e-AGE 2017 “Education, Science and Innovation”

e-AGE 2017 BannerThe e-AGE conference had established itself as an important venue for networking among experts and scientists. In 2017, e-AGE will be held under the patronage of His Excellency Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, the secretary general of the League of Arab States in Cairo, Egypt during 3 – 4 December 2017.

In e-AGE 2017, the focus will be on  Intercontinental Connectivity, and how internetworking has contributed to Science and Innovation. The e-Infrastructure has evolved in the Arab region at both national and regional levels as more than 17 National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in the Arab countries. At the regional level, ASREN announced the operation of the Arabian Global Educational Open PoP (AGE-OP) in London in cooperation with GEANT. In short words, e-AGE 2017 is coming with “EDUCATIONSCIENCE AND INNOVATION” as the main theme of the conference and all activities will be centered on it.

e-AGE 2017 will include events, workshops and meetings centered around the following themes:

  • The 10th Event on Euro-Mediterranean e-Infrastructure
  • The 7th annual meeting of ASREN
  • AROQA 9th Annual Conference
  • EUMEDCONNECT3 and Africaconnect2 Project Meetings
  • Technical workshops on R&E networking

Moreover, special sessions will be dedicated to specific domains, mainly focusing on experiences in connectivity and e-Infrastructure, applications and services across a variety of scientific domains. It is also important to show how research infrastructure creates tangible benefits to communities and collaborations. It is still critical to demonstrate how research connectivity can promote collaboration and innovation. Different discussions will be stimulated during e-AGE to drive outcomes and concrete results on practical steps towards developing a regional e-Infrastructure.

Website: http://asrenorg.net/eage2017

e-AGE 2017 / Call for Papers, Presentations, Posters and Participation

e-AGE 2017 Banner

Under The Patronage of His Excellency Ahmed Aboul-Gheit Secretary General of the League of Arab States

e-AGE 2017 Call for Papers, Presentations, Posters and Participation
7th International Platform on Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment
League of Arab States, Cairo, Egypt, 3-4 December, 2017

Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE, is an annual international conference organized by the Arab States Research and Education Network, ASREN. Since the launch of ASREN in December 2010 at the League of Arab States, it was decided to organize e-AGE every year in an Arab country. e-AGE is in line with ASREN’s major objectives that are related to dissemination and awareness, promotion of research collaboration and joint activities, and establishment of research networks in the Arab region and worldwide.

e-AGE is meant to be the launching pad for Research and Education connectivity and cooperation. It brings together ASREN, EUMEDCONNECT, AfricaConnect, GÉANT, AfREN and INTERNET2 stakeholders and the region’s foremost innovators, leaders, scientists, and businesses to discuss and debate new models of innovation, integration of research and education networks, policies for sustainable development in education, means of knowledge sharing and dissemination, capacity building programs, and region-wide e- infrastructure deployment to tackle today’s crises in climate change, global economy, food, water scarcity, alternative energy, and environmental issues. The forum can lay the foundation for a dream of many of today’s leaders towards a global e-infrastructure for R&E, based on real life inclusiveness beyond any political protocols.

Authors are invited to submit full papers reporting on their original and unpublished research in e-Infrastructures and computational and data-intensive sciences. All papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

  • Scientific computing and data-intensive e-Science in the scientific areas related to energy, environment, health, climate, water, agriculture, biology, economy, medicine, as well as in social sciences and humanities.
  • Perspectives on NRENs, including challenges, operation, sustainability, funding, governance, business models, security and services.
  • Problem-solving environments, Virtual Research Environments, Science Gateways and collaborative tools, applications and services
  • Education and e-Learning Technologies, access to educational resources, repositories, libraries and contents, clouds, grids, parallel and distributed computing, and high performance computing.
  • Internet technologies and trends, Internet of Things, Security, SDN and AAIs.

More Information: www.asrenorg.net

Download the Call for Papers (PDF, 379 Kb)

Join the Group of Experts for the creation of the EU H2020 Manifesto on Digital Heritage and Virtual Museums

u0-bXc87_400x400Virtual Multimodal Museum (ViMM – www.vi-mm.eu) is a high-visibility and participative Coordination and Support Action (CSA), funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme (CULT-COOP-8-2016). ViMM brings together Europe and the world’s leading public and private sector organisations working on Virtual Museums and in the wide sector of Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) to support high quality policy development, decision making and the use of technical advances. The partner consortium (see below) will be supported by an expert Advisory Group in building the ViMM Framework, involving decision-makers and practitioners in defining and resolving issues spread across 7 interlinked Thematic Areas (‘the 7 Ds’): Definitions, Directions, Documentation, Dimensions, Demand, Discovery and Decisions.

Login/Register on our platform and join the Group of Experts: www.vi-mm.eu

Major results will include:

/ A highly interactive and wide-reaching ViMM communication platform which will:

  • enable focused contributions and discussion by everyone interested
  • represent excellence in Virtual Museums and DCH
  • provide a decision-support tool for stakeholders

/ Key events at policy and practitioner/ stakeholder levels and extensive use of the media

/ A clearer, evidence-based view of the impact of Virtual Museums and Digital Cultural Heritage on society and the economy

The final result of the project will be the EU H2020 Manifesto and Roadmap for Action, which will be validated at the final ViMM international conference in 2019.

