I&R conference as one benchmark event for professionals in photography and audiovisual

During the third week of November (from 21 to 24) it was held a new edition of the Image and Research Conference, organized by the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of the Girona City Council with the collaboration of the Association of Archivists of Catalonia and promoted by ICA. In that edition, around 150 people attended representing eighteen different countries. The Image and Research Conference held its fifteenth year, and after 28 years, it has become the one if the benchmark events in Europe for professionals involved in photography and audiovisual mainly in the field of archives, preservation, history and document management.

15es Jornades Imatge i Recerca al Palau de Congresso de Girona. Acte d'obertura de les jornades. D'esquerra a dreta, Joan Soler, president de l'Associació d'Arxivers - Gestors de Documents de Catalunya, Narcís Sastre, regidor de Paisatge i Hàbitat Urbà de l'Ajuntament de Girona, Elsa Ibar, directora general de Patrimoni Cultural de la Generalitat de Catalunya i Joan Boadas, director del Centre de Recerca i Difusió de la Imatge.

15es Jornades Imatge i Recerca al Palau de Congresso de Girona. Acte d’obertura de les jornades. D’esquerra a dreta, Joan Soler, president de l’Associació d’Arxivers – Gestors de Documents de Catalunya, Narcís Sastre, regidor de Paisatge i Hàbitat Urbà de l’Ajuntament de Girona, Elsa Ibar, directora general de Patrimoni Cultural de la Generalitat de Catalunya i Joan Boadas, director del Centre de Recerca i Difusió de la Imatge.

The Conference started on the 21st with a workshop devoted to photography conservation titled  “When the alarms fire, 5 critical aspects for conservation of photography”. The teacher was Fernando Osorio, a well-known conservator of photography of the international scene. Three days later, on the 24th, another workshop took place. In this case, it was devoted to the digitissation of color photography, by Bea Martínez, Chief of Studies at the Center for Image and Multimedia Technology (CITM) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).. 45 people attended the workshops.

On the 22nd and 23rd it took place the sessions for papers and presentations that make up the main event of the Conference in the Girona Conference Centre. To highlight the speakers we quote Frederik Temmermans, from Vrije Universiteit (Brussels) and Research Manager at IMEC (Interuniversity Microlectronics Center), who gave a talk about technology and methods for the integrity of digital images. Tomislav Ivanjko, assistant professor at the Department of Information and Communication Sciences (University of Zagreb), dedicated his talk to the gamification of photographic archives, as a way for users engagement.  Bea Martínez, the workshop teacher, made a theoretical approach to the digitisation of colour photography. Last, Joan Boadas, Director of CRDI – Girona City Council, explained how to manage a photographic archive and he focused in how to project it towards the future.

15es Jornades Imatge i Recerca. Taller "Quan es disparen les alarmes. 5 aspectes crítics per la conservació de la fotografia" a càrrec del conservador de fotografia Fernando Osorio.

15es Jornades Imatge i Recerca. Taller “Quan es disparen les alarmes. 5 aspectes crítics per la conservació de la fotografia” a càrrec del conservador de fotografia Fernando Osorio.

The experiences session was mainly focused on institutions and companies in Latin America in order to better understand the reality of these countries and learn from their experience. Sergio Burgui, from Moreira Salles Institute in Brasil, Daniel Sosa, from Photography Center in Montevideo (Uruguai), and again Fermando Osorio, representing the company Televisa in Mexico, were the representatives of this territory. They made evident the important works that are going on in all these countries. Last, a completely different experience, by Alain Dubois, archivist of canton of Valais, who explained a pilot project at the regional television, using a speech recognition tool.

The program gives also special importance to the debate and participation. On the 23rd it took place a debate about how to engage new audiences in which people talked about the possibilities that the digital media offer to archives, the interactivity with users, the social media and mainly Instagram, the professional creativity, the use of technologies, etc. It was a dialogue between David Iglésias, from CRDI, and Irina González, Master’s in Business Innovation, who provided an innovative and creative point of view.

15es Jornades Imatge i Recerca al Palau de Congressos de Girona. Pausa.

15es Jornades Imatge i Recerca al Palau de Congressos de Girona. Pausa.

In the section of Conservation, dedicated to the Ángel Fuentes Memorial, CRDI made a presentation of Ángel Fuentes Collection of daguerrotypes, ambrotypes and ferrotypes. It was acquired this year and is one of the most important collections in the country. The conservator of Photography, Josep Pérez, made an assessment of this collection. Fernando Osorio, a colleague of Angel Fuentes in Latin American, gave a more personal approach to this man.

