Presenting the E-Space Portal: where culture meets creativity

The E-Space Portal is a unique and efficient access point to billions of digital objects and resources from a number of major repositories, integrating the search results into common views, simplifying the search and offering users a set of tools to manage and share digital cultural heritage items. The tools of the E-Space Portal can also be used to upload personal datasets, clean, enrich and aggregate them, as well as to enhance the visibility and reach of digital collections with virtual exhibitions and engaging stories.


Discover beautiful content to engage with, mix and match your own materials and share them with your friends and colleagues.

The E-Space Portal is a great starting point for Users to discover cultural heritage resources that reside in distributed repositories. They can combine different sources with their own material, allowing them to offer new interesting narratives for the appreciation and communication of culture.

Be part of a community and make your content available to potential users, creative minds and new audiences who can enjoy your beautiful collection.

For Content Holders it offers an easy to use content & metadata repository and management system that can ensure interoperability with standards, best practices and aggregator guidelines. The platform includes a customisable portal for the visualisation of digital collections, exhibitions and stories, while facilitating the public’s access to content available for creative reuse.

E-Space Portal and its features help you to answer the question “what to do now, how to leverage on these digitised collections?”

Cultural Heritage Professionals are offered the tools to compose and contextualise eclectic collections, contributing to the promotion, improvement, and evolution of digital CH knowledge. The Creative Industry is using the platform as a back-end to build applications that reuse digital heritage.

E-Space Portal offers an integrated service for aggregation and metadata manipulation, customizable according to your needs.

For Aggregators, the infrastructure uses the metadata interoperability platform MINT that fully implements workflows for the ingestion, formal mapping, and transformation of metadata records. Services include validation, quality checking, data cleaning & normalisation, and previews, while the platform can implement a variety of publication approaches (such as OAI-PMH, SPARQL endpoint, and REST API) for the resulting repository.

Discover this major outcome of the E-Space Project at

Register now and start creating your custom exhibition, collection and spaces and share it with the world!

International Workshop on Cinema and Landscape

Filming the Arts, the strategic project of the University of Florence for digital preservation of audiovisual heritage and performing arts,  is proud to present the International Workshop on Cinema and Landscape, taking place in Florence at the SAGAS Department on 25th-26th January 2017.

filmare le arti

25 January, room 5

Welcome by prof. Andrea De Marchi, coordinator of PhD in Arts and Performance History.

9.00 – 11.00 LANDSCAPE 1, chair Paola Valentini

  • Cristina Jandelli (Università di Firenze): Da CAPUT a Filmare le arti e Filming the Arts
  • Sandro Bernardi (Università di Firenze): Paesaggio e narrazione
  • José Moure (Université Paris 1 – Sorbonne): Les visites au musée Rodin dans Un couple parfait de Nobuhiro Suwa : l’amour de l’art ou l’art de l’amour
  • Marco Bertozzi (Università IUAV): Emozioni “dal vero” – Il paesaggio italiano nel cinema vedutista

Coffee Break

11.15 – 13.15 ARTS 1, chair Cristina Jandelli

  • Sandra Lischi, Elena Marcheschi (Università di Pisa): Schermi elettronici su arte e paesaggio
  • Sandra Lischi: Videopitture in metamorfosi
  • Elena Marcheschi: Videopaesaggi visionari 
  • Renzo Guardenti (Università di Firenze): Les arts de la rue. Immagini e percorsi
  • Fulvio Cervini (Università di Firenze): Filmare un paesaggio medievale – A margine dei critofilm di Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti

Lunch break

15.00 – 17.00 TERRITORY, chair Sandra Lischi

  • Paola Valentini (Università di Firenze): Forme e stili di vita del paesaggio audiovisivo. Luogo, location e ambiente
  • Farah Polato, Giulia Lavarone (Università di Padova): Quale paesaggio nel film-induced tourism? Riflessioni a partire da un’esperienza operativa
  • Raffaele Pavoni (Università di Firenze): Play. Stop. Replay. Appropriazione degli spazi pubblici e sordità sociale: il caso di Lola rennt di Tom Tykwer

