Search Results for: cultural project

Blue skies, red panic – a photographic exhibition about the 1950s

Much like scents, flavours and music, photographs are powerful triggers of memory. So what better medium to recall a past as recent and as visually recognizable as early postwar Europe…? For about a year, the consortium involved in the EU-funded … Continue reading

The Berlin Culture Hackathon: COD1NG DA V1NC1

PREFORMA has taken notice of the event, which was attended by cultural institutions from all over Germany, the developer community, the designer community, and the gaming community, with the aim to make the digital heritage available in a creative way. Continue reading

Augmented reality: enriching culture

Augmented Reality was initially used for military, industrial, and medical applications, but was soon applied to commercial and entertainment areas as well. In the cultural sector, it can be of particular relevance in the fields of archaeology, architecture, art, city planning, for applications in tourism, education, social innovation Continue reading

“Smart Specialisation and the Heritage City”, ROCK workshop at the European Week of Regions and Cities

From 7 to 10 October 2019 in Brussels, the 17th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities will be held, this year under the heading “Regions and Cities: Pillars of the EU’s Future”. Sessions including Workshops, Participatory labs, … Continue reading

RURALIZATION Final Conference

RURALIZATION is a EU-funded project aiming at developing forward-looking policies fulfilling the ‘future dreams’ of new rural generations and foster sustainable development of rural and marginal areas. In this light, RURALIZATION and INCULTUM established a cooperation agreement for cross-dissemination and … Continue reading

Europeana Tech second international conference The second international EuropeanaTech conference was held on February 12th and 13th 2015 in Paris, France. Europeana is uniting hundreds of experts from across the EU to share knowledge and jointly shape the future of memory organisations in a networked … Continue reading

The Roma in Coventry: Digital practices and identity expression

In the Romani Week (April 27 – May 1, 2015), Amalia Sabiescu of Coventry University shares insights from the RICHES European project research: how a Romani community is finding ways to preserve and express its unique identity at a time of cultural change and how the arts, culture and technology can be used as bridges towards intercultural communication and dialogue. Coventry University seeks so to promote a better awareness and understanding of the lives and culture of the Romani/Gypsy/Traveller people. Continue reading

Recovering train routes and linking trails in the Sicilian Inland

The INCULTUM Pilot set in Sicily is coordinated by the GAL Elimos, and is focused on establishing collaborations with local municipalities in the Trapani province, specifically Calatafimi-Segesta, Custonaci and Buseto Palizzolo. One of the scopes is to develop territorial promotion … Continue reading

Innovation in the INCULTUM Pilots: sharing good practices and success stories

The work done by each of the 10 Pilot cases in the INCULTUM project shows (sometimes big) differences and specifities, nevertheless all the Pilots are aiming at developing new sustainable and collaborative strategies for local promotion of various areas, which also generate an effort … Continue reading

The 2021 Special Prizes shortlist is out!

The ILUCIDARE Consortium including Europa Nostra, and the European Commission are delighted to present the shortlisted projects for the 2021 edition of the ILUCIDARE Special Prizes, awarded within the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards! Being co-funded by the … Continue reading