Last, we should mention the session of 23rd afternoon dedicated to papers. 30 papers were presented, from 10 different countries. This makes evident the need to count on this kind of forums to share knowledge and experiences. Once again, the four-days meeting and workshops in Girona was for all of us a good opportunity to be in contact with colleagues with different backgrounds, but with a shared interest: the photographic and audiovisual heritage.

Link to the papers and the photographic reportage:



Blog and Photos courtesy Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI). Girona City Council

Outcomes of the International workshop “Resilience of Heritage in Resilient Cities”

Hybernská,_Swéerts-Šporkův_palác_autor ŠjúIn the framework of the Small Towns Heritage Pilot of REACH project, the brainstorming workshop was focused on the definition, conceptualization and application of the term resilience in humanities and social sciences.

The meeting took place at Charles University, Faculty of Arts in mid November. The workshop was very well attended by scholars working in Archeology, Social and Urban History, Literature, Architecture and Urban Planning, Anthropology and Public History. They also represented a variety of linguistic milieux – Italian, English, Finnish, Polish, Slovak and Czech, which influence the usage of the term resilience in scholarly and public discourse. The presentations explored the context of resilience in small towns with rich cultural heritage, contribution of museums, the effect of educational programs carried by community workers trained in anthropology, the chances of activists struggling with extremism through instrumental use of cultural heritage. Participants wish to publish the summary of the discussion and the variety of contributions. Organizers believe that this meeting creates basis for the planned REACH workshop on resilience in April 2020.

More blog on the workshop

Link to the workshop webpage

The Fear devours the Soul

Friday 14th and Saturday 15th h 21:00; Sunday 16th of December 2018 h 18:00


Theatre and New Technologies Performance

outcome of the technological creative residence A.R.T.E – AUGMENTED REALITY EXPERIENCE – international exchange and project by and with KYBER TEATRO (Italy), MINWAL THEATRE COMPANY (Libanon) theatre companies, V.E.I.A Multimedia Association (France), and other artists and performers from Sardinia under 35.

paura anima

“The Fear devours the Soul” is a reflection about the themes that distinguish these times dictated by the ubiquity of fear as a universal feeling that unites humanity.

An experiment of augmented theatre reality, based on an artistic and technological research that develops through the spectator’s presence and the choices he makes within the performance.

A “bio game”, a theatrical experience on life, in which stage writing and digital imaginary evolve through the use of new technologies, increasing the participation of those who attends at the same time.

kybertAfter the show of Sunday evening, it will be presented also a conference open to the whole audience and addressed in particular to the small and medium cultural and artistical companies or show business enterprises, about the results of the project called A.R.T.E and the experience of augmented theatre reality we have done in this artistical technological residence.

FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/295596347741850/

Website: http://www.kyberteatro.it/residenze-art-tech.asp

15th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies / PaCT-2019

Sponsored by Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Foundation for Basic Research

pact_2019_logoWe are glad to announce the 15th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2019). The Conference is to be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, August 19-23, 2019.

The Conference is jointly organized by the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia), Novosibirsk State National Research University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), and University of International Business (Almaty).

The aim of the PaCT-2019 is to give an overview of new developments, applications, and trends in parallel computing technologies. We sincerely hope that the conference will help our community to deepen understanding of parallel computing technologies by providing a forum for an exchange of views between scientists and specialists from all over the world. We welcome your active participation.

WEBSITE: http://ssd.sscc.ru/conference/pact2019/


  • All technological aspects of the applications of parallel computer systems
  • High level parallel programming languages and systems
  • Methods and tools for parallel solution of large-scale problems
  • Languages, environments and software tools supporting parallel processing
  • Operating systems, scheduling, mapping, load balancing
  • General architectural concepts
  • Cellular automata
  • Performance measurement and analysis tools
  • Active knowledge and program construction
  • Software for grid and cloud computing
  • Scalable computing
  • Fragmentation and aggregation of algorithms and programs
  • Programs assembling and reuse
  • Distributed algorithms


CALL FOR PAPERS – extended deadline 31 March 2019

Original papers are solicited for the conference. All contributions will be reviewed by the international Program Committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 15, 2019. We will require camera-ready full papers by May 26, 2019.