Coffee Break

17.30 – 19 Selection of the short films in Filming the Arts database, curated by Cristina Jandelli, Luca Ferro, Raffaele Pavoni

filmare le arti

26 January, Room aula 8

9.00 – 11.00 ARTS 2, chair Luigi Nepi

  • Federico Pierotti (Università di Firenze): Il panopticon e l’artista – Filmare la pittura in Jaime di António Reis
  • Paolo Simoni (Università di Padova): La città amatoriale
  • Elisa Bianchi (Università di Firenze): La memoria del paesaggio attraversato dall’arte
  • Nicola Dusi, Ilaria Ferretti, Damiano Razzoli (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia): Dai cineamatori alla street-art digitale, percorsi di ricerca su tecnologie mediali e paesaggio urbano

Coffee Break

11.15 – 13.15 LANDSCAPE 2, chair Federico Pierotti

  • Thierry Roche (Université Aix-Marseille): Paysage et travail dans le cinéma des frères Dardenne
  • Chiara Tognolotti (Università di Firenze): Filmare il paesaggio: per un’educazione dello sguardo
  • Chiara Rubessi (Université Grenoble-Alpes): Il paesaggio-specchio nell’organizzazione dello spazio in Deep end di Jerzy Skolimowski

Lunch Break

15.00 – 17.00 PRACTICES, chair Chiara Tognolotti

  • Luigi Nepi (Università di Firenze): La pratica maieutica. Come nascono le immagini nella didattica di Paolo Benvenuti
  • Alberto Di Cintio (Università di Firenze): Paesaggi visionari
  • Gianluca Paoletti Barsotti (Università di Pisa): Il museo multimediale di Barga


End of the Workshop

filmare le arti

About the Workshop

More information on Filming the Arts HERE 

Visit the Pop-Up Museum at Sound and Vision! From 12 until 19 January 2017

The Pop-Up Museum at Sound and Vision is a special installation with three wide-screen monitors in an interactive setting. You can interact and control the exhibition with your smartphone. The interactive software has been developed by Noterik BV in cooperation with Sound and Vision, and is an outcome of the EU-project Europeana Space.

Demonstration of the Pop-Up Museum from Beeld en Geluid Labs on Vimeo.


In the past few years a lot of valuable cultural content has been digitized: millions of photos, videos and sounds have been made available on the internet. In the three year EU project Europeana Space several pilots have been tried and tested – in the field of interactive TV, museums, games, photography, museums and hybrid publishing – to research new possibilities use this digital heritage and make it relevant for new audiences.

While digital cultural content has garnered many online and virtual exhibitions and has been succesfully picked up by Wikipedia, we think that especially the high resolution material can be better viewed in a physical curated space. In the Pop-Up Museum concept digital material can be viewed and culture can be experienced without the distractions of other apps and e-mail on your laptop or desktop computer. Time-based media such as videos, that require the viewer to take some time to view, can be specifically programmed to make sure the viewer can view it in its own right.

pop-up nisv

Pop-Up Museum installation. © Staalslagerij



The software that can be viewed on the screens and smartphones is developed by Noterik BV. Several interactive applications using cultural heritage have been built and tested within the aforementioned pilots and during the Multiscreen Hackathon in Amsterdam. Noterik uses HTML5 software to produce different interaction and playout possibilities between screens. There is also a special editor being developed to control and set up the exhibition, its content and interactions. The software developed by Noterik for this concept goes by the name of MUPOP.

The physical installation, which is shown on the image above, was built by design studio Staalslagerij based in Rotterdam. It’s about 8 meters wide and 2 meters high, and it can be set up in a modular way.

To test the Pop-Up Museum with a public audience it has been taken in to regular programming activities at the Sound and Vision museum in Hilversum. Currently they are running an exhibition on YouTube with the temporary theme Beauty + Fashion. Thanks to the editorial efforts of Evelien Wolda, Kelly Mostert and Marta Franceschini (of Europeana Fashion) amazing content has been found fitting within the Fashion theme. It shows current and historical fashion and considers the ‘vintage’ hype, looking at styles and customs from previous eras and designers. Together with the help of the museum department at the Institute the pop-up installation has been programmed from the 12th until the 19th of January.

photos courtesy of Noterik.


