Search Results for: "Alamire Digital Lab"

OPF Digital Preservation Community Survey

The Open Preservation Foundation (OPF) has launched an online survey to assess the current state-of-the-art in digital preservation practices. The survey explores the adoption of digital preservation approaches and technology. Continue reading

Digital Historic Urban Landscape Methodology for Heritage Impact Assessment of Singapore

This research aims to show and explain the evolution of the architectural heritage of Singapore through the use of digital technologies that favour a participatory, dynamic and sharing approach. The research carries out an inventory of the information technology currently … Continue reading

European Commission report on Cultural Heritage: Digitisation, Online Accessibility and Digital Preservation

The Consolidated Progress Report reviews and assesses the overall actions and progress made by Member States in the European Union in implementing the Recommendation (2011/711/EU) which is one of the main EU policy instruments on digitisation, online access and digital … Continue reading

Open Screen 2021 : Call out for disabled artists working in the digital realm

Developed in partnership with Shape Arts, Open Screen is seeking proposals for new works that respond to the theme of Realities, as part of arebyte on Screen, arebyte’s expanded and innovative online platform for digital animations, videos, web-based interactive experiences … Continue reading

Digital Hermeneutics II: Sources, Analysis, Interpretation, Annotation, and Curation

CALL FOR PAPERS Digitization has reached almost all areas of science and scholarship. And even in the cultural sciences and humanities, computers, databases and digital tools are increasingly important. Last year‘s annual conference „Digital Hermeneutics: Machines, Procedures, Meaning“ of the … Continue reading

PREFORMA @ Digital Heritage 2015

“From digitization to preservation, creative re-use of digital cultural content, and citizen participation” is the tile of the DH2015 Panel which will feature PREFORMA together with other EU projects, fostering a debate to understand the path towards a more advanced society, that makes use of the full potential of digital technologies to foster cultural and societal progress. Continue reading

BitCurator Digital Forensics workshop

This worskhop, organised by Open Preservation Foundation, is being held in Vienna, at the Austrian Institute of Technology, on 29 May 2015. It offers the opportunity to learn how digital forensics and the use of disk images can support your digital preservation workflows. Participants will get hands-on experience using the BitCurator tools including the latest developments with BitCurator Access. Continue reading

Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage – DiPP2019

The Ninth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage–DiPP2019 will be organized under the patronage of UNESCO and Burgas District Administration. It aims at presenting innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of … Continue reading

Digital skills have the same importance as English and Maths

The Select Committee was appointed by the House of Lords on 12 June 2014 “to consider and report on information and communications technology, competitiveness and skills in the United Kingdom”. Computer technology brings “huge opportunities for the UK, but also significant risks”, the Committee warns. The internet should be viewed as a utility service, alongside water and electricity, it says. But without action, the UK may fall behind in the new digital era. Continue reading

Digital Echoes Symposium 2015: Intangible and Performance-based Cultural Heritage

Coventry University Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE, held the 5th edition of the Digital Echoes Symposium. Digital Echoes Symposium 2015: Intangible and Performance-based Cultural Heritage 13 February 2015, Institute for Creative Enterprise, Coventry University Convenors: Sarah Whatley, Rosamaria Cisneros, Amalia Sabiescu Digital … Continue reading