Search Results for: cultural project


The 6th edition of Sinopale–International Sinop Biennial under the common title “Transposition” will take place in Sinop, Turkey, from 1th August to 17th September 2017. Affirming the periphery, Sinopale brings international contemporary art to the city of Sinop by the … Continue reading

RIGENERA VOLTERRA RIGENERA: public event at Palazzo dei Priori

The case study on Volterra22, conducted in the frame of the UNCHARTED project, was presented in Volterra at Palazzo dei Priori on 30 October 2023 in the Sala del Maggior Consiglio, the historical City Hall, as the presence of the … Continue reading

The mapping of impact assessment practices in CH of the SoPHIA Platform

The Sophia platform, is developing a Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment Model. The recent progresses of its evaluation are referred to the identification of the three axes along which the model can be developed which are domains, people, and time. Next … Continue reading

MoU between DCH-RP and OPENAIRE

The main objective of the cooperation is to evaluate the possibility to reuse data made available by OPENAIRE in the Proof-of-Concepts organised by DCH-RP targeted at demonstrating how e-Infrastructures can be of benefit for the DCH community, in particular for the preservation of digital cultural content. Continue reading

Participatory inventory of the territory’s heritage of Morvan

original text BIBRACTE, images by Antoine Maillier courtesy of BIBRACTE. One of the proposed actions of Bibracte-Morvan: ancient paths into the future in the INCULTUM project aims at mapping the Grand Site de France Bibracte – Mont Beuvray rural tracks … Continue reading

IIIF Annual Conference

International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) is a set of open standards for delivering high-quality, attributed digital objects online at scale. It’s also an international community developing and implementing the IIIF APIs. IIIF is backed by a consortium of leading cultural … Continue reading

Time Machine conference 2022

The 2022 edition of the annual Time Machine conference is announced as an online event. The detailed programme is currently being mapped. Besides providing on this occasion a detailed overview over the current EU project involvements as well as national … Continue reading

Software benchmarking in digital preservation

This webinar will widen the conversation to include those who were unable to attend IPRES, provide a summary of key concepts, but most importantly, provide an opportunity to join efforts with BenchmarkDP, OPF and the PREFORMA Project to establish an initial set of high-interest scenarios for benchmarking and identify opportunities for the community for future collaboration. Continue reading

Digitisation of the endangered monastic archive at May Wäyni, Ethiopia

Text by Caterina Sbrana. I have already spoken in my blogs about the importance of the digitisation of historical documents in order to enable them to be used and disseminated worldwide through the Internet. There is another reason why digitisation … Continue reading

The culture sector is committed to the climate

“Cultural Heritage is a Climate Action Issue. Climate Action is a Cultural Heritage Issue” this is the premise of the event organized by the Climate Heritage Network.   Culture x Climate 2020 is a virtual global forum for arts, culture … Continue reading