Search Results for: entertainment software

PREFORMA: smart solutions for digital preservation

Digital preservation means taking precautions to ensure long-term access to digital content. It mitigates the risk of files becoming obsolete or unusable in the future. The PREFORMA tools help you validate incoming file formats and codecs against their standard specification, define custom acceptance criteria, and build an efficient ingest workflow. Download and try them from the PREFORMA Open Source Portal! Continue reading

DPFManager 3.0 released

A new version of the DPF Manager, version 3.0, is now available to download in the PREFORMA Open Source Portal, including a relevant set of improvements and changes. DPF Manager is the most advanced TIFF conformance checker for digital preservation. The initiative is promoted by Easy Innova, the Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel and the Agents Research Lab of the University of Girona. Continue reading

From Digitization to Preservation, Creative Re-Use of Cultural Content, and Citizen Participation

E-Space, RICHES, Civic Epistemologies, PREFORMA and Photoconsortium met in a panel at DH 2015 to discuss how to establish the path towards a more advanced society, that makes use of the full potential of digital technologies to foster cultural and societal progress. Continue reading

Advanced digital facilities to improve classical studies

Founded in 1425, KU Leuven combines a rich tradition with top research and technology. Bruno Vandermuelen from the Faculty of Letters talks about the digitization facilities available at the University digital lab, helping digitization for EuropeanaPhotography EC project and other art-technical research in cultural heritage. Continue reading

INNOVA Master’s Degree in Virtual Cultural Heritage

How do you prepare a professional in Cultural Heritage in the digital age? How the University can solve the gap between Science and Humanities? Is the current University ready to deal with education in Cultural Heritage? Are then Humanities a good professional option? The INNOVA Master’s Degree in Virtual Heritage, developed by INNOVA and SEAV, aims to offer an answer to these questions. Continue reading

StoM project is semantic technology at your service!

StoM project commenced on 1st May 2014 and is carried out by a strong consortium committed to develop a commercial pathway for software-as-a-service solutions. Consortium members are leaders in ICT (NET7, IN2, SpazioDati) and business development (Techin and Innova). The services to be developed for commercialisation are based upon a previous research programme successfully conducted in the SemLib project. The aim is to apply semantic annotation and semantic recommendation solutions in two platforms: EventPlace and PunditBrain. Continue reading

Study on quality in 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage

This unique study on 3D digitisation demonstrates that complexity and quality are fundamental considerations in determining the necessary effort for a 3D digitisation project to achieve the required value of the output.The overall aim of this study is to improve … Continue reading

Open Dialogue for the preparation of the PREFORMA tender

PREFORMA aims to ensure the establishment of a process of Open Dialogue between the memory institutions and the technology providers who develop the software. The memory institutions will define the functional requirements of the tender based on the outcome of the Open dialogue. Continue reading

EAGLE Mediawiki awarded as Best DH Tool or Suite of Tools

EAGLE Mediawiki has been awarded as Best DH Tool or Suite of Tools at the Digital Humanities Awards 2016, an international prize yearly bestowed to Resources in Digital Humanities. EAGLE Mediawiki is designed to give a tool to anyone interested in making available the surviving inscriptions of the Greco-Roman world and contributing translations of inscriptions in several European languages, either by providing groups of translations or providing new ones. Continue reading