Management of Territorial Tourism Development

As part of the INCULTUM Pilot about San Pellegrino in Alpe, in the frame of the Executive Master Management of Territorial Tourism Development organised by Fondazione Campus and Touring Club Italiano, the INCULTUM project was presented and discussed with the students and teachers participating in the master.

The INCULTUM team coordinated by Prof. Enrica Lemmi discussed the project during a lesson, looking at the partnerships established and the ideas born to develop an innovative tourism offer based on the use of  Don Luigi Pellegrini Museum and the surrounding area of the high Valley of Garfagnana. Dr. Pirrone, as community manager of the INCULTUM pilot project, introduced also the topic of the academic courses developed under the leading of University of Pisa, which will be soon ready to be uploaded on the INCULTUM Training Portal.

The students were very interested in the topic and a productive dialogue developed within the lesson.

Further information about the the master is available in Italian at:

Some pictures from the lesson about the INCULTUM project:

Recovery of Alpanchía irrigation channel

As part of the INCULTUM Pilot on the Altiplano de Granada, on the next 16 and 17 December 2023, the recovery of the irrigation ditch of La Alpanchía, in Galera (Granada, Spain) will take place.

The activity is organized by the Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory (MEMOLab UGR), coordinated by Professor Dr. José María Martín Civantos, from the Department of Medieval History and CCTTHH of the UGR and the PASOS Association.

The Galera City Council, the Alpanchía Association, the Community of Irrigators of Galera and the ACEQUIAS HISTÓRICAS Association have also collaborated.

In this action, about 60 volunteers from various interests and disciplines will participate. This will consist of the recovery of the irrigation ditch of La Alpanchía, abandoned for about 5 years. It is one of the main arteries of the fertile plain of this municipality and with its abandonment, numerous ecosystemic benefits and cultural and historical values are being lost. The work will consist of removing vegetation and soil using shovels and hoes, organized by work groups.

Bibracte, a territorial interface for participatory research in the Morvan

On November 22, 23 and 24 2023, Bibracte, partner of the INCULTUM project, participated in the conference “Participatory research: knowledge and recognition” organised by the Université de Caen Normandie.

Bibracte took part in the roundtable ”Bringing participatory research to life” on the topic “Bibracte, a territorial interface for participatory research in the Morvan”. The  presentation focused on the pilot project led by Bibracte.

As part of their joint SAPS (Science Avec et Pour la Société: Science for and with Society) label project, the Université de Caen Normandie and Le Dôme (a centre for the promotion of scientific and technical culture) have chosen to focus on the development of participatory research programs, in which citizens, students and non-scientific audiences from all walks of life are invited to take part in different phases of scientific research programs with university teams. But what exactly is participatory research, in all its diversity? What kind of science, or knowledge, do they produce? What are their perhaps specific methods? How can we encourage the emergence of participatory research that addresses the concerns of a given population or territory, while respecting the specific methods and objectives of researchers? What impact can this type of research have on public and collective action?

This first conference on participatory research programs at the University of Caen aims to address these questions by bringing together researchers who study the phenomenon of participation in science, and researchers and actors involved in participatory research programs. For this first edition, the symposium proposes in particular to question the epistemological conceptions that underlie participatory research schemes.

The conference proceedings will be published in 2024.

“Arts and territory” – a participatory approach

Picture by Pietro Masi, @ Promoter Srl

“Art and territory” is a participatory approach adopted in the pilot running in Bibracte, Morvan, in the frame of the INCULTUM project.

The approach is using scientific methods and artistic practices to analyse the challenges of a shared heritage landscape.

Nicolas Barral, in charge of implementing the “Art and territory” approach within the INCULTUM project at Bibracte has been interviewed to tell about the results of this innovative experience.

You can download here the full text of the interview.

EUreka3D training at Bibracte

In November 2023, as part of the training “Raw materials to sources, from the archaeological object” organized by the Resource Center for Artistic and Cultural Education (Préac) Archaeological heritage, Bibracte hosted a workshop on digitisation and aggregation to Europeana.

Within the context of EUreka3D project, the workshop has addressed the different types of resources and their conditions of use on Europeana, and the 3D digitisation of archeological objects as an educational resource for teaching and a way of engaging young audiences.

Bibracte is a key actor of the French archaelogical community and one of the EUreka3D partners. The institution is digitising in 3D archaeological artefacts and ground models that will be aggregated to Europeana during the project’s lifetime.

Programme of the Europeana Digital Practice Workshop by Bibracte

eu emblemEUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.

Culture. Future. Goal.

The fifth UCLG Culture Summit will be held in Dublin (Republic of Ireland) from 28 November to 1 December 2023.

Nancy Duxbury, Senior Researcher and Co-coordinator of the interdisciplinary thematic line Urban Cultures, Sociabilities, and Participation at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, partner of UNCHARTED,  will be participating as a keynote speaker at the UCLG Summit, talking about the UNCHARTED project in the session “Measuring the impacts of cultural policies”.

