Search Results for: cultural project

“Dead Lucretia” sculpture digitised by Giravolt project

 Giravolt is a national project in Catalonia coordinated by the Catalan Department of Culture GENCAT, and is associated partner of EUreka3D, sharing its purposes and vision, promoting 3D digitisation of cultural heritage items for scopes of research and dissemination. Giravolt … Continue reading

EUreka3D project: latest updates on 3D digitisation of heritage collections

all images in this post courtesy of CRDI/Ajuntament de Girona via the EUreka3D Twitter profile. The EUreka3D project coordinated by Photoconsortium has just started the action on high-quality 3D digitisation, which will make great collections of cultural heritage 3D digitised objects … Continue reading

CitizenHeritage, citizen science and participation in cultural heritage

CitizenHeritage, funded within the Erasmus+ programme of European Commission, takes the Citizen Science approach to the world of cultural heritage, where the digital realm creates new opportunities to reach out to broader audiences and facilitate community building. The project encourages … Continue reading

INCULTUM Strengthening Cultural Heritage Collaboration

Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica marked a significant moment on Thursday, September 7th, 2023, as a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed for the implementation of the Barborská Cesta project. This crucial partnership was established between Matej Bel University and … Continue reading

Kicking – off the INCULTUM project

On the 4th of June 2021, the large group of partners from all over Europe met online to officially start the INCULTUM project. The core activities are about researching and empowering cultural tourism in peripheral areas, also unlocking their potential … Continue reading

Jornades APP, mobile applications for cultural and natural heritage and tourism

The Jornades APP,  organized by The Generalitat de Catalunya – Departament de Cultura (GENCAT), i2Cat and Kònic thtr, will be held during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of October at the headquarters of the CaixaForum in Girona city (Catalonia). For … Continue reading

Social Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment present: the SoPHIA project

SoPHIA is a two years project started on January 2020 which aims at proposing a holistic impact assessment model for historical, environmental and cultural heritage in Europe. With the term holistic it understands that the economic, social, environmental and cultural … Continue reading

Improving Technical Options for Audiovisual Collections through the PREFORMA Project

Kate Murray, author for The Signal, the digital preservation blog of the Library of Congress, interviewed MediaConch’s Project Manager Dave Rice and Archivist Ashley Blewer, who explained the aim of the PREFORMA Project and the first results of MediaConch particularly on the standardisation of Matroska & FFv1. Continue reading

A new generation of professionals and Cultural Heritage Messengers

The European Young Heritage Professionals Forum was organized by UNESCO in partnership with the European Union within the joint project ‘2018 – European Year of Cultural Heritage: Engaging Youth for an Inclusive and Sustainable Europe’. It took place from 20 … Continue reading