Please activate the Login option and register on the platform!

Join, follow and like us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/virtualmultimodalmuseum
Join us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vimmuseum

List of consortium partners:

  • CYPRUS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Cyprus / Digital Heritage Research Lab – Coordinator

OPEN CALL Ar(t)chaeology: Intersections of photography and archaeology

This Call invites artists who particularly work with photography to respond to the theme of the International Association of Photography and Theory’s first collaborative project entitled Ar(t)chaeology: Intersections of photography and archaeology. The project will run from May to December 2017 and will include regular meetings and a creative process that will result in an exhibition, a parallel one-day seminar, and a visual publication, which will negotiate themes that are considered central to this project.

The project seeks to investigate the relationship between archaeology and contemporary art photography. Cyprus, an island, the identity of which was born out of contested histories and conflicting narratives, can serve as a case study for the examination of the connection between these two seemingly diverse fields of practice. On the one hand, archaeology in Cyprus is usually seen as the meticulous, objectivity-driven, study of objects, artifacts, and material culture, which often uses photography as a tool for purposes of documentation, archiving, and representation. On the other hand, contemporary art photography can be seen as an entirely different practice to archaeological processes of presentation and preservation. Yet, both archaeology and contemporary art photography are connected by a common engagement with ideas beyond the tactile, and with an equally significant – often indirect – fascination with affect.

More specifically, the project wishes to include works that:
•   Explore the role of the artist as archaeologist
•   View the photographic archive as a space of archaeological excavation
•   Address the politics of archaeology (and photography)
•   Involve processes of archaeology and photography
•   Investigate the relationship between museums, archaeology and photography
• Address issues of authenticity, originality, the counterfeit and fictitious in archaeology and photography
•   Approach critically archaeological knowledge and narratives
•   Re-invent archaeological sites of knowledge through photographic practices
•   Offer alternative forms of preserving the past through photography
•   Explore notions of “extend” (space) and “duration” (time) in both archaeology and photography
•   Reflect critically on the intersections of photography, archaeology and ethnography
•   Engage with landscapes and other fabrics of heritage in photographs
•   Explore – and ‘exploit’ – ruins, absences and erasures through photography

Important Deadlines:
Phase I, DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS | Sunday, May 21st, 2017: Submission of proposals for existing ongoing works or new productions. Proposals need to be a maximum of 300 words and to clearly describe the proposed work, its concept and rationale, and its expected contribution to the general themes of the exhibition. They must also be accompanied by short biographies of participating artist(s) (up to 200 words) and, depending on the project, by visual material and technical specifications. All proposals must be submitted electronically to [IAPT] at: info@photographyandtheory.com. The submitted proposals will be reviewed, and up to 15 proposals will be selected, by an invited Selection Committee based on artistic and conceptual merit. Artists will be notified on the selection by Sunday, June 9th, 2017. A small budget will be made available to the participants for the realization of their work.

Phase II, COLLABORATION / WORK PREPARATION |From June, 2017 to December, 2017:
Selected artists/photographers will then have six months to finalize their projects and prepare for the exhibition. The process of preparing for the exhibition will be based on a collaborative and dialogic exchange between artists and between artists and members of the selection committee and the exhibition coordinator. For this reason, at least four meetings will be scheduled which selected artists will have to attend. During these meetings, artists will be given the opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss their process and progress and offer their constructive feedback for the completion of all projects.
Download the call (PDF, 78 Kb)

Website: http://photographyandtheory.com/

Education and Museum: Cultural Heritage and Learning


EdMuse project – Education and Museum: Cultural Heritage for science learning is a two-year Strategic Partnership (2015-2017) funded by the EU Programme Erasmus+, Key Action 2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.

The project works for the promotion of initiatives, starting from primary school, for using ICT, open educational and digital resources of cultural heritage for the improvement of science learning. The EdMuseaim is to promote new ways of learning and teaching through innovative methods, using technologies and open digital resources that can be non-formal content for designing the curricula. It also proposes a new approach for the cooperation between schools and museums.

The Sapienza University, coordinator in the Erasmus+ Edmuse project, in cooperation with the Michael Culture Association, organizes an International Conference to disseminate the results of the initiative and to provide a place of discussion on the importance of cultural heritage in learning environment.

Mon, Jun 26, 2017, 8:00 AM – Tue, Jun 27, 2017, 8:00 AM CEST

Sapienza University of Rome
5 Piazzale Aldo Moro 00185 Roma



For any enquiries, please contact edmuse2015 @ gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference “Education and Museum: Cultural Heritage and Learning”.

Website: http://www.edmuse.eu

PREFORMA presented at OPATL in Girona





Sònia Oliveras i Artau from Girona City Council, one of the memory institutions participating as procurers in PREFORMA, presented the PREFORMA project to the Permanent Observatory of Archives and Local Televisions (OPATL) in Girona.


