Image and Research Conference 2016 report

by David Iglésias Franch (CRDI). photos courtesy of CRDI.

In the third week of November (from 16th to 18th) it was held a new edition of the Image and Research Conference, organized by the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of the Girona City Council with the collaboration of the Association of Archivists of Catalonia. In that edition, around 200 people attended representing fifteen different countries. The Image and Research Conference held its fourteenth year, and after 26 years, we have become the benchmark event in Spain for professionals involved in photography and audiovisual mainly in the field of archives, preservation, history and document management.

Jordi S. Carrera

The Conference started on the 16th with the completion of four different workshops.  At the morning and afternoon session two workshops were organized. One of them was “Software analysis for Image Management” by Juan Alonso, audiovisual archivist at EU. The other was “Colour Conservation” by Pau Maynés, conservator of cultural heritage and teacher at the Institute National du Patrimoine (Paris). At the afternoon session two other workshops were organized. One of them was “Preforma: a tool to improve the preservation of digital cultural heritage” by Magnus Geber, Principal Administrative Officer at the Information and Preservation Department at the National Archives of Sweden; Antonella Fresa, General Manager and Administrator of Promoter (Italy); Miquel Montaner, CTO at Easy Innova (Girona).  The other was “Photography at the eCultureMap” by Frank J. Zakrajsek, researcher at the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (Slovenia), a workshop organised with the collaboration of Michael Association. 70 people attended the workshops.

Tallers de les 14es Jornades Imatge i Recerca a l'Auditori de Girona. Preforma: Una eina per millorar la presentació del patrimoni digital. Professors: Antonella Fresa, Magnus Geber i Miquel Montaner.

Tallers de les 14es Jornades Imatge i Recerca a l’Auditori de Girona. Preforma: Una eina per millorar la presentació del patrimoni digital. Professors: Antonella Fresa, Magnus Geber i Miquel Montaner.

On the 17th and 18th it took place the sessions for papers and presentations that make up the main event of the Conference in the Girona Conference Centre. To highlight the speakers we quote Peter Schelkens, from Vrije Universiteit Brussels and member of the JPEG Committee, who gave an overview of the JPEG format considering its new functionalities according to the technological development. Patrick Peccate, researcher at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, EHESS (Paris), dedicated his talk to the analysis of photography at Social Networks, with especial emphasise to metadata impact. Xavier Antich, professor of Philosophy at Universitat de Girona, made a series of reflections on the role of photography in front of memory problems in circumstances of war and dictatorships. Last, Joan Boadas and Pau Saavedra, Director and Technician at CRDI – Girona City Council, explained the importance of the archival treatment experience with the sound and audiovisual records from Nuclear Claims Tribunal of the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

14es Jornades Imatge i Recerca de Girona. "PhotoConsortium, International Consortium for Photographic Heritage". Cap de taula: Laia Foix. Conferència a càrrec de Fred Truyen, president del PhotoConsortium, i David Iglésias, conseller de PhotoConsortium.

14es Jornades Imatge i Recerca de Girona. “PhotoConsortium, International Consortium for Photographic Heritage”. Cap de taula: Laia Foix. Conferència a càrrec de Fred Truyen, president del PhotoConsortium, i David Iglésias, conseller de PhotoConsortium.


In the experiences session we quote the speakers that took part of the Conference. Fred Truyen and David Iglésias, President and Officer of PhotoConsortium (The International Consortium for Photographic Heritage), they talked about goals, experiencies and oportunities for Photoconsortium members. Lorna Arroyo, Professor at Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) presented a talk about strategies to consider for photography exhibitions. Sergi Griñó, Director of Album Company, presented the results of its works regarding image recognition, focused on the Image Registry software. And last, Montse Aguer, Rosa M. Maurell and Carme Ruiz, Director and Coordinators of CED explained  the works at Centre d’Estudis Dalinians.

14es Jornades Imatge i Recerca de Girona. Debat. D'esquerra a dreta: Laia Foix, Lorna Arroyo, Fred Truyen i David Iglésias.

14es Jornades Imatge i Recerca de Girona. Debat. D’esquerra a dreta: Laia Foix, Lorna Arroyo, Fred Truyen i David Iglésias.