In order to submit a paper or just indicate your interest in the PaCT-2019, please register at the site of the conference http://ssd.sscc.ru/conference/pact2019and follow the instructions which you will find there. A paper submission system will be activated on the 10th of December, 2018. If you face any difficulties using this site, please contact the Secretary (pact2019@ssd.sscc.ru). Only electronic submission of manuscripts is possible.

The first page should include (but not be limited to) the following information: title, authors’ full names, affiliation, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses. To gain the better understanding of your abstract, we also request to include the following information: short review of related papers, formulation of the problem, objectives, description of results, main ideas, and list of references.

The organizers expect that the authors of selected papers will present their work at the Conference. Proposals for workshops and 1/2 and full day tutorials will be considered.

The Conference Proceedings are planned to be published as the volume of the Springer Verlag LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) series and distributed at the Conference. We plan also to publish selected papers in a special issue of an indexed international journal. The official language of the Conference is English.


  •  Submission of the full paper: February 17, 2019
  •  Deadline for extended abstracts: March 3, 2019
  •  Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2019
  •  Camera-ready version of the accepted paper: May 26, 2019




Prof. Victor Malyshkin

PaCT-2019 Organizing Committee

Phone:  +7 (383) 330-89-94


Supercomputer Software Department

ICM&MG, Russian Academy of Sciences

Pr. Lavrentieva, 6

630090, Novosibirsk,  RUSSIA


E-mail: pact2019@ssd.sscc.ru

PaCT-2019 Web pages: http://ssd.sscc.ru/conference/pact2019



Victor Malyshkin, professor, head of the Supercomputer Software Department, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman

Darkhan Akhmed-Zaki, president of the University of International Business, professor at al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Sergey Abramov, head of the Program Systems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Farhad Arbab, head of Foundations of Software Technology Cluster, Leids University Foundation professor, Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science & Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Netherlands

Jan Baetens, Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bioinformatics, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium

Stefania Bandini, director of Complex Systems & Artificial Intelligence Research Center, director of the PhD School in Computer Science, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Olga Bandman, professor, Supercomputer Software Department, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Thomas Casavant, director of the UI Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, director of the ECE Parallel Processing Laboratory, professor, University of Iowa, USA

Pierpaolo Degano, professor of the Department of Computer Science, director of the PhD program in Computer Science, University of Pisa, Italy

Dominique Deserable, head of the research group “Cellular Automata in Hydrogeomechanics”, Laboratory of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (LGCGM), National Institute for Applied Sciences, Rennes, France

Victor Gergel, professor, dean of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics department, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

Bernard Goossens, professor, University of Perpignan, France

Sergei Gorlatch, professor of Computer Science, Institute of Computer Science, University of Muenster, Germany

Yuri G. Karpov, head of Department of Distributed Computing and Computer Networks, St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia

Alexey Lastovetsky, founding director of the Heterogeneous Computing Laboratory, senior lecturer, School of Computer Science and Informatics, University College Dublin, Ireland

Jie Li, professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Thomas Ludwig, director of German Climate Computing Center, professor, University of Hamburg, Germany

Giancarlo Mauri, director of Department of Computer Science, Systems and Communications, professor, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Igor Menshov, Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Nikolay Mirenkov, special honorary professor, University of Aizu, Japan

Marcin Paprzycki, associate professor, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Dana Petcu, director of Institute e-Austria Timisoara, professor at Computer Science Department, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Viktor Prasanna, director of the Center for Energy Informatics, executive director of USC-Infosys Center for Advanced Sogftware Technologies, professor, University of Southern California, USA

Michel Raynal, professor of Computer Science, Research Institute in Computer Science and Random Systems, Rennes, France

Bernard Roux, director of Research at CNRS, professor, Laboratoire de Mecanique, Modelisation & Procedes Propres, National Center for Scientific Research, France

Waleed W. Smari, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Ohio, USA

Uwe Schwiegelshohn, professor of computer engineering, TU Dortmund University, Germany

Victor Toporkov, professor, head of the Department of Computer Engineering, National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Russia

Carsten Trinitis, professor, head of the research group “Parallel and Distributed Architectures”, head of system administration, Technical University of Munich, Germany, professor for Distributed Computing, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Roman Wyrzykowski, head of the Institute of Computer and Information Sciences, director of Metropolitan Area Network, professor of Computer Science, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland


*/ 15th Athens Digital Arts Festival | Open Call for Entries

The */ 15th Athens Digital Arts Festival invites you to submit your proposals for its next edition that takes place in spring 2019 in Athens, under the theme “The World is a Hologram”. Deadline for submissions is on 15 of January 2019.

Dating back to antiquity, theories which want us living in a hologram, apart from science fiction can also be endorsed by scientific data. Those who believe in the holographic theory of the universe, support that everything we know in our world is three-dimensional depictions of data, stored in a two-dimensional form somewhere at the edge of our universe. This automatically means that we are all closely bonded with everything around us, as part of one large unity where the present, past, and future coexist simultaneously.


Anything that ever existed, anything that exists, and all that will exist, merged in one unity…

The hologram is often described as a three-dimensional depiction, consisted of two light rays (e.g.laser) while in order to properly work it must be also lighted by a third one. A fundamental feature of holograms is that all data are circulated through the whole, meaning that even if cut in two, still each piece will maintain all information intact. In this case, we will get two identical but complete smaller holograms, proving that this segregation is only fictive.

The scientific community, have found itself in front of a predicament while discovering that whatever gets past the event horizon of a black hole, as it can never leave, gets lost forever when the hole gets disembodied by Hawking Radiation. As a solution, mathematics were able to prove that when data gets pass an event horizon, they also get imprinted on its very surface, allowing them to escape and thus be maintained. This theory was named holographic principle and was considered eligible to be deducted on a universal level, arguing that the whole universe is the hologram reflection of two-dimensional data stored in its very borders.

Later experiments have proven that some subatomic particles under specific circumstances have the ability to communicate with each other instantaneously despite their distance, thus have given to the universe another credence of a hologram. Extending this research, scientists extracted that even the brain works in similar mechanics as memory is not stored in a sole neuron but through the schemes and patterns that the neural stimuli follow while extending throughout the whole brain.

Within the neurons of cosmic memory time does not exist, only ideas…


Detailed information about the submission process and the call for entries is available at the following link: www.adaf.gr

REACH project at the Closing Conference of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018
CatturaThe closing conference of the European Year of Cultural Heritage took place in Vienna, hosted by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission. It started in the morning of the 6th and lasted till the evening of the 7th.
The conference goal was to showcase projects of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and provide a platform to discuss and take stock of the legacy of the year.
The agenda of the 6th included a showcasing of European projects in the form of a “Walking Conference” in the City Centre of Vienna and for the 7th was planned a cultural policy discussion in the Austria Center Vienna.
REACH joined the event represented by the project coordinator Prof. Neil Forbes, from Coventry University and Dr. Antonella Fresa, network manager.
Follow the progress on social media with #EuropeForCulture and get more information about the event webpage.

VIEW 2019 – call for works is open

#viewconference is glad to announce the official opening of the “VIEW Award 2019”! The short needs to have been made between 1st January 2016 and 15 September 2019. The deadline to submit is the 15th of September. Send it here https://festivals.festhome.com/f/776

SUBMIT YOUR WORK FOR THE VIEW AWARDS 2019 – Our VIEW AWARD CONTEST is now open, with two competitions running:

1) VIEW AWARD: First Prize is 2000 Euros
2) ITALIANMIX: First Prize is a Wacom Tablet


1) VIEW AWARD 2019

VIEW AWARD is open both to professionals and students. If you have made an innovative short using 2D/3D Animation between 1 Jan 2016 to15 September 2019, we want to see it! Submit it to our VIEW AWARD competition. The best short will be evaluated on these categories: best design, best environments and best character.

  • First Prize: 2.000 Euros.
  • Maximum Duration: 30 minutes
  • Deadline to submit: 15 September 2019

We accept both individual and group projects. Each submission should come with a press kit, description of the project, high res images of the work and director(s).


Best short by Italian creatives.

Italianmix is dedicated to the work of Italian artists made between 1 Jan 2016 and 15 September 2019. The work can be animated, experimental or documentary. Maximum length is 30 minutes.

First Prize: Wacom Tablet.

We accept both individual and group projects. Each submission should come with a press kit, description of the project, high res images of the work and director(s).

