Sicily Histories APP for smartphone

Cattura1Sicily Histories is an application for android and iOS that makes the use of cultural heritage more engaging.
Archaeological, medieval and baroque and contemporary sites of the entire region are intertwined with narratives that cross the epochs of Sicilian history and culture
The App provides  3 different functionalities:
– 3D maps
– digital guides for cultural tourism
– story & games.
The idea comes from the implementation of the Sicily Histories project, created in March 2016,  and the establishment of the homonymous social promotion association, specialising in organising historical excursions characterised by the development of a light role-playing games during guided tours.
Thanks to the co-financing made available by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism the project was transformed into a technology application. The goal of the project is to promote the Sicilian territory thanks to the implementation of the digitalization of the cultural use of the Sicilian heritage.
Today, Hi.Stories is a start up technological services company for cultural heritage based in the province of Catania. Its mission is to integrate digital technologies into the cultural environment, through gamification and storytelling. To achieve this, it creates custom games, mobile device applications with augmented reality, and 3D printing. These solutions all make it easier to give visitors a more dynamic and engaging tour, using the tools that they are most familiar with.

More information are available on


Art exhibibition in Athens “Impressions of Greece”: how young Chinese people see us

An exhibition entitled “Impressions of Greece” was inaugurated on 10th July in Maroussi district of Athens hosted at the Hellenic Center for Ceramic Art. It showcases the works of 8 young artists from China, students of Forward Arts in Beijing, aged between 4 and 18 years. The exhibition includes watercolors, sketches, oil painting and ceramics created during a cultural tour if 10 days in Greece.


The group of students, accompanied by the School Directors, were touring in characteristic cultural spaces of the city such as the Spatharios Museum, the Municipal Olympic Gallery, the Olympic sports facilities, the Ceramic Art Center. They participated in the activities of the sports and cultural camp of the Municipality of Amaroussion, visited archaeological sites of Attica, as well as destinations outside Athens.


The program, a product of Promoter Srl (Italy) and Greece China Link, both companies with experience in thematic tourism and cultural exchange programs, was supported by the Municipality of Amaroussion with the aim of allowing young and very young Chinese students to learn about an authentic cross-section of Greek life and heritage, and the youngsters had the opportunity to work side by side with local artists. Exhibiting their works in Athens is a prestigious opportunity they’ll never forget.

The organizer and curator of the initiative Dr. Elisa Debernardi of Promoter Srl, thanking the local institutions that have joined the vernissage, highlighted how, in addition to the great educational value that the visit of our museums and monuments has offered to young students, it was an event of cultural exchanges of great significance and strong potential.


Giving the “present” to the farewell celebration, the Mayor of Maroussi Giorgos Patoulis said: “By using culture and art as a means we bring young people and people closer. Through exchanges of this kind we promote mutual understanding among the peoples, highlight the many tourist themes that Greece can develop by exploiting its cultural wealth and history with multi-level benefits for our homeland. Maroussi strengthens its extrovert, exploits its tourist attractions. He leads and leads in the field of promoting thematic tourism and its alternative forms.” On the occasion of his presence at the farewell exhibition of the students who participated in the program, the sculptor Situ Xiao Chun offered Mayor Mr. Patoulis as a memorial of his visit to Maroussi a sculpture he himself crafted. On the side of the Municipality the participants were given commemorative gifts related to the history of the place.

Present at the event were also the Deputy Mayor Costas Antonopoulos, the President of the Public Benefit Society of the Municipality of Amaroussion (KEDA) Nikos Peppas, the President of the Organization for Social Policy and Solidarity (O.KOLIDA), Petros Koniaris, the President of the Primary Education Committee of the Municipality of Epaminondas Katsigiannis, the Chairman of the Secondary Education Committee of the Municipality of Michalis Papadopoulos, the municipal councillors Eleni Vlachou Stamataki and Eleni Lekka, the President of the Panhellenic Association of Keramists and Pottery Nikos Vallatos, representatives of the tourist agencies.

Call For Papers: 8th e-AGE Conference Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE

The 8th International Platform on Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment (e-AGE18) is a premier forum to present and discuss advances in e-Infrastructure technology and research. e-AGE18 will be held in Amman – Jordan during 2-3 December 2018 under the patronage of HE Dr. Adel Tweissi, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

This year, e-AGE18 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE, and the proceedings are indexed in IEEE Xplore.

Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAPUC): 

e-AGE18 brings together leading innovators in Research and Education Networks from around the world. The latest development and advances in e-Infrastructures and research and education network technologies and applications are explored in specialized tracks of e-AGE18.

We look forward to your involvement and participation in this year’s event.