The program gives also special importance to the debate and participation. On the 18th it took place the round table titled ” National Plans of Photography: Models, valuations and proposals” in which participants talked about their different point of views and they made a critical assessment about the results of these plans, that received some criticisms from the audience. In this table were involved Elisenda Vidal, as a moderator; the Director of Centre de Recerca i Difusió de la Imatge (CRDI), Joan Boadas; the representing oh photographers union (UPIFC), Pepe Baeza; the responsible of Servicio de Documentación del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España, Rosa Chumillas; the Head of the Department of General Coordination of Archives at Generalitat de Catalunya, Enric Cobo; and a representing of Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya (AAC), Jordi Serchs. It was also involved David Iglésias, as a rapporteur of the online debate on Facebook.


Last, we should mention the session of 18th afternoon dedicated to papers. 34 papers were presented and that makes evident the need to count on this kind of forums to share knowledge and experiences. Once again, the two-days meeting in Girona was for all of us a good opportunity to be in contact with colleagues with different backgrounds, but with a shared interest: the photographic and audiovisual heritage.

Link to the papers:

Link to the photographic reportage:



Results of the PREFORMA Experience Workshop

Experience Workshop – Improving long-term digital preservation is the name of the second international workshop organised by the PREFORMA Consortium.


IMG_0051The event, which took place in Berlin on November 23, 2016, aimed at demonstrating the conformance checkers for file-formats developed in the project, involving memory institutions outside the PREFORMA consortium in testing, using and further developing the software, and sharing the experience gained by PREFORMA memory institutions working with developers under R&D service agreements.


IMG_0048Hosted at the Kulturforum in Berlin, the event featured keynote presentations by international experts in digital preservation on the importance of checking the conformance of the digital files against the standard specifications, use cases and experiments of conformance checking at memory institutions, live demonstrations of the software developed by the three suppliers (the veraPDF consortium, Easy Innova, MediaArea) and an informal networking event where the attendees could share experiences, meet the PREFORMA developers and learn more about the tools.


IMG_0075The workshop was co-located with Europeana Space final conference, the third edition of the Networking Session for EC projects in the cultural heritage field and the meeting of the German Working Group on PCP and PPI (Pre-Commercial Procurement and Public Procurement of Innovative solutions).



Read here a very interesting blog posted by Becky McGuinness on the Open Preservation Foundation blog reporting the results of the workshop.

To download the presentations of the workshop visit

To view the photogallery visit

veraPDF 0.26 released for download

veraPDF-logo-600-300x149The latest version of veraPDF includes the first beta release of our purpose-built PDF parser and validation model. It can be used alongside the PDFBox parser to compare the results.

veraPDF 0.26 has a new batch processor that produces multi-item reports. Highlights from the new release are below:

Conformance checker

  • added the new rule for embedded files to be associated with the document or its parts (PDF/A-3 only).

Application enhancements

  • first beta release of greenfield PDF/A validation available as a limited functionality app;
  • refactoring of sub component and application configuration for reproducible execution;
  • new Batch Processor producing multi-item reports;
  • batch processing is stream/event driven with event handlers for processing results; and
  • report structures altered to accommodate batch processing.

Code Quality

  • publication of integration tests for greenfield components;
  • memory usage and execution times in test reports;
  • example test report:

Test corpus

  • added 7 new test files to cover the new rule in PDF/A-3 validation profile.


Release notes:

Two downloads are available for veraPDF 0.26. Please read the release notes for further guidance:


Download veraPDF 0.26:

PDFBox version:

Greenfield version:


About veraPDF

veraPDF 1.0 will be released in December marking the end of the PREFORMA prototyping phase. A six month test phase begins in January 2017.

Please support our efforts by downloading and testing the software. If you encounter problems, or wish to suggest improvements, please add them to the project’s GitHub issue tracker (, or contact us through our mailing list. Regular feedback is very important, it helps to improve the software.

Led by the Open Preservation Foundation and the PDF Association, the veraPDF consortium is developing the industry-supported open source, file-format validator for all parts and conformance levels of ISO 19005 (PDF/A). The software is designed to meet the needs of memory institutions responsible for preserving digital content for the long term.

The veraPDF consortium is funded by the PREFORMA project. PREFORMA (PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives) is a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme.