The Summit is conceived as a Co-creation Exercise to envision the future, to hear voices from the all corners of the world, to show the power of local voices.


The four axis of the Summit are:
• Capacity Building
• Showcasing city experiences
• Content co-creation
• Linking culture with the UCLG Pact for the Future

The booklet with the programme of the Summit is available here for download.

For further information, please go to the website that announces the Summit at www.uclg-cul

EUreka3D: Implementing a Data Hub and services in the Data Space for Cultural Heritage

To create 3D models of cultural heritage collections is a new challenge for Cultural Institutions. However, the next steps after digitisation also pose challenges about storage, visualisation and preservation of such 3D models and their accompanying information. What are the available solutions that cultural professionals can consider for their collections management workflows?

In this online demo event, we presented the status of development for EUreka3D Data Hub, a piloting action aiming to create e-infrastructure services for Cultural Institutions, including:

  • Access to European computing and storage resources
  • Methods on authorisation and authentication with different levels of interaction with users
  • Visualisation tools for showcasing and sharing 3D models of different formats and size
  • Publication of the services on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

The demo included examples of different 3D models digitised by EUreka3D content providers, to showcase some features of the Data Hub workflow. The demo was followed online by 98 participants, with many lively questions and comments.

Recording and more info here

This event supports the TwinIt! campaign on fostering and promoting 3D digitisation to broaden access to culture, preserve irreplaceable cultural heritage and to spur innovation and creativity, fostering reuse and potential new services and applications in other sectors. The webinar also contributes to the multidisciplinary capacity-building of heritage professionals in 3D digitisation, exchange of practices and pan-European collaboration and networking.

The event took place after the EUreka3D second plenary meeting where partners in Brussels and online reviewed the progress of the project at the end of our first year of work. Additionally, a meeting of the EUreka3D Advisory Board of experts followed the demo to collect impressions, advice and recommendations that will be taken into account in the subsequent phases of development in 2024 during year two of the project.

eu emblemEUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.

“For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return”: new arebyte online exhibition launched


arebyte and Shanghai-based Chronus Art Center (CAC) collaborate to develop, curate and produce a hybrid group exhibition: For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return (为数据所生,亦归数据而去)which explores global ideas surrounding life, death and healing.

For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return is an online exhibition of generative, video and gamified works exploring diverse perspectives surrounding digital death, renewal and reincarnation in the virtual domain. Surveying the nuance of long-standing and newer ruminations around the circularity of life and death, in technological, bodily, and spiritual contexts, the exhibition sees death as a narrative with which to discuss life. Death in the digital world is, in a particular dimension, describable, observable, and even manufacturable, as well as manageable and repairable. Life in the digital world is, on the contrary, more mysterious.

You can find the project here.

Blogpost: IIIF for 3D, making web interoperability multi-dimensional

img. Semantic Kompakkt presentation interface featuring a 3D model and multimedia annotations. Institution:Open Science Lab, TIB – CC BY. Image sourced from Europeana Pro blog.

3D technologies offer opportunities to broaden access to culture, preserve our shared cultural heritage and spur creativity and innovation. As part of an ongoing series from the EuropeanaTech community, a new blogpost is available to all heritage researchers, professionals and technology partners that touches on core topics relevant to the digital trasnformation of cultural heritage sector: 3D and IIIF.

Dr. Lozana Rossenova Postdoc Researcher at TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, explores how interoperability for 3D is a key goal for the International Image Interoperability Framework.

Read the full blog on Europeana Pro


A Cloud for All – EU cohesion funds webinar

A Cloud for All – EU cohesion funds webinar


The webinar “A Cloud for All – EU cohesion funds webinar” took place on 28 November 2023, from 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM CET, with about 400 participants.

A stakeholder survey from autumn 2022 revealed that many institutions across the EU struggle with a lack of resources and competencies in the digital field, which is all the more true particularly for smaller, rural and remote institutions. Therefore, this webinar is dedicated to providing cultural heritage institutions with valuable insights and practical knowledge on how to access structural funds to ensure for example fast and reliable broadband internet, up-to-date IT equipment, and access to training for IT skills, to fully profit from the benefits of the upcoming Cultural Heritage Cloud.

The programme included examples of heritage projects realized with support of EU funds, including 3D digitization, museums’ enhancement and other digital experiences with heritage collections and accessibility.


  • Opening speech by Deputy Director General of DG RTD, Ms. Joanna Drake
  • How the Cohesion policy funds work – Presentation by Mr. Jeroen VAN OEL, DG REGIO
  • “Interreg DigiArc – Giving access to key knowledge of the past with the support of EU Structural funds” – Presentation by Mr. Marinos Ioannides, Cyprus University of Technology
  • “Musei On – Augmented Visits in the Museums of Umbria” – Presentation by Ms. Antonella Pinna
  • “The Digital Library of Latvia: from farmsteads to shared responsibility in a digital space” – Presentation by Ms. Karīna Bandere
  • Q&A
  • Closing & next steps