Search Results for: entertainment software

Can Digital Immersive Experience be the future of museums’ collections?

Research project of MA students in the Museums in Context course at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, MA Cultural Economics led by professor Trilce Navarrete. Authors: Anna Bontempi, Ludovica Giberti, Florent Mortier All images courtesy of the authors. Rotterdam just opened Remastered, … Continue reading


Here is the report of the workshop that the PREFORMA team organised at iPRES 2016 to dive into the larger narrative of the project, show the three different tools in development, detail the main standardisation strands and get a conversation started between potential users of the tools with the people who are hard at work making them happen. Continue reading

Flower Power 2017, Miguel Chevalier: spring campaign LOVE IN BLOOM, Jing An Kerry Centre, Shanghai (China)

Miguel Chevalier has created three monumental installations, especially for the Jing An Kerry Centre in Shanghai, that are an ode to nature, announcing and celebrating the arrival of Spring.   “Digital Water Lilies” is a new site-specific virtual interactive garden … Continue reading

Results of the EC concertation meeting for PCP projects

The third concertation meeting for on-going PCP projects in DG Connect, organised by the European Commission in Brussels on 10 March 2015, gave the opportunity to the attendees to network and share experiences on common issues that they face while implementing PCPs. PREFORMA participated in the workshop dedicated to the FP7 ongoing projects. Continue reading

Minneapolis Institute of Art Announces 2018 Winners of Innovative 3M Art and Technology Award

The Minneapolis Institute of Art (Mia) is pleased to announce the winner of the 2018 3M Art and Technology Award: “Riddle Mia This”, a mobile app proposed by technology architect Colin McFadden and digital preservation specialist Samantha Porter of the … Continue reading

PREFORMA @ EGI Community Forum 2014

The networking session organised by PREFORMA will present to the whole digital preservation community – open source community, developers, standardization bodies and memory institutions – the new opportunities offered by the pre-commercial-procurement launched by the project. Continue reading

Web course on the development of applications for Catania Science Gateways

The goal of the course, organised in 4 webinars, is to create the skills to integrate scientific applications in Science Gateways implemented with the Catania Science Gateway Framework. This will allow the creation of an intercontinental team of deveopers able to respond to requests of integration of specific applications from Virtual Research Communities all around the globe. Continue reading

Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality

On 3-7 February 2014, at the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona, a workshop was held on Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality. The workshop was organised by RICHES’ partner I2CAT in the framework of I AM project. Continue reading

Designing the Archive: 2019 Conference ASA-ICA-ARANZ-PARBICA

Text by Caterina Sbrana. The Australian Society of Archivists (ASA), Archives and Records Association of New Zealand Te Huinga Mahara (ARANZ), the International Council on Archives (ICA) and the Pacific Regional Branch International Council on Archives (PARBICA) organize an international … Continue reading

The PREFORMA Handbook

We are pleased to announce that The PREFORMA Handbook is now available to download. This publication is intended as a practical guidebook to be offered as a critical instrument to decision-makers in cultural heritage institutions, to support them in the analysis of problems and the identification of viable solutions, and as a technical reference to managers of digital archives and developers, to offer them guidance on how to use the PREFORMA tools. Continue reading