PREFORMA IMPACT and Sustainability Questionnaire

Please complete the PREFORMA questionnaire to help assess the impact of the project, and the three conformance checkers: veraPDF, MediaConch and DPF Manager:


PREFORMA Experience Workshop

We hace presented the latest veraPDF developments at the PREFORMA Experience Workshop in Berlin on 23 November. For further information:

Rethinking Research and Policy Agendas on Cultural Heritage and European Identities – Policy Workshop

The European Union is at yet another crossroad after the Brexit referendum’s results, the overall rise of the Far Right in several EU countries, while another migrant and refugee flows crisis is still looming. Indeed the EU once more needs an Escape to the Future – it needs to creatively rethink what it is that holds us Europeans together, what sets us apart, how we are different from other continents, what is unique in our culture, and indeed how do we deal with our conflicts and diversity.
Coming up with new ideas on Europe’s identity and cultural heritage can indeed be a lever for social innovation which can improve quality of life, feelings of security and of trust across Europe, and may also boost economic activity.

1-2 December 2016
European University Institute, Florence
Venue: Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia, Via Boccaccio 121 – Firenze

Registration here:

This workshop is the last of a series of encounters between researchers, stakeholders and policy makers in the wider field of European cultural studies, organised under the auspices of the CulturalBase Platform. Building on our previous work, we propose here a set of topics which put forward priorities for future research and policy programmes. Our aim is to discuss this with cultural heritage managers/decision makers – people coming from both public and private organisations who make decisions and create synergies in this domain about projects, programmes and policies. At the same time we are involving in
the discussion grassroots stakeholders: smaller organisations but also larger networks that work on the ground with heritage and the arts. The scope of the workshop is to engage in dialogue and build a new research and policy agenda for European cultural heritage and for European identities.


The workshop is organized by the Global Governance Programme of the European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in
the framework of the Cultural Base: Social Platform on Cultural Heritage and European Identities project, funded by Horizon 2020.

More about Cultural Base:

The workshop’s programme (PDF, 407 Kb)


DPF Manager Updates



In our last update we focused on explain you what kind of improvements and new funcionalities we included in the last version of DPFManager 3.0. This time we will remind you what DPFManager is and what kind of technologies, processes, policies and other issues have made possible the contribution of a new innovation in the digital preservation area.

DPFManager is the most advanced TIFF conformance checker for digital preservation that has been created and designed by a strong community of experts who are highly interested in file format validation for digital preservation. +Read more!

DPF Manager allows archivists to know the state of their TIFF images in terms of preservation. It validates the files with the main standards (Baseline 6, TIFF-EP, TIFF-IT), and additionally checks the conformance to the newest TIFF for Archival (TI/A) Recommendations (in process of ISO standardization). Although your TIFF files are conformant to the main standards this does not guarantee long-term preservation. DPF Manager ensures you compliance to these set of recommendations, that is, your image digital assets will be prepared for digital preservation. View the full list of funcionalities here!


Download now the last version of DPFManager and don’t forget to send us your feedback to help improving the software!



Gluon is an organisation that realizes projects on the crossing borders of visual art, research and industry. For the realisation of its programme Gluon is supported by an extensive network of national and international research institutes, museums, public authorities, businesses and artists. Five partners are currently involved in its operation ab initio: the Research Institute iMinds, Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel, iMAL, BOZAR and ZEBRASTRAAT.

Gluon is a ‘workshop of the future’ that supports multidisciplinary initiatives, in which artists play an important role. By connecting artists, researchers and entrepreneurs, innovative ideas arise that an individual could not think of on his own. This results in artistic, educational and social innovative projects which will lead in the future to a sustainable, more beautiful and prosperous society.

Gluon supports initiatives of companies, artists, designers and researchers based on interdisciplinary collaboration. Gluon is also looking for new projects from public authorities, companies or cultural institutions, and finances these collaboration projects. Gluon offers infrastructure, expertise, production materials and shows the results of the completed projects in prestigious cultural institutions.


An interesting call is now open: OPEN CALL – RESIDENCY @ BRAIN&EMOTION LAB (NL)

Gluon invites artists to submit proposals for the development and production of new work in collaboration with the Brain and Emotion Laboratory, a research group that is part of the department of Cognitive Neuroscience at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Maastricht (NL).  

Gluon offers a two-month residency at the Brain and Emotion Laboratory lead by Prof. Beatrice De Gelder. The goal of the residency is to create a new artwork which integrates and/or reflects upon the innovative technological and scientific developments researched by the Brain and Emotion Laboratory.