Every screen shows a different mini-exhibition and starts with instructions on how to start the screen with your smartphone. Headphones can be used and are available at the installation. When you press ‘start’ you hear a voice-over introducing you to what you’re about to see next.


 nisv1 Screen #1: Guess which fashion eraThis screen shows clips from the Polygoon newsreel archives. After seeing the clip, you will be asked to guess which decade the clip is from. After giving the answer you will be taken to the next screen which will show you the clip again with the correct answer and explanation about the fashion of the decade. The screen will also give back how many correct answers have been given.
 nisv2 Screen 2: From past to presentThis screen shows 5 historical fashion objects as digital images in a cover flow interface. You move through the images by using your smartphone as a touch pad. When choosing one of the images, it will start showing full screen the image of the historical object. Using the touch pad you can swipe left and right to see the modern design that matches the object. The voice-over tells you more about the object, the designer and how the fashion from the past is inspiring the contemporary styles.
nisv3 Screen 3: Timeless IconsThis screen shows 6 famous fashion icons in a cover flow interface. You move through the images by using your smartphone as a touch pad. When selecting one of the icons, the image is shown full screen and the voice-over will tell you what you are seeing. Using your touch pad you can swipe left to see which famous icon the story is centered around.



The following days the Pop-Up Museum was on show at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in Hilversum:

  • Thursday 12 January
  • Friday 13 January
  • Saturday 14 January
  • Tuesday 17 January
  • Wednesday 18 January
  • Thursday 19 January

Processed with VSCO


After the Europeana Space project ends we hope to show the Pop-Up Museum in different places. If you are interested in using this concept, please visit for more information.

Processed with VSCO


[1] Digital content can be found through these platforms:


–          Wikimedia Commons

–          Open Beelden

–          EUScreen

–          Europeana Fashion

–          E-Space





Procurement Week 2017 – Seeing Procurement Differently!


The team at Bangor University’s Institute for Competition & Procurement Studies (ICPS), our Speakers, Global Contributors, Delivery Partners and Sponsors are excited to share with you our programme for Procurement Week 2017: The Pantheon of Procurement – Seeing Procurement Differently.




Procurement Week is an international conference and exhibition that aims to explore the many facets of Public Procurement such as Public Tendering, Business Development, Procurement Law and International Trade. During the week, presentations will be given by leading procurement practitioners, lawyers, economists, innovators, strategists and thinkers. Procurement Week 2017 will bring you the biggest names in ‘procurement’ from around the world, to present and lead discussions on a wide range of procurement topics. Their job is to work with us to address challenging local, national and global issues, whilst proposing innovative and pragmatic solutions to help our citizens.

Procurement Week continues to grow in popularity, with in excess of 850 attendees last year from over 40 countries.

Places at Procurement Week 2017 are limited to ensure that the quality of the sessions are optimised for participants and that the opportunity for audience interaction is maximised, so please book your place as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.




We invite you to spend a few minutes browsing through the official website to identify the days that interest you most. Start by taking a look at the first day in our main programme (Procurement Week Programme), or our first social event (Procurement Week Social Programme – At a Glance).


More information about the event, such as it’s location, purpose, scope can be found at:

Registration open for the workshop in Padua

After the two successful events organised last year in Stockholm and in Berlin, the PREFORMA project is happy to invite all the members of the digital preservation community to attend the PREFORMA Innovation Workshop which will be held in Padua on 7 March 2017.


Ortobotanico Padova 2


Aim of the workshop is to highlight the importance of standardisation and file format validation for the long term preservation of digtal cultural content, present the open source conformance checkers developed in the project and the business models that can be built around them, and involve memory institutions outside the PREFORMA consortium in testing, using and further developing the software.

The event will include:

  • keynote speeches by international experts in digital preservation and open source business modelling;
  • ​a panel to reflect on how to measure the impact of a project and to ensure its sustainability;
  • live demonstrations of the software developed by the three suppliers (the veraPDF consortium, Easy Innova, MediaArea);
  • ​an informal networking event where attendees can share experiences, meet the PREFORMA developers and learn more about the tools.


Check out the full programme of the event and the invited speakers and panellists.

Register now for free at and don’t miss this opportunity to meet the PREFORMA developers, share your experiences and learn more about the tools.


