Search Results for: "Alamire Digital Lab"

EUreka3D goes to EGI2023 conference to present the project’s DataHub

The annual EGI 2023 conference gathers international scientific communities, computing and service providers, European projects, security experts, community managers, and policy makers, to share and discuss the recent trends of research in data-intensive processing and analytics forward. EGI is the … Continue reading

Memory ^ sentiment ^ body ^ space ^ object

“Memory ^ sentiment ^ body ^ space ^object – Dialogues across and between dance and art” is an interdisciplinary symposium that emerged from Body Space Object Roundtables at the School of Art and Design at Coventry University. It aims to consider how performative and material practices have articulated the embodied nature of memory and sentiment in relation to objects and space. Contributions are invited, registration is open! Continue reading

Co-creation interview series…..the second!

The RICHES team began an interview series, conducted by Waag Society, in which they ask several museums and team members from the project about their perspectives on co-creation within the heritage sector. Merel van der Vaart, PhD candidate at the Amsterdam School for Heritage and Memory studies shares her vision. Continue reading

Meet the Media Guru in Pisa: Beth Coleman

Internet Festival hosts a special event by Meet the Media Guru. It is an initiative born in 2005: a programme of meetings with international leaders in digital culture and innovation, aimed at both the professionals and the generale public. Special guest of the Pisa event is Beth Coleman, one of the most prominent voices in new media culture. Continue reading

Fifth Biennial of Public Space: promote projects and initiatives to give quality and vitality to public spaces

The Biennal Public Space is an event for the exchange and dissemination of research activities and actions carried out on the issues of urban public spaces. The Fifth edition took place in Rome in the past few days, organized by … Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – January / February 2015

This edition brings you news of an innovative partnership with PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, which gives researchers access to world-class data infrastructure and storage. Kimmo Koski calls for trust between researchers and technology providers, our roving reporter catches up with Carl Johan Håkansson to find out more about B2SHARE and we explore Augusto Burgueño’s vision for e-infrastructures in Europe. Continue reading

EUreka3D Advisory Board

The EUreka3D Advisory Board is a consultative body formed by experts representing cultural institutions, cultural heritage research teams and international organisations. It advises the project, provides feedback on its activities, and liaises it with the cultural heritage and research community. … Continue reading

How can cultural heritage, tourism activities and local communities be integrated in a sustainable way to improve deprived areas in Europe?

The EU-funded project TexTOUR, Social Innovation and TEchnologies for sustainable growth through participative cultural TOURism, aims to co-design sustainable cultural tourism strategies and policies with the goal of producing social and economic benefits in deprived areas in Europe and beyond … Continue reading

INCULTUM pilot set in Greece participates in Vovousa festival

text and photos courtesy of The High Mountains cooperative. Monday, July 18 The High Mountains Social Cooperative participated in the Vovousa Festival, a mountain festival dedicated to environmental protection, which has been organising events since 2015 that enhance sustainability and … Continue reading

Call for presenters for the European Cultural Tourism Network conference 2024

  The Call for presenters at the European Cultural Tourism Network conference 2024 is now open. ​​The 17th ECTN conference with main theme “European Collaboration for Smart and Sustainable Cultural Tourism Destinations” will discuss the latest trends in the field … Continue reading