Search Results for: cultural project

“HACK THE AUDIENCE!” event was a success

On Monday October 5th 2015, almost 60 heritage professionals gathered in the Waag’s Anatomical Theatre in Amsterdam and discussed how co-creation can be applied in the heritage sector to create new stories or new connections with audiences. The session was … Continue reading

Portuguese INCULTUM pilot on Al-Sabîl – Revue d`Histoire, d`Archéologie et d`Architecture Maghrébines

The latest paper about the Portuguese pilot of the INCULTUM project has been published in French in the journal Al-Sabîl – Revue d`Histoire, d`Archéologie et d`Architecture Maghrébines, from the University of La Manouba in Tunisia. The articles in this special … Continue reading

Europeana Photography – Bratislava plenary meeting

Focus of the plenary was the finalization of the +430.000 metadata of early photographs to be provided to, the European digital library where the images digitizited by the project will be retrievable and accessible to everybody, and the organization of the final conference of the project, which will be joint to the opening of a new edition of the exhibition All Our Yesterdays, with a very special Belgian flavour that was added to the original format of the exhibition (held in Pisa in April-June 2014 for the first time) thanks to the cooperation with the Leuven City Archive. Continue reading

E-Space Creative Marketing Workshop – event in Pisa

Organized by Fondazione Sistema Toscana, this Europeana Space Creative Marketing workshop was focused on exploring different ways of communicating cultural contents with the use of new media and will show how a greater audience can be reached by combining the power of social media … Continue reading

Greenway: the INCULTUM pilot of GAL Elimos

The development of the Greenway Kaggera-Vita-Salemi is part of the pilot coordinated by GAL Elimos in the frame of the INCULTUM project. The encounter of 29/4/2024 hosted by the University of Palermo has been the occasion to present the results … Continue reading

EAGLE 2016 International Conference on Digital and Traditional Epigraphy in Context

EAGLE 2016 International Conference on Digital and Traditional Epigraphy in Context is the second in a series of international conferences planned by EAGLE BPN. The event will feature presentations and hands-on workshops regarding themes of the EAGLE project, led by the project’s Working Groups. Continue reading

Kick-off Meeting Vienna

The HarmoSearch project started in december with the kick-off meetig. It took place in the pre-Christmas decorated Vienna in the office of xpluso Business Solutions GmbH At the meeting were all the work items discussed and a timetable decided.

Digital Historic Urban Landscape Methodology for Heritage Impact Assessment of Singapore

This research aims to show and explain the evolution of the architectural heritage of Singapore through the use of digital technologies that favour a participatory, dynamic and sharing approach. The research carries out an inventory of the information technology currently … Continue reading

HERItage International Conference: March 11-13, 2020 Opatija (Rijeka), Croatia

The University of Rijeka, one of the largest and the most cosmopolitan city in the country, concurrently the 2020 European Capital of Culture, is pleased to welcome you to this three-day HERItage conference organized under the auspices of the Ministry … Continue reading

Muzeum@Digit international conference

This year’s MUZEUM@DIGIT will be special as we celebrate the 5th conference since the start in 2013. The conference has become an important event in the Hungarian and international museum sector, hundreds of museum professionals have participated so far. All of … Continue reading