How to participate:

Send us your work via Festhome: https://festivals.festhome.com/f/776



  • Danielle Feinberg, Pixar Animation Studios
  • Barbara Robertson
  • Celia Bullwinkel
  • Glen McIntosh
  • Max Giovagnoli
  • Riccardo Russiano, student University of Turin
  • Bill Watral, Pixar Animation Studios
  • Carolyn Giardina, Hollywood Reporter
  • Professor Maria Elena Gutierrez, CEO & Director VIEW Conference/VIEWFEST, President of the Jury


  • Title: La Noria;
  • Director: Carlos Baena
  • Producer: Sasha Korelis: Country of Production: Spain;
  • Category: Animation; Genre: Horror
  • Description: “La Noria” film tells of the struggle when finding yourselfin a dark place, that darkness isn’t always what it seems, and that with courage, you can turn something dark into something beautiful.


  • Title: “Best Friend,”
  • Director: David Feliu, Varun Nair, Juliana de Lucca, Nicholas Olivieri, and YI Shen.
  • Category: Animation
  • Producer: Gobelins, l’École de l’Image


  • Title: “Wild Love”
  • Director: Paul Autric, Quentin Camus, Maryka Laudet, Léa Georges, Zoé Sottiaux, and Corentin
  • Production: ENSI
  • Category: Animation, 3D

OPEN CALL: Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize 2019

Logo - AEAP2019 Stacked Square

The fifth anniversary of the internationally successful Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize is open for entries. The prize is open to artists working across all genres, styles and backgrounds. The extended deadline is the 24 February 2019.

This year the prize launches two new awards – a Photography Award supported by Fujifilm and Genesis Imaging and a New Media Award supported by Rich Mix.

These new opportunities join the already existing awards which support all other mediums.  We are a prize that focuses on supporting not just winners but all artists involved.


Prize value increased to £9,000 prizes, for the Overall Winner, the Employee Choice Award, the Sculpture Award, New Media Award and Photography award.

Includes £1,000 of vouchers from Cass Art for 3 Winners

Included £1,000 production services from Genesis Imaging
Three month solo exhibitions in London, England
Group Show for 25 Shortlisted Artists in May – July 2019
Early entries will feature in our ongoing campaigns to clients, invitations to our informative talks.

For further information and the application form see here http://www.artprize.co.uk/or please email artprize@oaktreeandtiger.com with questions.


CYFEST-12: ID international media art festival

Video Media Art: Personal Identity

CYFEST-12: ID premieres December 13th at the renowned Made in NY Media Center BY IFP. The inaugural event will set in motion it’s year-long, multi-city festival; geared towards exhibiting new media work which explores the dynamics of identity in our ever-expanding digital culture; focusing on levels of tech:intimacy, self augmentation, identity health, and technological personas at large.



CYFEST has joined forces with Rome-based curator Valentino Catricalà, of Rome Media Art Festival (MAXXI Museum), and Carla Gannis, Assistant Chairperson of Digital Arts at Pratt, to bring a thematic three-part video program to IFP. The video art program will include a video screening organized by Cyland’s video curator, Victoria Ilyushkina, a large scale multi-channel video installation by esteemed video artist, Daniele Puppi, and a video installation created by Pratt Digital Arts MFA students.

Made in NY Media Center by IFP

30 John Street DUMBO, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Thursday, December 13th 6pm- 10pm
On view: December 13th -31st




Portrait genre at birth was a way to depict a person in a best moment of his life — at the apogee of his maturity, power, deeds. Today everyone can have numerous portraits as long as he has a gadget with internet access. Fascinated Narcissus stares at the device and sees an unsteady figure on a screen. Swiping left and right he chooses his reflection for today.

One can compile an endless selfportrait gallery of avatars for all occasions. Figures could be a bit adjusted or transformed beyond recognititon. Existence splits into multitude accounts in all forms of virtual communication with world (from Facebook, WarCraft, Uber to email client and bank account). ID floats between virtual and real, fictional and truthful, body and item.

In this regard device has got an ID and provides keeping person’s ID at the same time. ID makes unknown known, named, atributed. ID authorisation provides access and prevents outsiders’ entering. Login and password are a lock and a picklock. ID is a polysemantic term — from psychoanalysis to identity documents. We wonder what represents ID in the world of people and things, what additional meanings emerge during their interaction and what they lead us to.





The technological progress of recent years has strengthened the ties between humanity and technology, machines and artificial intellect, and made the interaction between organic and synthetic life more intimate.

