YouCount Final Conference “Youth Citizen Social Science Contributing to Social Inclusion”

YouCount project


The Horizon2020 project YouCount is getting ready to celebrate its Final Conference Youth Citizen Social Science Contributing to Social Inclusion.

Join the YouCount team in Brussels on December 4th and 5th or connect, from wherever you are, to participate in this hybrid event designed for academics, citizen science practitioners, youth and stakeholder organizations, and policymakers interested in youth social inclusion.

YouCount’s researchers and young citizen scientists will present and discuss key insights and findings from the project in a dynamic format involving interactive sessions, presentations, and round-tables discussions.

You can register here



Monday 4 December: Workshop and Exhibition

The Nordic House in Brussels with host a workshop focusing on how to conduct Youth Citizen Social Science in practice and a traveling exhibition about YouCount: at each “station”, young citizen scientists will guide participants through the case country’s findings and possibly offer a small taste experience.

Those participating online will have access to a simplified visual representation of the onsite exhibition. They will be able to investigate the different “stations” through the case countries and their findings. The exhibition will also be part of the interactive session about the potential for youth citizen social science and its challenges, a topic that will be discussed in the second day of the conference.

Tuesday 5 December: Final Conference

The Final Conference will focus on presenting and discussing the main learnings from the YouCount project together with participants and key stakeholders from Europe and globally concerning our three main strands of inquiry:

To develop and validate a conceptual and methodological framework for hands-on youth citizen social science.
To use this framework to empower young people and co-create new knowledge of social inclusion and social innovations with policymakers and other stakeholders.
To increase knowledge of the actual outcomes and costs- and benefits of youth citizen social science, broadly understood.


See more details in the conference programme

Check out the speakers here

Mammary Mountain: the new exhibition coming to NEoN Digital Arts

The new innovative exhibition Mammary Mountain in Keiller Centre, Dundee


A new interactive exhibition coming to NEoN Digital Arts Workshop & Event space, at Keiller Centre, Dundee,  on 25th November.

NEoN Digital Arts is a charitable organisation whose aims are to advance the understanding and accessibility of digital and technology-driven art forms and encourage high quality within this medium’s production.

Mammary Mountain by Tara Baoth Mooney, Maf’j Alvarez & Camille Baker, is an intimate performance that explores dis-ease within the body through the experience of breast cancer.

It is set in a doctor’s office. As ‘patients,’ the audience wears a special haptic jacket, sits in a bespoke chair shaped like mammary glands, and uses a VR headset to experience this unique performance.

The piece is further explored through illustrations and field recordings of Tara Baoth Mooney, which were created while going through treatment. Mooney recorded the steps from the bed in her room to the radiotherapy department, recording the machines inside and the birds and water outside. These recorded sounds and drawings have been merged with the strong visual 3D landscape created by Maf’j Alvarez through VR and embodied through a garment which vibrates in areas of the body affected by pain or discomfort. The interaction design and narrative framework, story editing and workshop development, as well as overall project production, has been done by Camille Baker.

This VR immersion exposes the idea of dis-ease within the body and the body’s relationship to the broader context of the land. The artists hope this work ignites new public engagement, ultimately resulting in a more nuanced and holistic understanding of the experience.

All information about the exhibition and the artists can be found here

The exhibition premiere coincides with this year’s 16 days of Activism campaign against Gender-Based Violence. It commences on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ends on 10 December, Human Rights Day, indicating that violence against women is the most pervasive breach of human rights worldwide. NEoN is supporting this year’s 16 days of Activism campaign by presenting work and creative practices that use digital tools or comment on today’s complex digital relationships. In particular, the interest is in work that uses digital/technology-led experiences that empower women and give voice to their often hidden struggles.

RIGENERA VOLTERRA RIGENERA: public event at Palazzo dei Priori

The case study on Volterra22, conducted in the frame of the UNCHARTED project, was presented in Volterra at Palazzo dei Priori on 30 October 2023 in the Sala del Maggior Consiglio, the historical City Hall, as the presence of the Mayor of the city Giacomo Santi and the Counselor of Cultures Dario Danti.

Representatives of the project participated in the event with a presentation of the work done and the results achieved via interviews and a public questionnaire open to all the citizenship: Antonella Fresa and Giulia Fiorentini of Promoter Srl, responsible of the study, and Prof. João Teixeira Lopes of the University of Porto.

Representatives of the local stakeholders and private citizens intervened in the debate and the book with full documentation of the study results was distributed to the participants.

The book with the full study about the Case of Volterra22 is available also online and downloadable from the UNCHARTED website in Italian and English versions.

Portuguese INCULTUM pilot on Al-Sabîl – Revue d`Histoire, d`Archéologie et d`Architecture Maghrébines

The latest paper about the Portuguese pilot of the INCULTUM project has been published in French in the journal Al-Sabîl – Revue d`Histoire, d`Archéologie et d`Architecture Maghrébines, from the University of La Manouba in Tunisia.

The articles in this special thematic issue were presented in a Tunisian-Portuguese study day with the theme: The spirit of place and the organization of space in the Mediterranean: encounters of history, archaeology, architecture and landscape (L’esprit des lieux et l’organisation de l’espace en Méditerranée: rencontres de l’histoire, de l’archéologie, de l’architecture et du paysage).

The event took place on September 30, 2022 at the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities, University of Manouba (H.-H. Abdelwaheb Room).