Therefore we invite you – artists – to develop, in collaboration with the researchers from the Brain and Emotion Laboratory, a prototype for a new artwork. The group investigates emotion and cognition in humans. Their projects include investigations of emotion and cognition in neurologically intact participants, but also in patients with focal brain lesions, and prosopagnosia, neuropsychiatric populations such as people with schizophrenia, autism and Williams syndrome. They use behavioral methods, electrophysiology, EMG, as well as functional imaging.

More information and how to apply on: or via

DEADLINE: 18 December 2016 (11.00 GMT)


Citizen Science is a part of scientific research that involves and encourages citizen participation in scientific projects, where technological tools and digital devices provide multiple possibilities for participation.

The programme of the two-days event (25-26 November 2016) is rich of sessions, with more than 20 talks, 10 workshops, and music performance and foresee the participation of a large community of spanish experts from diffrent sectors: environmental research, DIY biohackers, philosophers, developers, school teachers and many other communities from citizen science in Spain.

This event is co-organized by Ibercivis, Medialab Prado, DITOs, Obra Social “la Caixa” and RRI Tools.

Follow the event with #CienciaCiudadana

Streaming available:
Friday morning (Madrid time zone)
Friday afternoon
Also in


Timetable: 25-26.11.2016, from 10:00h to 19:00h

Venue: Medialab-Prado – Madrid

Plaza de las Letras. C/ Alameda, 15 · 28014 Madrid (Spain)


More information and the full programme of the event (in Spanish) here:

Unlocking the Potential of Digital Archaeological Data – ARIADNE Final Conference


The ARIADNE Research Infrastructure final conference “Unlocking the Potential of Digital Archaeological Data” will be held in the beautiful Sala Luca Giordano in the Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence, Italy on Thursday 15th to Friday 16th December 2016.

The Conference will highlight ARIADNE’s achievements and the benefits of the services and data resources now available to the archaeological community.  The project is aimed at researchers, policy makers, managers and developers of archaeological services and data repositories.

The programme will explore how ARIADNE is contributing to the European Archaeological Data Cloud, and will discuss the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability (F-A-I-R) of data resources.  We will hear success stories from organisations that have participated in ARIADNE.  The project will conclude by taking a look at the future Roadmap for ARIADNE.

For further information and to register for the conference on Eventbrite HERE.

Contact: Paola Ronzino,


parthenosThe day before, 14th December in the afternoon, a workshop reserved to partners and invitees from project PARTHENOS will be held in nearby Prato. More info HERE.


Discover the story of Leonardo’s Colossus in the new Europeana virtual exhibition
Europeana-Exhibition-Image (1)

3D reconstruction of the horse clay model, 2005, by Andrea Bernardoni and Riccardo Braga, Museo Galileo, Florence, CC BY-NC-ND

Europeana, the European digital library, just launched a new online exhibition, focused on the story and project of Leonardo’s monument to celebrate Francesco Sforza, the founder of the Sforza dynasty in Milan. In 7 chapters and enriched with interesting stories, beautiful heritage images and modern 3D reconstructions, this exhibition joins two intriguing themes: the groundbreaking artistic and technical research of Leonardo, and the beauty of Renaissance art.

Enjoy the exhibition on Europeana:


Study for the Francesco Sforza equestrian monument by Leonardo da Vinci, Royal Library, Windsor, Public Domain.

Leonardo da Vinci’s project to cast an equestrian monument of Francesco Sforza (1401-1466) was one of the most audacious artistic and technological challenges of the Italian Renaissance. This enormous statue was never realised but, thanks to original Leonardo notes and drawings preserved in the National Library of Spain, a virtual reconstruction of his casting process is possible. In this special exhibition recently launched on Europeana, experts from Florence’s Museo Galileo use the artist’s original manuscripts, and new digital reconstructions, to bring Leonardo’s incredible project to life.


Museo Galileo, Florence

Concept and realisation:
Andrea Bernardoni: Exhibition Curator, Museo Galileo
Marco Berni: European Projects Coordinator, Museo Galileo
Marketing: Antonella Fresa, Promoter SRL


Douglas McCarthy, Exhibition Editor
Małgorzata Szynkielewska, Exhibition Producer