Permanent Observatory of Archives and Local Televisions (OPATL) is a collaboration project started in 2008 with its main aim to preserve the local television heritage at the regions of Catalonia and Andorra.





The annual plenary meeting of OPATL took place in Girona the 27th March. In this plenary meeting there were 35 professionals attendees of 18 institutions who manage local audiovisual heritage.

The professionals focused their questions on the presentation of the conformance checker results and on the file format selected.

VaporScape – interactive soundscape installation that reacts with body data

VaporScape is an interactive soundscape installation collaborated with NikeLab’s The Vision-Airs project, globally launched for celebrating the new VaporMax technology.
The idea behind is about detecting the humidity of the room, temperature on audience’s skin and translate the vaporization rate into the sound modulation. It emphasis the biomechanics process of human body and embodied the generative soundscape self-containing in a vaporized atmosphere.

Vaporization is about the changing of state, thus turning liquid to vapor where it occurs in our body. We breath; we sweat; heartbeats hit and blood flows. That’s how the internal circulation work and regular the body temperature. The heat evaporates through sweating hence for the result. Our body work like an orchestra, the micro sounds are amazing.

VaporScape is an interactive ambience sound installation that contains 4 layers of sound. The sensors react with the humidity of the room, temperature on audience’s skin and translate the vaporization rate into the sound modulation. It emphasis the biomechanics process of human body and embodied the generative soundscape self-containing in a vaporized atmosphere.

Project link: h0nh1m.com/vaporscape/

MuPop, the Pop-Up Museum exhibition tool created within E-Space goes to Ohio!


The conference MW17: Museums and the Web (this year taking place in Cleveland, Ohio, April 19-22) will feature advanced research and exemplary applications of digital practice for cultural, natural and scientific heritage.

During the conference, a 1-hour demonstration by Brigitte Jansen from the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, will showcase the exhibition tool developed by E-Space project: the Pop-Up Museum (MuPop).

MuPop is a tool that brings digitized cultural objects back into the physical museum space. It lets curators easily build an (interactive) storyline for a local installation in a museum setting, or at other locations.


The idea is that people walk into a room and use their own mobile phone to interact with an exhibition that is displayed on big screens inside the room. The interaction includes (1) content selection (what do you want to see), (2) navigation with a chosen theme/subject, (3) interaction with a specific art-work (4) answering more education / triggering questions in relation to the art-work.

The goal is to engage user participation with cultural collections, by transferring a casual passerby into a museum visitor with our pop-up museum which is interjected into an existing space.

More about MW17: http://mw17.mwconf.org/

More about MuPop: http://www.europeana-space.eu/pop-up-museum/

DPF Manager v3.2 released and available to download



DPF Manager has been updated to version 3.2.

This new version includes several new features, improvements and some bug fixes.


New Features and improvements

  • Built installers for 32 and 64 bit architectures in both Windows and Linux
  • Save running task total time in report
  • New policy check: long edge check
  • Improved reports section, showing PDF reports stats, and browse report folder
  • Copiable text in report tooltips
  • More complete PDF reports
  • Clarified policies texts



  • Filenames with non-standard characters
  • TIFF file structure IFD index bug
  • Wrong character encoding in metadata containers
  • Report not generated in some TIFF cases


Many of these new features and bug fixes have been reported in the Github issue tracker. Don’t hesitate to use it for any comment and suggestions!

Seminar Linked Data in Research and Cultural Heritage

DANS seminar on May 1, 12.00-17.30h. Meet people at the forefront of new developments in creating, keeping, and using Linked Data.

Hear more about nanopublications, self-publishing of scholarly papers, image interoperability and FAIR principles. See how Linked Data can be kept decentrally, and be subjected to distributed search.

This seminar is intended for people who are already familiar with the core concepts of linked data and associated technologies. If you are involved in current or upcoming projects that produce or consume linked data, this is a good opportunity to zoom in.


Preliminary program

12:00-12:10 Welcome – Peter Doorn

12:10-14:00 Session 1

  • Ruben Verborgh, Universiteit Gent: Decentralizing queries at Web scale
  • Tobias Kuhn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Nanopublications and Decentralized Publishing
  • Sarven Capadisli, University Bonn: Linked Research
  • Michel Dumontier, Universiteit Maastricht: FAIR principles and metrics for evaluation

14:00-14:25 Discussion, moderated by Martijn Kleppe

14:25-14:45 Break

14:45-16:30 Session 2

  • Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory & DANS: A Linked Data Archive approach
  • Valentine Charles and Nuno Freire, Europeana: New approaches for data acquisition at Europeana: IIIF, Sitemaps and Schema.org
  • Enno Meijers, KB: A distributed network of digital heritage information
  • Albert Meroño Peñuela, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Repeatable Semantic Queries for the Linked Data Agnostic

16:30-17:00 Discussion, moderated by Martijn Kleppe

17:00-17:30 Drinks

More information and registration: https://dans.knaw.nl/nl/actueel/agenda/seminar-linked-data-in-research-and-cultural-heritage