This workshop is aimed at anyone interested in digital preservation and cultural heritage: memory institutions or other cultural heritage organisations involved in (or planning) digital preservation initiatives and willing to integrate the PREFORMA software in their infrastructure, the open-source community of researchers and developers interested in contributing code to the PREFORMA tools, the community of enterprises interested in developing services around the PREFORMA tools, the standardization bodies looking for feedback on how to improve and advance the specifications of the standard preservation file formats.


The day before the workshop, on 6 March 2017, the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua will host the fourth edition of the Networking Session for EC projects in the cultural heritage field, a successful initiative launched in the framework of the RICHES project and continued under the auspices of Europeana Space and PREFORMA.



veraPDF 1.0 released

veraPDF-logo-600-300x149The veraPDF consortium announced the release of veraPDF 1.0, an open-source industry-supported PDF/A validator. Led by the Open Preservation Foundation and the PDF Association, veraPDF validates all parts and conformance levels of ISO 19005 (PDF/A). The software is available under a MPLv2+/GLPv3+ license.


Carl Wilson, Technical Lead, Open Preservation Foundation said: “Identifying a file’s format and establishing that it conforms to the format specification is an essential step for memory institutions with responsibilities for long term preservation and access. veraPDF helps users to evaluate their files against the standard. A PDF feature reporter and a customisable policy checker allows organisations to enforce institutional policy beyond the scope of PDF/A.”

Duff Johnson, Executive Director, PDF Association said: “The release of veraPDF 1.0 is a significant milestone for both the PDF industry and the digital preservation community. For the PDF industry, the project to develop veraPDF facilitated the identification and resolution of ambiguities in the PDF/A specification, improving interoperability and utility to end users. For the digital preservation community, veraPDF delivers authoritative information about the nature and long-term reliability of digital holdings while providing more tools to help preservationists advise contributors on their software and workflows.”


veraPDF now enters its contracted acceptance testing phase, which runs until July 2017. Users are encouraged to report any bugs or other concerns to the project’s GitHub issue tracker:

Version 1.0 has the following enhancements and fixes as compared to the final beta release:

Application enhancements:

  • fixed default values for extracted PDF features; and
  • fixed removal of temporary files.

Conformance checker:

  • fixed cmap table parsing in TrueType fonts.

Test corpus:

  • changed metadata file provenance test files from FAIL to PASS (as resolved by the PDF Association’s PDF Validation Technical Working Group); and
  • fixed xref table in test case 6-3-3-t01-pass-a.


Download veraPDF 1.0:

PDFBox version:

Greenfield version:


Release notes:

Please help us improve the software by downloading and testing it. If you encounter problems, or wish to suggest improvements, please add them to the project’s GitHub issue tracker, or contact us through our mailing list:



The veraPDF consortium is funded by the PREFORMA project. PREFORMA (PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives) is a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme.

International Workshop HERITAGEBOT 2017 – Call for papers open until 1 April 2017

The aim of the Conference is to bring together researchers, industry professionals and students from the broad ranges of disciplines referring to areas of activities for Cultural Heritage, in an intimate, collegial and stimulating environment. The Conference will be held at the Aula Magna of School Engineering in the University of Cassino and South Latium in Cassino (Italy).HB

Papers are solicited on topics related with systems developments for Cultural Heritage within aspects of theory, design, practice and applications, including but not limited to:

  • Business models and business planning: applications to Cultural Heritage
  • Creative cities & industries
  • Creative consumption
  • Documentation, Analysis & Survey of Cultural Heritage
  • Economics of Cultural Heritage
  • Economics of creative industries
  • Cultural   Heritage   and   Business   and Organizational Models
  • Cultural Heritage and Collaborative Digital Systems
  • Citizen Science for Cultural Heritage: towards a new open model
  • New technologies for cultural heritage
  • Psychology of creativity
  • Service Robotics for Cultural Heritage
  • Law’s tools for the development and innovation management in cultural heritage
  • Capital budgeting and capital structure of cultural heritage sector
  • Cultural heritage and value creation
  • New devices and procedures for Cultural Heritage
  • Reports of field applications in Cultural Heritage

More info and registrations:

15th KUI Conference “Culture and Computer Science”


The 15th edition of the ”Culture and Computer Science“ conference series focuses on best practice examples, challenges and future trends of mixed reality as a strategy to bring the world of data and information and the world of objects and things into even closer contact. Combining digital and analogue techniques of modelling, collecting, mediating, exhibiting, and teaching is one of the most challenging tasks of today‘s cultural and creative industries. The conference targets cultural policy makers, communication and media scientists, cultural and artistic actors as well as computer scientists and engineers, who conduct research and development in the fields of mixed reality, 3D technology, media integration, modelling, visualisation and interaction.

