EARTH2018: Digital Environments for Education, Arts and Heritage

earth2018The meanings that are defined in relation to the concept of heritage as well as the methods and tools for exploring cultural heritage have changed and expanded. In this context, information technologies offer new semantic spaces and action boundaries to experiment with different approaches to heritage education. This determines an increasingly complex intertwining of media and environments with the consequence that any artifact can be configured as a digital ecosystem. In this sense, virtual museums, multimedia installations, interactive technological platforms, as well as apps, serious games and immersive realities, are some of the possible variations of the digital environment in which to place innovative modes of education to tangible and intangible heritage. Collective and connective intelligences enter into a relationship to build new experiences with art and heritage towards an awareness of the protection of the creative expressions of civilizations.

CALL FOR PAPERS – submission deadline 12 May

In relation to what is described, we expect contributions that present case studies in the field of heritage education in digital environments, innovative experiments in the field of digital representation and methodological reflections on the use of IT tools in various educational contexts.

  • Digital representation technologies
  • Virtual Museums and Virtual Exhibitions
  • Virtual, Augmented or Mixed Reality
  • Digital Heritage and Digital Arts
  • 3d scan / print for museums and exhibitions
  • Art and Heritage Education
  • Teaching and technologies for museum
  • VR and AR technologies in schools
  • Education through digital media
  • Interactive digital publishing
  • Psychology of perception and attention
  • Psychology of arts and communication
  • Economy of culture
  • Serious game and gamification

More information:

Registration is open for the 15th edition of Image and Research Conference


img © Ajuntament de Girona. CRDI / Joan Serra Mustich. Passeig General Mendoza 7-10 pis, Massafont Costals, Martí. CC-BY-NC-ND via Europeana

The 15th edition of Image and Research Conference will take place from 21 to 24 November 2018 in Girona, Catalunya.

In addition to a full programme of keynotes speeches, presentations and workshops, the conference includes a discussion space to reflect on the possibility of bringing photographic and audiovisual archives closer to new audiences. On the one hand, the prominence of the image in today’s society and in various fields has been established, whether information, creation or interpersonal communication. On the other hand, the conversion of archives into digital spaces allows many barriers imposed by the media itself to be broken down and, at the same time, offers a series of possibilities for the dissemination and re-use that may be of interest to a much wider audience.

Program, schedule and workshops at the following link:

Conference registration:

Workshops registration:

Get involved! REACH opening conference “Resilient Cultural Heritage and Communities in Europe”

davEverything’s ready for the upcoming REACH project Opening Conference, and the banner is already displayed on the facade of the Hungarian National Museum: from 10th to 11th of May, high-level experts will meet in Budapest to discuss and compare successful examples of participatory processes and researches facing the theme of “Resilient Cultural Heritage and Communities in Europe“.
Focus topics:
social cohesion, social inequality, minority heritage, preservation and management of Cultural Heritage, rural heritage, small town heritage, institutional heritage.
What to expect:
– Interesting programme of speeches
– Round table on resilience and participation in Cultural Heritage
– Posters and videos session where participants are invited to deliver a brief pitch presenting their own projects.
– An Europeana Collection Day for digitization of stories and memorabilia of people and  families who experienced travelling and migration in their lives.
– A Networking Session for European projects in Cultural Heritage as a periodic concertation event supporting a sustainable cooperation.
– A contribution by a EC representative.
From the conference will emerge a manifesto containing the basic guidelines and principles of REACH
Hungarian National Museum, 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 14–16 Hungary
the Conference is organized by ELTE University, Eotvos Lora Tudomanyegyetem and it is part of the programme of the European Year of Cultural Heritage
REACH Conference website:
Full Programme:

Conference contacts:
Eszter György,; +3630 278 27 31
Gábor Oláh,; +3630 456 62 98

3rd General Assembly of “Iniciativa Comunales”

Carátula III AGO Granada 2018From 27 to 29 of April, the MEMOLab Laboratory, from the University of Granada, collaborated in the organization of the General Assembly of Communal Initiatives.
Different stakeholders met at the workshop sharing their own experiences about communal management of the rural areas in Spain.
In the first day of programme they discovered the ancient water supply system of the town centre of Granada, irrigation ditches and  water sources. The tour was led by Prof. José María Martín Civantos, from University of Granada, REACH Project partner.
In the framework of this full agenda, it has been faced the thematic of environmental conflict management, exemplifying experiences of good practices and tools for conflicts prevention and mediation.
Cattura2The last day of programme was planned a visit to the little village of Alpujarra, in Sierra Nevada in order to learn about its ancient system of water management. This small community has been cooperating since 2014 with MEMOLA Project  ( and the University of Granada.
31789487_10155777593449794_4389152183589797888_nCommunal Initiatives is an Association including territories and areas conserved by local communities. The communal are waters, lands, rights and uses collectively governed by a community. The objective of communal management is to promote the good coexistence of the neighbours, an equitable use of resources and to ensure their good status for future generations.During the Assembly, the members analysed the current conditions of the collectives that managed the natural resources and the territory. They set a plan of communication to visualize the agrarian heritage and the communal management. They will do also a record of collectives that manages natural resources.Read more about the 3rd  “Iniciativas Comunales” Assembly here
More information on Iniciativa Comunales at
Agenda of the 3rd General Assembly


Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE, is an annual international conference organized by the Arab States Research and Education Network, ASREN. Since the launch of ASREN in December 2010 at the League of Arab States, it was decided to organize e-AGE every year in one of the Arab countries. e-AGE is in line with ASREN’s major objectives that are related to dissemination and awareness, promotion of research collaboration and joint activities, and establishment of research networks in the Arab region and worldwide.


