Search Results for: cultural project

BLUE SKIES, RED PANIC – photo exhibition

Through the images from some of the most important european photographic archives, this exhibition showcase the era of the 1950s of a nascent Europe, balacing between east and west, freedom and repression, terror and euphoria. The Pisa display is the first of a series, as the exhibition is coinceived to be travelling across Europe. Continue reading

DTCE 2021 International Online Conference

The 1st International Online Conference on Digital Transformation in Culture and Education will take place on 14-16 April 2021. Conference will be hosted by the Serbian Library Association Section for Digital Transformation. The Conference provides an excellent forum for digital librarians, … Continue reading

Paul, the robot who can draw like a human artist

From Digital Trends online magazine. UK artist Patrick Tresset has eventually turned to robotics, creating a computational system that is “artistic, expressive, and obsessive” in its ability to draw, and more than just a copy machine, Tresset’s robots are designed … Continue reading

DPF Manager: new release ready to download!

After the redesign phase, a new version of the DPF Manager is available. Version 2.0 includes many new functionalities and improvements and is now ready to be downloaded on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. Everybody is invited to download the DPF Manager and test the latest release. Your feedback is essential to keep improving the software. Continue reading

Superdiversity and City Branding: improving the diverse experience in Rotterdam museums

Research project of MA students in the Museums in Context course at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, MA Cultural Economics led by professor Trilce Navarrete. Authors: Xue Mi, Ziyou Bao, Nicolò Morando All images courtesy of the authors. Let’s begin with … Continue reading

NALIS celebrates the 125th anniversary of the Sofia University

This year, the General Meeting of the NALIS Foundation is joined to the celebrations of the 125th anniversary of the Sofia University, and includes an important workshop: “Undisclosed Treasures from the Photo-archives”. Following the workshop there will be the official opening of an exhibition: “Treasures among the Donations to Library “Theology” of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: TopFoto

all images courtesy of Topham Partners LLP (TopFoto) – UK Founded in London in 1927, TopFoto is a rich resource for the world’s political and social history of the 20th century, illustrating the events, cultures and public figures that … Continue reading

“Dream Space” presented by exhibition platform Chimera

Chimera is a female-run virtual exhibition platform and art agency, and currently its focus is on game engines and metaverses. Chimera is glad to present their latest gamified solo project “Dream Space” by visual artist and sculptor Nata Drachinskaya and … Continue reading

Topfoto: from England to Europeana

TopFoto is an independent picture library based in Edenbridge, Kent, England. The archive contains 10 million images from medieval documents to today’s digital files being sent in by FTP from all over the world.The core of the hardcopy archive comprises of 120000 negatives from John Topham (an individual photographer and TopFoto’s founder) plus millions of negatives and hardcopy prints from a variety of historic press agencies that have been collected since 1975. Continue reading

Open call: the Festival of the New European Bauhaus

From science to art, from design to politics, from architecture to technology, the Festival of New European Bauhaus will be a great opportunity to network, debate and shape a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful future. The 2022 edition will be an … Continue reading