The presentations will discuss the following key topics:

  • Mixed Reality
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Acoustic and auditory augmentation
  • Human-machine interaction with virtual content
  • Interrelations between culture and computer science
  • Collections – Exploitation, design, exhibition and conveyance
  • Intuitive and personalised usage of media systems
  • Ethics in culture and computer science

These items shall primarily be analysed, demonstrated and critically discussed through concrete examples for museums, collections, art projects, or further cultural and creative fields.

Further Key Aspects of the Conference:

  • Mixed Reality technologies
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies
  • 3D technologies
  • Digitalisation in the cultural and creative industries
  • Visualisation and interaction technologies
  • Interactive multimedia solutions for museums, theatres, concert halls, exhibitions etc.
  • Digital exhibitions, science centres, museums and galleries
  • Virtual reconstructions
  • Location-based and context-sensitive services in a cultural context
  • Documentation, visualisation and interaction in museums and archives
  • Digital storytelling
  • Multimedia guides with Augmented Reality components
  • Historical, theoretical, or ethical issues concerning the use of virtual and augmented reality

More info:

Call for papers open until 16th January:


E-Space MuPop-Interactive Dance Exhibition & Performance

by Rosemary Cisneros, Coventry University.

On the occasion of the C-DARE Un-Symposium event on 8th December 2016 in Coventry (UK), the Europeana Space Dance Pilot was happy to share the new multiscreen audience engaging tool “Qandr”, in combination with the use of the Pop-Up Museum concept, developed in the course of E-Space project.

The Dance Fields Postgraduate Un-Symposium is designed as an informal event to share research and ideas, ‘network’, and engage in dialogue and discussion through a series of one to two hour sessions, and it attracts dance professionals and students.


Before the Un-Symposium and during registration to the event, the interactive dance exhibition allowed the audience to explore cultural heritage images while watching live dancing. The Pop-Up Museum included a live dance performance in front of a screen which was controlled by the audience. Using smart phones and/or any android devices, the audience connected to the screen and controlled what the dancer and other audience members saw.

Featured dancers were: Natasha Adomako, Angelika Mizinska and the Pilot’s very own, Sarah Whatley.

About Pop-Up Museum developed by E-Space:

Pop-Up Museum website:

C-DARE Un-Symposium event and Mupop-Qandr demonstration.


DPFManager version 3.1 available to download



DPF Manager has been updated to version Version 3.1. This new version includes new features, improvements and bugfixes. One important change on this release is that we have created two new independent projects for the implementation checker and the policy checker with the aim of improving the project modularity. All the projects developed by Easy Innova can be explored in our Github repository, and also in the Maven repository.

New Features

  • Create and edit configuration files through the CLI
  • Create new configuration based on an existing one


  • Improved performance for large batches of files
  • Moved relexation of standards from implementation checker to policy checker
  • Created separate repositories for Implementation Checker and Policy Checker
  • Updated TIFF-IT specification
  • Default configuration viewable
  • Smaller global reports


  • Solved memmory leaks produced when analyzing large amount of files
  • Much more robustness against invalid TIFFs
  • Fixed periodical checker bug in MacOS
  • When an output folder is specified, check if it already exists and ask to overwrite
  • Show the correct reports folder in the log messages
  • Several fixes in METS report
  • Uninstaller now removes all the files (when asked to)

Many of these points have been suggested by the users. So don’t hesitate to use the issue tracker or any of the other channels available (twitter, forum) to contact us and provide any feedback on things that could be improved.


Download NOW! Available for Mac OS X, Linux & Windows.
View the presentation