* Track 1: Scientific computing and data-intensive e-Science in areas related to energy, environment, health, climate, water, agriculture, biology, economy, medicine, as well as in social sciences and humanities.

* Track 2: Perspectives on NRENs, including challenges, operation, sustainability, funding, governance, business models, security and services.

* Track 3: Problem-solving environments, Virtual Research Environments, Science Gateways and collaborative tools, applications and services.

* Track 4: Education and e-Learning Technologies, access to educational resources, repositories, libraries and contents, clouds, grids, parallel and distributed computing, and high performance computing.

* Track 5: Internet technologies and trends, Internet of Things, Security, SDN and AAIs.

e-AGE18 seeks original manuscripts that have not been previously published. Each submitted manuscript (six pages maximum, including figures and references) will be peer reviewed, and acceptance will be based on quality, relevance, and originality. Submission will be through EasyChair at

Submission guidelines are available on the conference website at


  • Paper submission for All Tracks: 1 October, 2018
  • Notification of Paper Acceptance: 1 November, 2018
  • Final Camera-Ready Paper: 20 November, 2018
  • Conference Days: 2 – 3 December, 2018


Special Issue On: Development of e-Infrastructures – Call for Papers

International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAPUC) Special Issue On: Development of e-Infrastructures

Submission Due Date: 19th February 2019

Guest Editors
Salem Al-Agtash, German Jordanian University, Jordan
Dale Smith, University of Oregon, United States of America
Elisabetta Zuanelli, University of Rome, Italy

This special issue on the development of e-Infrastructures is meant to publish refereed research integrating the disciplines of high speed research and education network, scientific computing facilities, support services and applications, data-intensive e-Science, open exchange points and peering, and problem solving environments such as cloud, grid, and high performance computing. The journal provides a forum for scientists, practitioners, policy makers, and professionals to advance the use and practice e-Infrastructure development and their interoperation and integration. This special issue publishes full-length research papers and insightful practices and case studies from all areas of e-Infrastructures that are selected after a rigorous blind review by experts in the field.


The objective is to publish original research and insightful practices and case studies on the development of e-Infrastructure network, peering and open exchange points, and applications and services that are relevant to research communities, worldwide.

Recommended Topics
Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not limited to) the following:

• e-Infrastructures and its potential to support virtual research communities
• Scientific computing
• Data-intensive e-Science
• Perspectives on research and education networks, including challenges, operation, sustainability, funding, governance, and business models
• Problem-solving environments and collaborative tools, applications and services
• e-Learning and transformative education technologies
• Experience of potential access to educational resources, repositories, libraries and contents
• Computing facilities including clouds, grids, and high performance computing
• Internet technologies and trends, Internet of Things, Security, SDN and AAIs
• Case studies and best practices of high speed networks and open exchange points

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on Development of e-Infrastructures on or before February 1, 2019. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.

bookAll submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Professor Dr. Salem Al-Agtash
Guest Editor

International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing ( IJAPUC)


Closing conference of European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018


Closing conference organised jointly by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission. It will showcase projects of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and discuss the legacy of the year.

Links and contact information

Organiser: Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (Federal Chancellery of Austria) and the European Commission

Photo: ©W Horvath


“Building Communities” – Europeana AGM 2018

AGM 2018 ImageEuropeana Network Association AGM 2018: “Building Communities”

The AGM 2018 is an opportunity for Europeana Network Association members to voice their opinions and ideas and to showcase their projects. This year’s focus is on building communities.

europeana logoThe AGM 2018 takes place on 5 December, at the Technisches Museum Wien in Vienna,  right before the closing European Commission cultural event – European Culture Forum on 6-7 December in Vienna. All AGM attendees are invited to attend the European Culture Forum. Please note that a limited number of tickets are available.

Early bird tickets are priced at €50 and are on sale from now until noon on Monday 15 October when the price will increase to €85.


More info (coming soon):

Date: 5th December 2018
Venue: Mariahilfer Str. 212
1140 Wien


More than real: art in the digital age

The annual Verbier Art Summit connects thought leaders to key figures in the art world and creates a platform for discourse, innovation and change in a non-transactional context. It is an independent initiative organised by a non-profit association in partnership with a yearly rotating international museum director. The Verbier Art Summit’s 2018 publication features contributions by acclaimed international artists and innovative thinkers. The publication is the outcome of the 2018 Summit held from 18 to 22 January in Verbier, Switzerland.

More_Than_Real_cover_and_spineThe Summit theme and this accompanying publication, MORE THAN REAL. ART IN THE DIGITAL AGE, were conceived by partnering museum director Daniel Birnbaum of Moderna Museet Stockholm, Sweden. The publication is edited by Daniel and Michelle Kuo, curator of painting and sculpture at MoMa NY and eatures contributions from 2018 Summit speakers, forming a multidisciplinary exploration of art in the digital age by artists, museum directors, curators, and academics. Contributions range from reflective moments on artistic practices, to essays on threats of new technologies and curatorial practices. Ed Atkins writes reflectively on his work in his essay ‘Losslessness’: “Writing this, I’m struck by the queasy clarity of my own neuroses – as well as their positive motility: how I’ve almost always wanted my videos firstly to be analogous to people, to bodies, to experience, to loss.”

In addition, the book features 9 graphic works by Douglas Coupland, as well as illustrations by Summit participants. The publication also highlights important moments at the Summit in the form of full talks, artist statements, and off-stage conversations between speakers.

The book is now available online.

The 2019 Verbier Art Summit will be organised in partnership with acclaimed museum director Jochen Volz of Pinacoteca de São Paulo, Brazil. The next Summit will take place on 1–2 February 2019 in Verbier, Switzerland, and will be curated by Jochen Volz around the theme:


In times of increasing uncertainty, we are in need of a deeper understanding of the multiplicity of narratives around us. Art has the potential to give voice to forgotten and silenced narratives, but also to envision entirely new possibilities. By bringing together artists, museum directors, activists and academics, the Verbier Art Summit will engage the art world in critical reflection on their social and political responsibilities. Together, we will explore the political power of art.

More info:


Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain

Cupid comes to life and gets out of Rubens’ painting

In the heart of Brussels Airport, travelers can discover a new way of enjoying art. In a waiting room decorated with paintings by Rubens, a Cupid from the painting The Feast of Venus (1636) decided to have a good time randoming in the room. Thanks to a projection system, the flying god comes out of his picture for a little show. The very nice projection was spotted by several travelers who shared the images and clips on social networks.

The Belgian company SkullMapping is not new to such projects: in 2015 the company had a sensation with its projection called Petit Chef in a restaurant. This “Little Chef” presented the story of a busy little chef, projected onto the plates of the restaurant and working to “cook” the dishes of the customers directly before their eyes. Skullmapping, run by Antoon Verbeeck and Filip Sterckx, provided proof that small-scale mapping projections for a small group of people could be just as impressive. “Originally, we created The Little Chef for an event or two, to show the potential of mini-mapping,” reveals Antoon Verbeek. “When we saw the number of restaurants and hotels that started calling after the first video, we realized that this concept could really mark the entrance of video mapping into the hospitality industry. “

The Cupid mini-mapping was commissioned by VisitFlanders, the official tourist agency promoting the region: the goal is to exploit the passing spaces of travelers – just like the airports – to spread the knowledge of Flanders’ art in a capillary way. The anonymous spaces of the terminal will be each time filled with original works of art or their representations. The Cupid of Rubens ‘will fly’ until April 2019, when it will be replaced by new artworks inspired by Brueghel.



Congress Visual Heritage 2018 (November 12-15, 2018 | Vienna, Austria) – Deadline for CHNT Submissions extended!


Due to the request of many colleagues all around the world the deadline for the submission of CHNT paper, poster, and app has been EXTENDED to 15th July.

Visit the program on the event’s website and choose the right session, round table or workshop for your lecture and submit YOUR abstract.

Important dates:

  • July 15, 2018: final deadline for Submission (abstract) – CHNT Paper, Poster, Round Table and Apps
  • July 27, 2018: Notification for speakers and presenters
  • November 12-15, 2018: conference in Vienna, Austria
  • January 31, 2019: Deadline for Full Paper for CHNT – Proceedings
  • Autumn 2019: Date of issue – CHNT – Proceedings

The Best In Heritage 2018 Core Programme Projects & Presenters

Dubrovnick, Croatia, 26-28 September 2018

The Core Programme in the Theatre “Marin Držić”.

Featuring 28 presentations of best practices in museums, heritage and conservation awarded in 2017, with keynotes and the “spotlight” session.

A conference like no other: annual, densely packed, one-track event of three days, presenting altogether 42 prize winners from a wider heritage sector, – coming from some 30 countries across the globe. As the authors and project leaders share their success stories, the Q&A sessions that follow offer the theory behind.

The event is a celebration of professional excellence, as it gathers public, private and civil society projects, suggesting the trends and tendencies in the realm of public memory. In the last 16 editions the most frequent words of praise from the participants were “inspiration” and “networking” – as a result of getting to know the best among us.

The core programme venue, a cosy neo-baroque theatre right in the very centre of Dubrovnik, offers a relaxed ambiance ideal for succesful communication. It starts after the IMAGINES event, in the evening of 26 September, with the welcome ceremony on which the last year’s “Project of Influence” winner Jasper Buikx from Micropia will deliver the Keynote address.

Programme and Registration:
