Search Results for: "Alamire Digital Lab"

Photography Pilot on show at exhibition “Kunst in eigen Huis”

E-Space Photography Pilot was a guest exhibitor at the “Kunst in eigen Huis” (Art at Home) event on 22-23 October 2015 in Leuven, Belgium. The event was organized by KU Leuven groups of Seniores and students in Cultural Studies and wanted … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: TopFoto

all images courtesy of Topham Partners LLP (TopFoto) – UK Founded in London in 1927, TopFoto is a rich resource for the world’s political and social history of the 20th century, illustrating the events, cultures and public figures that … Continue reading

Immaterial Future Innovation Award ceremony

Immaterial Future Association spotlights CultTech entrepreneurs through its new IF Innovation Award initiative Immaterial Future Association announced 6 startup finalists of the IF Innovation Award The finalists represent 6 countries from the Americas and Europe. The winner will be announced … Continue reading

Horizon Europe Work Programmes approved by the EC

The first Horizon Europe Work Programmes for the period 2021-2022 were approved by the European Commission and are already published on the Funding and Tenders portal. These investments will help accelerate the green and digital transitions and will contribute to sustainable … Continue reading

No Time to Wait! Standardizing FFV1 & Mastroska for Preservation

A free, three day symposium of workshops & presentations on the standardization & use of FFV1 & Matroska in archives. Hosted by Deutsche Kinemathek, Zuse Institute Berlin, and and supported by the PREFORMA project, the event provides an opportunity for format inventors, developers, specification authors, and archivists to collaborate and advance AV preservation formats. Continue reading

The first ROCK Roadshow: Technical tests of transmission!

The European ROCK project – Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural Heritage in Creative and Knowledge cities – funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program and coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna has organized its first Roadshow  that … Continue reading

Cooperation between PREFORMA and BenchmarkDP

A new agreement has been signed between PREFORMA and BenchmarkDP to explore how the methodologies and approaches of BenchmarkDP could be useful in PREFORMA in establishing an objective frame of reference for the evaluation of the conformance checkers, and how the practical challenges in PREFORMA can inform the work in BenchmarkDP. The cooperation kicked-off during a workshop organised by BenchmarkDP in the framework of IPRES 2015. Continue reading

Consultation on “Youth for the Future of Cultural Heritage in Europe” by Europa Nostra and its youth partners

Europa Nostra and its partner organisations working with youth in cultural heritage are launching a wide consultation on “Youth for the Future of Cultural Heritage in Europe” as a contribution to the European Year of Youth 2022. The consultation is … Continue reading

Important RICHES days in Berlin

Jointed with the Civic Epistemologies final conference, partner SPK hosted the RICHES consortium for a double event in Berklin: the project plenary and the workshop session during the conference. On the 10 and 11 November 2015, the plenary meeting of the … Continue reading

Archives and libraries to discuss management software

A round table on the theme “OPEN (RE)SOURCE, valorizing e integrating the cultural heritage” has been held in Turin, organized by the heritage agency Promemoria in collaboration with Teatro Regio Torino. The event saw the participation and speeches by many … Continue reading