In 2018, e-AGE will be held under the patronage of HE Professor Adel Tweissi, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in Amman, Jordan during 2-3 December 2018. In e-AGE18, the focus will be on demonstrated successes in using the research and education e-Infrastructures at national, regional and global levels. In short words, e-AGE18 is coming with “CAPACITY FOR TRANSFORMATION” as the main theme of the conference and all activities are centered on it.

e-AGE18 will include events, workshops and meetings centered around the following themes:

  • The 11th Event on Euro-Mediterranean e-Infrastructure
  • The 8th annual meeting of ASREN
  • EUMEDCONNECT3 Project meeting
  • AfricaConnect2 Project meeting
  • Internet2 Middle East SIG Meetings
  • Workshops dedicated for e-Infrastructures users
  • Technical Workshops on R&E networking

Moreover, special sessions will be dedicated to specific domains, mainly focusing on experiences in connectivity and e-Infrastructure, applications and services across a variety of scientific domains. It is also important to show how research infrastructure creates tangible benefits to communities and collaborations. It is still critical to demonstrate how research connectivity can promote collaboration and innovation. Different discussions will be stimulated during e-AGE to drive outcomes and concrete results on practical steps towards developing a regional e-Infrastructure.

A call for participation is currently open.


DCDC2018 Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities / Memory and Transformation

dcdc2016About the conference

Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities is a collaborative conference series between The National Archives and Research Libraries UK. Now in its sixth year, DCDC brings together colleagues from across the archive, library, museum and academic sectors to explore shared opportunities, collective challenges, and to discuss how each sector can work more effectively with one another.


Open and inclusive in its ethos, the DCDC conferences bring together an unparalleled variety of experiences drawn from across the UK, Europe, and further afield. It includes contributions from individuals of all career stages, from established academics and practitioners, to those just starting out. Its keynote speakers are drawn from across the heritage and academic sectors, are leaders in their field, and inspire debate and discussion amongst its hundreds of delegates. The annual conference has now become a well-established event on the cultural, heritage and academic calendars.

DCDC18 will be held on 19-21 November 2018 at the BCEC (Birmingham Conference and Events Centre), Birmingham.

The theme for 2018 edition is Memory and Transformation.


DCDC18 call for papers – deadline 27 April 2018

DCDC18 will consider the interplay between memory and transformation within heritage organisations and their wider impact on the cultural landscape. We will seek to examine how, through developing new points of entry to collections, archives, libraries, museums and galleries, we can work collaboratively with each other and academic organisations to meet strategic ambitions. Further, we will explore how to meaningfully engage with different audiences and communities whose far reaching interests can often have an equally transformational impact on our own professional cultures.

Memory is a thread running through every collection: their content, their production, their physicality, their journey and current use. The memories held in collections can both connect us with the past, immersing us in experiences through the eyes of others, and inform the future through innovative research and the development of new ideas, technology, science and art. The important role that scientific collections and heritage organisations have played in the health of the human mind, including through reminiscence therapies and supporting mental wellness, are examples of their potential and value to individuals and society.

Read the full call for papers

img. Birmingham Skyline from the west Selfridges Birmingham Town Hall St Phillip’s Cathedral University of Birmingham Alpha Tower, CC BY-SA 3.0. via Wikipedia

Europeana CEF Call for Generic Services open until 15th May

The 2018 CEF Telecom Europeana call for proposals will be open until 15 May 2018. The open call info are available here: the call is looking for projects that will support cultural institutions to increase the amount of high quality content and metadata provided to Europeana, as well as to increase awareness and usage of Europeana.

The objective is to provide support to cultural institutions and other public and private partners to increase the amount of content and metadata accessible through Europeana that is of high quality and suitable for reuse, as well as to increase awareness and usage of Europeana. To fulfil this objective, actions funded by this call must include activities such as:

  1. Increasing the quality of existing content available through Europeana;
  2. Enhancing the structure, richness and multilingual capacity of existing metadata to increase discoverability and use of the material;
  3. Making available new high quality material with rich item descriptions that has potential to generate high audience engagement and reuse. If necessary, this may include limited and targeted digitisation of content that can be made available for free reuse;
  4. Providing expert support to cultural institutions to improve the quality of the content and metadata that they make available, including capacity building among institutions and professionals;
  5. Raising awareness and use of Europeana across Europe, through applications, collections or exhibitions highlighting content of particular interest for specific audiences or through user engagement activities.

