Search Results for: cultural project

When Digital meets artistic treasures: Anagni, the City of Popes, virtual tour

The project “Navig@nagni” was born in 2009 to let the world know the artistic trasures of the “City of Popes” through the web. This has been by scanning the major historical and artistic sites with a laser scanner which, in addition to a perfect 3D modeling, has allowed a scan hundreds of equirectangular pictures, using a special software developed by Massimo Iachetta, head of the ICT department of the City of Anagni. Continue reading

Complete PDF/A-1b coverage now available in the 0.6 release of veraPDF

The veraPDF consortium is pleased to announce that the latest release of the veraPDF PDF/A validation software and test-suite currently under development is now available in the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. Led by the Open Preservation Foundation and the PDF Association, the veraPDF consortium is developing the definitive open source, file-format validator for all parts and conformance levels of ISO 19005 (PDF/A). Continue reading

CyArk 500 Challenge: digital preservation of top archaeologic sites

The CyArk 500 Challenge has the ambitious goal to digitally preserve 500 cultural heritage sites within the next five years. Heritage sites are a significant part of our collective memory and we are losing them at an alarming rate, due … Continue reading

Article about PREFORMA published in Archival Science

The article “Digital curation and quality standards for memory institutions: PREFORMA research project” has just been published in the Archive Science Journal – S.I. Digital Curation – and it is available as ‘Online First’ on SpringerLink. Continue reading

nestor Praktikertag 2016

Peter Pharow and Stefan Rohde-Enslin will present the PREFORMA project at the nestor Praktikertag, which will take place at the State and University Library Dresden (SLUB) on 14 June 2016. The event brings together experts from different communities to learn and discuss new developments and practical approaches to digital preservation. The main topics of the 2016 event are the long-term archiving strategies of migration and emulation. Continue reading

Smartwatches in Museums

The innovative project personal.curator, in collaboration with FluxGuide and the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, researches impact and possibilities of wearables in museums. Now, the first real world test has been carried out! At the exhibition handWERK. Tradiertes Können in der … Continue reading

“Achieving Impact” international conference

NET4SOCIETY organised a transnational conference which took place in Athens on the 26th and 27th February 2014 on the occasion of the Greek EU Council presidency. RICHES Project Coordinator Neil Forbes, of Coventry University (UK), and RICHES Communication Manager Antonella Fresa of Promoter Srl (Italy) attended the conference as invited experts. Continue reading

Networking session at the EGI CF 2014

The networking session organised by PREFORMA in the frame of the EGI Community Forum in Helsinki presented to the interested audience the new opportunities offered by the PCP launched by PREFORMA. Download here the presentations that were delivered during the session. Continue reading

Innovative Libraries In a Digital Environment

For the 19th time, the beautiful surroundings of Low Tatras will create a scenery for the ILIDE 2016 Conference where as usually the digital preservation, digital collections access and digital processing experts from around the world will gather. Antonella Fresa, Technical Coordinator of PREFORMA, will present the project, focusing in particular on the open source approach and on the forthcoming testing phase, showing how the conformance checkers can be used and integrated in other systems. Continue reading

Digital Hermeneutics II: Sources, Analysis, Interpretation, Annotation, and Curation

Digitization has reached almost all areas of science and scholarship. And even in the cultural sciences and humanities, computers, databases and digital tools are increasingly important. Last year‘s annual conference „Digital Hermeneutics: Machines, Procedures, Meaning“ of the research cluster digital_culture … Continue reading