Prof. Desidério Batista of the University of Algarve presented the case study about Campina de Faro, addressed in the INCULTUM pilot, with a paper titled: The landscape and the hydraulic heritage as the basis for cultural tourim (Le paysage et le patrimoine hydraulique comme base du tourisme culturel).

The link to the Al-Sabîl journal is available here.





GAL ELIMOS at the Jazz’Inn Festival 2023

Innovation is often born from motivated individuals, not hierarchical structures. This belief led to the creation of Jazz’Inn, a unique open innovation format introduced in 2017 by Fondazione Ampioraggio. Jazz’Inn has been at the forefront of connecting companies, public administrations, investors, start-ups, innovative SMEs, research centers, professionals, and tech buyers in a slow and informal networking environment, set in the picturesque landscapes of Italian villages. This extraordinary event has fostered the sharing of groundbreaking ideas for planned investments through collaborative workshops and friendly encounters.

The fusion of innovation and culture in a rural setting has paved the way for a slow, tangible form of networking among innovators and the market. This phenomenon has been aptly dubbed “slow dating for innovation”.

GAL ELIMOS, in collaboration with Ampioraggio Foundation, organized the second stage of the 2023 Jazz’Inn Festival, which took place in the village of Scopello from September 26 to September 30, 2023, presenting a comprehensive program of activities under the name Smartland.

The full article about Jazz’Inn and the participation of GAL ELIMOS  is available here for download.





New strategy for GAL ELIMOS



In recent months, GAL ELIMOS, which stands for Local Action Group, has been working intensively on drafting the new strategy for the year 2024-2027.

GALs, or Local Action Groups, are intermediary bodies that represent the collective interests of specific territorial areas. Their primary role is to implement integrated programs as development agencies, in line with the principle of subsidiarity, by decentralizing the management of Structural Funds.

GALs are tasked with implementing the “Quality of Life in Rural Areas and Diversification of Rural Economy” and the “Leader Approach Implementation” of the Rural Development Program in the Sicilian region. They follow an integrated, bottom-up, and multisectoral approach to achieve this. Their activities include providing support for the establishment and growth of micro-enterprises and promoting tourism initiatives.

As GAL ELIMOS is focused on crafting the new strategy, it incorporated the INCULTUM pilot project and, more importantly, the entire concept of INCULTUM. The aim is to secure funding through European funds not only to complete the INCULTUM project but also to sustain the idea in the future. GAL ELIMOS has developed measures related to the
quality of life in rural areas, essential services for the rural economy and population, village development and revitalization, and the protection and enhancement of rural, cultural, and archaeological heritage.

The full article about the new strategy is available here for download.





Food is culture

As part of the activities of the Sicilian pilot of INCULTUM project, on October 30, 2023, an interesting conference titled “Food is Culture” took place at the Museo delle Marionette in Palermo, near Piazza Marina.

The keynote speaker for this congress was Massimo Montanari, who, until 2019, held the position of full professor of Medieval History at the School of Letters and Cultural Heritage at the University of Bologna, where he also taught Food History and directed the European Master’s program in “History and Culture of Food.” He also teaches at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo.

More than 80 people attended the event, with the majority being students from the master’s degree programs in cultural heritage valorization and Eno gastronomic communication.

This event was made possible thanks to the close collaboration being fostered between the GAL ELIMOS, partner of INCULTUM project, and the University of Palermo.

The full article about the event is available here for download.

Picture of the speaker at the event.



INCULTUM participated in the interpretative route through the Acequia de la Alpanchía

Last November 4 2023, the Spanish pilot of the INCULTUM project participated in the interpretative route through the Acequia de la Alpanchía, in Galera, municipality of the Altiplano de Granada.

The Spanish pilot of INCULTUM is led by University of Granada, coordinator of the INCULTUM project.

The activity was organized by the Vegas del Conocimiento project, the Alpanchía Association and the City Council of Galera, with whom the University of Granada is collaborating from INCULTUM.

Forty people participated in the tour, in which they could appreciate all the values of the irrigation ditches and meadows, accompanied by the main experts of all these aspects: the irrigators.

Some pictures of the event.



Optical views: a way to travel through Europe – a new blogpost on Europeana

img. from Europeana website

As part of the EUreka3D project, a blogpost authored by Helena Nogué (CRDI – Ajuntament de Girona) was recently published on Europeana.

The blogpost showcases how optical views were used in 18th and early 19th century by people who were not able to travel in order to see the most famous cities and capitals of that time and to satisfy their hunger for knowledge.

Read the blogpost here.

eu emblemEUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.

EUreka3D presented in the Fall edition of Europeana Aggregators Forum 2023

The Europeana ecosystem and network of Aggregators and partners met for the second edtion of 2023 Europeana Aggregators Forum, held as an hybrid event in Budapest and online. In this occasion updates on EUreka3D development were presented to colleague institutions, partners and Europeana aggregators by the Project Coordinator Antonella Fresa, vice president of Photoconsortium.

During the Forum, a session “What if…?” – Gathering Aggregators’ expectations and requirements towards the Data Space for Cultural Heritage discussed about the development of the Data Space for Cultural Heritage, which EUreka3D is also contributing to by sharing new high quality 3D data and supporting the development of services, tools and standards.

Additionally, a focus on Europeana’s Twin It! campaign presented the status of progress for the campaign to create a collection of iconic 3D cultural heritage items from the Member States in Europeana, including a presentation of upcoming Europeana publishing guidelines for 3D contentEUreka3D – EAF Meeting Autumn 2023, also basing on the requirement and developments of 3D-related projects like EUreka3D.


eu emblemEUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.