Full details of the Europeana call are available here.

2018 Ars Electronica Festival: Error – The Art of Imperfection

From Artificial Intelligence to Social Intelligence

To err is human, it’s said. Could that be why we’re incessantly striving for perfection and steadfastly believe we can attain it with technology and science, and in spite of the fact that there is nothing that we fear more than being eliminated by a world of machinery that functions perfectly well without us?

How can we rethink our very ambivalent relationship to technology as the driving force for configuring our future, and what errors should we perhaps not repeat in the process?

The call for social intelligence is now being juxtaposed to our enthusiasm for the digital world and artificial intelligence.

We are propagating the courage to welcome imperfection, since isn’t that quite possibly what will always set us apart from the machines!


2018 Ars Electronica Festival

Ars Electronica is once again summoning hundreds of artists, scientists, engineers, designers, technologists, entrepreneurs and social activists worldwide to gather in Linz September 6-10 to jointly investigate current technological and social interdependencies and their potential future manifestations. All of this will take place in public and together with people from all walks of life, since a defining aim of Ars Electronica is to take leave of the classic premises devoted to culture and scholarship and to stage an internationally unique festival of art, technology and society amidst the public sphere in downtown Linz. The festival locations are arrayed through the heart of the inner city—the former postal service logistics facility adjacent to the train station, St. Mary’s Cathedral, the OK Center for Contemporary Art, Moviemento and CENTRAL cinemas, Linz Art University, the LENTOS Art Museum, the Brucknerhaus, Ars Electronica Center and Anton Bruckner Private University. At these diverse venues, ideas and visions, works of art and prototypes, performances and concerts engender temporary settings conducive to leeway and latitude, and provide inspiration to the many festivalgoers who come to partake of them.


The festival hub will once again be POSTCITY. Ars Electronica gets one more opportunity to breathe life into this mothballed postal service logistics facility and use it as a venue for such festival highlights as the Big Concert Night with Markus Poschner conducting the Bruckner Orchestra, the u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD festival, and a jam-packed lineup of conferences featuring stellar participants. Plus, POSTCITY offers Linz-based Ars Electronica yet another chance to position itself as one of the world’s largest and most interesting international fairs for creativity and innovation, and thus to network with associations, enterprises and educational institutions throughout the world.

More information:

Scintille: Sequence of lectures dedicated to the topic of technological innovation


Doppiozero, the non-profit web magazine, presents a programme of meetings dedicated to the theme of technological innovation.
Each session will last about two hours during which a speaker will introduce to the audience a “Spark”,  in other words an idea, a project or an invention that changed and influenced somehow the daily life of everyone.
Focus of the speech are not just great inventions or theorems or formulas, but also small objects that have changed something important in our existence over the past 70 years.
The meetings are free and accessible to deaf and hearing-impaired people.
The initiative is organized by Officine Grandi Riparazioni Consortium(Turin) and the Association Doppiozero (Milan).
Next lecture, planned for the 24th of April, is entitled “Cryptic algorithm”: Marco Bartocci, from the University of Genoa will explain what is an algorithm, facing controversial aspects and unanswered questions such as “Does our brain work in an algorithmic way?”
Further information are available on:
Next meetings:
Tuesday, 29 May h 18
iPhone (Tiziano Bonini, University of Siena)
Tuesday,19 June h 18
Carta di credito (Christian Marazzi, SUPSI Lugano)
Tuesday,17 July h 18
Pillola (Maria Nadotti, journalist, essayist e translator)
For more information:

IIIF conference 2018

The 2018 International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Conference was held May 21-25 in Washington, DC, co-hosted by the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Folger Shakespeare Library. The Conference is intended for a wide range of participants and interested parties, including digital image repository managers, content curators, software developers, scholars, and administrators at libraries, museums, cultural heritage institutions, software firms, and other organizations working with digital images and audio/visual materials.


library of congress

Embraced by a growing number of the world’s leading research and cultural heritage organizations, IIIF provides an open framework for organizations to publish their image-based resources, to be viewed, cited, annotated and compared by any compatible image-viewing application. This event is valuable for cultural heritage, STEM institutions, repository and collection managers, software engineers; or for anyone engaged with image-based and soon A/V resources on the Web. If you have not been involved with IIIF in the past this is an opportunity to quickly get up to speed and understand the community and its benefits.

Conference Outline:

Monday May 21st – Pre Conference workshops hosted by the Smithsonian

Tuesday May 22nd – IIIF Showcase hosted by the Library of Congress

This is a FREE Showcase as an introduction to IIIF for those new to it.  Registration here:

Wednesday May 23rd – IIIF Conference plenary hosted by the Library of Congress

Thursday May 24th and Friday 25th – IIIF Conference parallel sessions hosted by the Library of Congress

The program is now online. Registration here: