES and CLIC projects and it is divided into a morning and a afternoon full programme.
Read more about ILUCIDARE playground
Click here for the registration

Archiving 2020

Join an international community of technical experts, managers, practitioners, and academics from cultural heritage institutions, universities, and commercial enterprises, to explore and discuss the digitization, preservation, and access of 
2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, and audio-visual materials, including documents, photographs, books, paintings, videos, and born digital works.


Call for papers available HERE

archiving 2020

Program Topics


  • New developments in digitization technologies and workflows
  • Advanced imaging techniques and image processing, e.g., multispectral imaging, 3D imaging
  • Large scale/mass digitization and workflow management systems
  • Quality assurance and control 
of digitization workflow, e.g., targets, software, automation, integration

Preservation / Archiving

  • Formats, specifications, 
and systems
  • Management of metadata
  • Standards and guidelines
  • Archival models and workflows

Access of 2D, 3D, and AV materials

  • Dissemination and use of digitized 
materials, e.g., rights management, crowdsourcing, data mining, data visualizations
  • Formats for preservation and access
  • Deep learning algorithms to improve search results; AI, machine learning, etc.
  • Open access and open data strategies
  • Integration of linked open [usable] data (LOD/LOUD)/Open source solutions/APIs (automated programming interface, e.g., IIIFs)

Management and Partnerships

  • Policies, strategies, plans, and risk management; repository assessment
  • Business and cost models
  • Collaborations and partnership best practices/lessons learned/case studies

Orbites 2019 – Miguel Chevalier

orbites_3Miguel Chevalier’s fourteen-meter-high light sculpture “Orbites” premiered in Beaugrenelle Paris shopping centre.

This sculpture-installation is composed of nine aluminum rings covered with LED lights.
The rings, from 1.5 to 3 meters in diameter, are arranged in a cascade. They are like ajuggler’s rings stopped in mid flight. This work is a first for the artist. It was conceived specifically for Beaugrenelle and echoes the atrium’s architecture, which is composed at each level of an ellipse (architect :Valode & Pistre).
Thanks to the LEDs covering the sculpture and to a specific computer program, infinite choreographies in colored light are generated in real time.
They bring these nine rings to life while continually transforming the volume of the sculpture.
Surprising visual experiences are created while playing with the circularity and height of this sculpture-installation. Waves of light embracing all the colors of the color wheel move in continuous flux as they circulate from one ring to another, cross each other, and wander off on multiple chance paths.
These flowing lines become them metaphorical image for the multiplicity of data generated each day that weave together our environment and circulate non stop at an ever more rapid pace.

Miguel Chevalier – Orbites 2019 – Beaugrenelle Paris from Miguel Chevalier on Vimeo.

Orbites 2019 –Miguel Chevalier
Beaugrenelle Paris
Exhibition from 12 September to 7 November 2019
Curator: Jérôme Neutres
Coordination: Büro Constance Breton
Software: Claude Micheli
Technical production: Voxels Productions and LedPXL
Photos credit: Nicolas Gaudelet

Intangible Cultural Heritage database

Text by Caterina Sbrana.

We begin a multimedia journey that will lead us through some databases that contain extraordinary documents related to intangible cultural heritage.
We will first see how the South China Research Center of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology operated. In the next article we will go to Europe  referring  to the Patrimoine vivant de la France before returning to the East, in Tibet.

When we talk about cultural heritage we generally think of monuments or collections of objects; more rarely we pay attention to the fact that oral traditions transmitted by our ancestors, including language, rites and feasts and many others, constitute a great intangible cultural heritage whose preservation is indispensable to foster intercultural dialogue, in mutual respect for different ways of living and cultural diversity. For the purpose of collecting this intangible heritage, in 1989 UNESCO presented the first Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore, followed in 2001 by the Universal Declaration on Cultural diversity, until the adoption, in 2003, of the Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible Cultural Heritage. As stated in the foreword of the Convention, the invaluable role of the intangible cultural heritage is being a factor in bringing humans closer together, ensuring exchange and understanding among them, with the aim to ensure respect for the intangible cultural heritage of the communities, groups and individuals concerned. foto hong kong_3In 2009 the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of Hong Kong decided to start the collection of oral testimonies to create an archive of intangible cultural heritage. The Department assigned the research work to the South China Research Center of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology that finished the first inventory in 2013.The web site is very interactive and search can be done both for Rilevancy, Title, Popularity, either by Publishing date, Publishing year, from oldest or newest. foto hong kong_2Among the collections we have: Digital collection, e-book, Old H.K. newspapers, Exhibition; Hong Kong intangible Cultural Heritage database. Who is interested in the study on the history of Hong Kong, district development, social life as well as the local heritage preservation in Hong Kong can explore the Digital collection, focusing first on the Photo section that allows you to have an idea of the huge and fast economic development of the metropolis. It contains 13975 old photos of Hong Kong dating back to the mid-19th century, with themes on historic buildings, street scenes, social customs and traditions, festivals and people’s livelihood.

foto hong kong_4This picture is from 1865 and represents a view of Hong Kong from Scandal Point; the Government House is at the center of the photograph. We find a single photo of the goverment House constructed in 1855 as a Colonial Renaissance style and put next to it the modern photo, which shows not only the architectural changes made to it during japanese occupation, but the development of the city occurred since the 1950s.

foto hong kong_5
Aerial view taken on June 8, 2017 shows the scenery in Hong Kong, south China. This year marks the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai).



Going into the oral history material we find social practices, rituals, performing arts, culture of traditional Chinese medicine and we are warned that it is extracted from people’s memories, which inevitably become blurred or distorted in the course of time; sometimes the memories are hazy because of the different state of mind, of the different health conditions as well as the environmental ones.
The White Tiger Festival is placed among the social practices, while fishing techniques in traditional crafts. There are then legends, puzzles, expressions.
The database contains 480 items for public access that are available in Chinese version with a abstracts in English for ethnic Minorities groups items.

foto hong kong_6We believe that the intangible cultural heritage must be compliant with international human rights instruments, as well as with the requirements of mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals, and of sustainable development.

GIF IT UP! 2019 edition

GIF-IT-UP_logo_featureFor the sixth time, from 1 – 31 October, all GIF-makers, cultural heritage enthusiasts and lovers of the internet are invited to create brand new GIFs by remixing copyright-free and openly licensed material from Europeana, Digital Public Library of AmericaDigital NZ and Trove.


1. Find an inspiring piece of copyright-free / openly licensed material from Europeana CollectionsDPLATrove, or DigitalNZ.
2. Create an awesome GIF.
3. Submit it for a chance to win great prizes.
4. Share your creation on social media using the hashtag #GIFITUP2019


This year the competition has a special prize for GIFs relating to industrial heritage as part of Europeana’s ‘Europe at Work’ season. Work is an integral part of our lives and cultural history wherever we live, and the 2019 edition of GIF IT UP offers great inspiration for people to engage with that history by creating GIFs with images from Europeana’s new industrial heritage collection.

Another special category is for children and teenagers between 6 and 18. Creating GIFs is a great way to develop digital skills and learn about copyright and online sharing from a young age.

Have fun!

Link to Europeana



VIDEO ART MIDEN // Call for entries 2019-20

Video-Art-Miden_Logo_Transparent-B-300x300Video Art Miden invites all video artists and video creators to participate in the next events & collaborations of Miden. The call will be open until November 30th 2019. The call is open to every creator (individuals, groups or organizations) of any nationality and background.

There are no thematic or morphological restrictions, but for the next edition Miden is particularly interested in video art, video-performance, video-dance, experimental music videos, animation.

In addition, Miden addresses a special call for the following thematic tributes:

-a tribute to Ophelia.

-a special call under the theme “Safe Mode”, which will be curated and exhibited in collaboration with TILT platform. “Safe Mode”, known to every computer user as a tech term, should be also used anthropologically and metaphorically, to describe and explore processes and phenomena of modern life, based on politics, human behavior and psychology. TILT is a creative platform of artists, researchers and theorists. The TILT platform creates and presents art projects and exhibitions, explores and intervenes in the public space and on the Internet. More info on the concept of “Safe Mode” can be found here.

-a special call under the theme “Frontpage”, which will be curated and exhibited in collaboration with curator Eva Maragaki (AxionArt) and the European Communication Institute (ECI). The exhibition is scheduled to take place in Athens in spring of 2020. For this specific project Miden is seeking for video art works which make creative use of news and headlines in newspapers, magazines and the internet.

-a special tribute to the history of Greek video art, for which Miden invites visual artists from Greece who incorporated video in their artistic practice since the ’80s and ’90s to send their early art videos (or video documentations of video-installations and performances) from this period. Curators who would like to contribute their research on this theme are also welcomed.

There is no entry fee.


Entry forms and preview links can be submitted electronically until November 30, 2019 at festivalmiden[at]

More info, entry regulations & entry form can be found at:


Video Art Miden is an independent organization for the exploration and promotion of video art. Founded by an independent group of Greek artists in 2005, it has been one of the earliest specialized video-art festivals in Greece and builded an international festival identity, presenting an annual video art festival for a decade. Since 2015, Miden continues its work changing its form to a more flexible and broadened event programming, setting as basic aims to stimulate the creation of original video art, to help spread it and develop relevant research.

Through collaborations and exchanges with major international festivals and organizations, it has been recognized as one of the most successful and interesting video art platforms internationally and as an important cultural exchange point for Greek and international video art. It also provides an alternative meeting point for emerging and established artists and a communication hub between artists, organizations, festivals and art spaces around the world.

Miden screening programs have traveled in many cities of Greece and all over the world, and they are hosted by significant festivals, museums and institutions globally.

(*Miden means “zero” in Greek)

Art directors: Gioula Papadopoulou  |  Margarita Stavraki

Info:  | |

e-mail: festivalmiden[at]

Have your say: EC consultation about digital culture


img. from Europeana Pro blog.

The European Union is now consulting on what the priorities will be for the first two years of the Digital Europe Programme, the new funding programme currently preparing for 2021-2022. Sufficient support for digital culture is not guaranteed – the programme covers a wide range of issues, activities and projects, and we all know that culture is often one of the first areas to get squeezed out.Vocal support for our work and our sector will give us the best chances of being allocated sufficient funding. Indeed, the proposal document (p. 5) says as much, putting important store on this stakeholder consultation.

This consultation is an opportunity for you to make sure the Commission hears the voice of the cultural heritage sector, as the programme will boost investments in supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, and ensuring a wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society. Digital cultural heritage and Europeana are part of these technologies.

Find out more about the consultation and take the online survey now. The consultation will close on 25 October.

More on Europeana Pro blog.

Open Archives 5th Conference with ArchivCamp!
cropped-1.-Akteneinsicht_Wensierski-1The opening of the Stasi Records was a unique act following the Peaceful Revolution of 1989 turning the archive into a role model for many post-dictatorial societies. With the enactment of the Stasi Records Act on January 2, 1992, citizens for the first time were able to view their files in order to clarify the influence the Stasi had on their fate. The former Stasi headquarters meanwhile was turned into an educational site addressing issues of dictatorship and resistance, as well as a learning space for democracy. This unique location will be host to the fifth edition of the “Open Archives”-conference in Berlin, to which we invite you on 4th and 5th of November 2019, on the 30th anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution.
Part of the program (german long-version: ) are thought-provoking keynotes and short lectures and a panel discussion on archives, digital and cultural policy on November, 4th – with Roland Jahn (Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records), Gerald Maier (President of the State Archives of Baden-Wuerttemberg), Helene Hahn (Wikimedia Deutschland), Erhard Grundl (MdB, spokesman for cultural policy of the Alliance90 / The Green party’s parliamentary group) and Martin Rabanus (MdB, spokesman for culture and media, SPD parliamentary group).
But the program has more to offer! A BarCamp allows participants on both days of the conference the opportunity for low-threshold, but also intense discussion. Topics can be contributed spontaneously. Established ways of thinking in the traditional world of archiving can be challenged! (BarCamp-session-call:
Location: The Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records (BStU)
Stasi headquarters. Campus for Democracy 
“Haus 22”, Ruschestrasse 103, 10365 Berlin
More informations and free registration:
More informations about “Open archives”-initiatives in Germany and the working-group via

Open position in San Diego at “Art, Media, and Design” faculty

The Art, Media, and Design Department (AMD) at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) seeks a full-time tenure track candidate whose work is based in 2-D studio arts including drawing, painting and printmaking as well as hybrid analogue and digital practices across these media. Applicants should demonstrate a professional record of exhibitions and theoretical understanding of the field. The position coincides with the roll out of the new Art, Media, and Design degree, giving the candidate an opportunity to develop curriculum.


The University is particularly interested in applicants who have experience working with students from diverse backgrounds and a demonstrated commitment to improving access to higher education for under-represented groups. The department of Art, Media, and Design is committed to increasing the diversity of the campus community. Candidates who have experience working with a diverse range of faculty, staff, and students, and who can contribute to the climate of inclusivity are encouraged to identify their experiences in these areas.

Read the full post:

Enslaved Africans across the Atlantic world

text by Caterina Sbrana.

We already mentioned in the past about the theme of the slave trade heritage digitization  projects, that is a topic of extensive research especially for American Institutions. One of these projects developed the site, that is a database built in three years of development by a multi-disciplinary team.


I was personally very impressed with the project description: “This digital memorial raises questions about the largest slave trades in history and offers access to the documentation available to answer them. European colonizers turned to Africa for enslaved laborers to build the cities and extract the resources of the Americas. They forced millions of mostly unnamed Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas, and from one part of the Americas to another. Analyze these slave trades and view interactive maps, timelines, and animations to see the dispersal in action”.


You can immediately notice that the home page has a very captivating design and the graphic reflects the theme treated, starting from the strong contrast between the black background containing in transparency an image of a slave ship and the white of the caption. Through this page we have access to a large amount of resources such as maps, 3D video, timeline.

The section titled “Introductory Maps” permits to be aware of the slave trade since 1500. These maps show us not only the slavery trade routes in the Atlantic, but also the number of the slaves from Africa and Asia to America and Intra-America slave trade. We can have an idea of how  ships were, viewing a 3D Video reconstruction of the slave vessel L’Aurore. A particular timeline shows the number of captives embarked and disembarked per year and it permits to understand the number of people who died along the voyages.


This project, carried out at Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, has been possible thanks to National Endowment for the Humanities, the University of California at Irvine, and the University of California at Santa Cruz. The Hutchins Center of Harvard University has also provided support.