People and machines learn from each other with the help of neural networks. People’s consciousness undergoes certain changes. They develop a different outlook on the notions of life and death, moral problems of scientific experiments, territorial and virtual boundaries, tracking sysscsctems and total digital control. Personalities surrounded by a mirror cube of social networks hide behind their avatars and continue to exist in their accounts even after death. If you are absent from social networks, does it mean that no one knows about your existence, or is it a way of avoiding media control? The preservation of memory and transfer of information onto a digital database, and the fast development of artificial intellect and its humanization makes us face the inevitable question of personality identification. Who are we What is our future going to be like? This program is dedicated to a contemplation of these problems by contemporary artists.

  • Emma Bayer – Incorporeal (2018, Russia)
  • Masha Godovannaya – Laika. The last flight (2017, Russia)
  • Mascha Danzis – Saint nicknames (2018, Germany)
  • Gioula Papadopoulou – Fall (2018, Greece)
  • Summer McCorkle – Psychogeography (2018, USA)
  • Mahta Hosseini – Where ever I am, let me be; the sky is mine (2018, Iran)
  • Citron / Lunardi (Selene Citron and Luca Lunardi) – Back up my memories (2018)
  • Necko (Juan Manuel Carrillo Rosales) – RANDOM / Part of Transhumanity Project (2018, Spain)
  • Di Hu – Urban sculptures (2017, China)
  • Marisa Benito – Ductiles (2018, Spain)
  • Virgina Lee Montgomery – CUT COPY SPHINX (2018, USA)
  • Joe Hambleton – Stasis in Flux (2018, Canada)
  • Bram Lattré – Il muro cattivo (2016, Belgium)
  • Yanina Chernykh – Cap of Invisibility (2017, Russia)
  • Vladimir Abikh – God with us (2018, Russia)
  • Elena Artemenko – Game (2018, Russia)
  • DVENEODNA – How and What I remember (2018, Russia)
  • Reza Masoud – Everything is under control (2018, Iran)
  • Marina Blinova – Who is the player? (2018, Russia)
  • Nataliya Lyakh – Untitled 2 (2017, Russia)




Designed to explore the genetic and memetic evolution, devolution, and re-evolution of the human consciousness. These topics, represented by three interconnecting 45-second animated loops, combine to tell a story about our collective personhood.



Two enjoined led monitors appear in a space defined by two angular walls. An image is passed instantly from one monitor to the other accompanied by a forceful rhythmic sound both sustained and hypnotic. In the passage from one dimension to the other the image projected acquires a double physicality, thus defining the very space between the two dimensions – the architectural (physical) and the extreme limitations of movement. In the juncture between the two monitors, passing from one temporal dimension to another, a new image, a new space for perception is created establishing a relationship between two distant realities. A sort of “door” which offers similar stories of two diverse periods in time to coexist.


CYFEST is one of the largest international media art festivals, it was founded in St. Petersburg in 2007 by independent artists and curators. The festival promotes the emergence of new forms of art and high technology interactions, developing professional connections between artists, curators, engineers and programmers around the world and exposing wide audiences to the works in the field of robotics, video art, sound art and net art.

More info: http://cyland.org/lab/cyfest-12-id-premieres-december-13th-at-the-renowned-made-in-ny-media-center-by-ifp/



Call for Contribution iPRES 2019

ipres2019We are pleased to announce that the Call for Contributions for iPRES2019 is now open. iPRES is the premier international conference on the preservation and long term management of digital materials. The 16th International Conference on Digital Preservation will be held on September 16-20, 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

We invite original contributions that describe practice- and theory-informed approaches to scientific models, daily practice, collaborative efforts, creative solutions, and the progress your organization has made in digital preservation.

Call for Contributions
We welcome full papers and short papers as well as proposals for workshops, tutorials, posters, panel discussions and for a hackathon. Submissions should relate to the overall conference theme, Eye on the Horizon, describing the cutting edge of our domain and crossing into other domains.

We encourage submissions which describe collaborations across and beyond cultural heritage domains, and we welcome proposals that describe research and practice in agencies of all sizes and in all sectors. You can find details about the submission process and the topics of interest now online at www.ipres2019.org/call-for-contributions Please remember this Call will close on 18 March, 2019.

Don’t want to miss out on any information?
All information regarding the conference is on our website: www.ipres2019.org. Please pre-register for the iPRES Newsletter via communications@ipres2019.org and get updates on all the important dates. You can also follow us via @iPRES2019 on both Twitter and Instagram. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@ipres2019.org or contact one of the Programme Committee Chairs directly.

We look forward to hosting you in The Netherlands, with an inspirational tailor made iPRES2019 programme and historical Amsterdam on the horizon.