Search Results for: "Alamire Digital Lab"

Europeana Space in Amsterdam: project’s meeting

Europeana Space is a very large project characterized by experimentation and creativity: in facts its main aim is to trail new ways of re-use for the digital cultural heritage, in order to unlock its potential in terms of business and creation of new jobs. An important meeting will take place in Amsterdam on 15-16 May, hosted by partner Noterik and coordinated by the WP4 leaders iMINDS and Promoter. Continue reading

Open Archives 5th Conference with ArchivCamp!

The opening of the Stasi Records was a unique act following the Peaceful Revolution of 1989 turning the archive into a role model for many post-dictatorial societies. With the enactment of the Stasi Records Act on January 2, 1992, citizens … Continue reading

WATIFY: Inspire to Transform

WATIFY: Inspire to Transform takes place on 2 May at DNK – Space for Contemporary Dance and Performance, National Palace of Culture (Sofia, Bulgaria) and is organised by WATIFY, an awareness-raising campaign funded by the European Commission to stimulate the … Continue reading

OPF releases JHOVE 1.12 beta

JHOVE (JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment) is an extensible software framework for performing format identification, validation, and characterisation of digital objects. The Open Preservation Foundation (OPF) took over stewardship of JHOVE in February 2015 to provide it with a permanent and sustainable home. A new beta version of JHOVE 1.12, focusing on stability of the code base, is now available to download. Continue reading

Topfoto: from England to Europeana

TopFoto is an independent picture library based in Edenbridge, Kent, England. The archive contains 10 million images from medieval documents to today’s digital files being sent in by FTP from all over the world.The core of the hardcopy archive comprises of 120000 negatives from John Topham (an individual photographer and TopFoto’s founder) plus millions of negatives and hardcopy prints from a variety of historic press agencies that have been collected since 1975. Continue reading

Workshop on Managing, Computing and Preserving Big Data for Research and APARSEN organised an EGI Community Workshop focusing on “Managing, computing and preserving big data for research”. The workshop, which was held in Amsterdam from 4th until 6th of March 2014, brought together all scientific domains within the EGI community to discuss and develop requirements on e-infrastructures to foster and support the generation, analyse and usage of the research data. Continue reading

Comparing Formats for Video Digitization

The Audio-Visual Working Group within the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative recently posted a comparison of a few selected digital file formats for consideration when reformatting videotapes. The new report compares MXF and MKV on sustainability. Continue reading

New booklet of ROCK: how can cultural heritage be accessible to everyone?

The accessibility allows to fully live in the city and to fully understand and experiment with it, but, how can Cultural Heritage be accessible to everyone? The third booklet of ROCK project, published last February, addresses this question. The urban … Continue reading

INCULTUM project meeting showed first progress

On 28th October, at M6 of the INCULTUM project, a virtual gathering saw all the project’s partners meet and discuss the progress of the various activities, at project level and also at the level of Pilots’ individual work. The most … Continue reading

DANube Urban Brand + Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Valorization of Danube’s Cultural Heritage

DANUrB is a new EU funded project started on July 2020 and leaded by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics of Budapest. It involves 17 Partners coming from 6 East European Countries: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia. … Continue reading