Search Results for: cultural project

creJAM week – online debate about technology and creative industry

From the 3rd to the 7th of November, the CRe-AM project will host an online debate with its community of technology developers and creative practitioners. Each day during the #creJAM week, we will launch a challenge or ask a question … Continue reading

“For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return”: new arebyte online exhibition launched

  arebyte and Shanghai-based Chronus Art Center (CAC) collaborate to develop, curate and produce a hybrid group exhibition: For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return (为数据所生,亦归数据而去), which explores global ideas surrounding life, death and healing. For Data You Are, And To Data You … Continue reading

Interactive map accessible on the Morvan Regional Natural Park website

original text and images by BIBRACTE. As a preliminary action for the promotion of the area of Morvan, a methodology was developed and a pilot case in the village of Glux-en-Glenne was conducted to carry out the field work.  This … Continue reading

E-Space IPR workshop

Speakers: Sarah Whatley (Coventry University, project’s coordinator), Charlotte Waelde (University of Exeter), Prodromos Tsiavos (Postscriptum), Frederik Temmermans, Peter Schelkens, Ann Dooms (iMinds). A workshop focused on IPR that considers content rights in a non traditional way. Rather than only focussing on different … Continue reading

Image Research and its Futures, workshop in London

The workshop covered a diverse range of image-related research projects and methodologies. Plenty of time was given to discussion for consideration of institutional, ethical, intellectual and practical matters when devising, conducting and disseminating image-based work. Continue reading

EUreka3D at GeoDPA2024

image courtesy of CUT. EUreka3D will be presented with a Poster at the GeoDPA2024 Conference in Germany organised by DLR Germany 24-25th of April 2024. In this conference, partner CUT Cyprus University of Technology is presenting the results of a cooperation … Continue reading

DH Awards recognizes excellence in Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities Awards are a new set of annual awards given in recognition of talent and expertise in the digital humanities community and are nominated and voted for entirely by the public. There is no financial prize associated with these community awards, just the honour of having won and an icon for your website. By its work at making available, with the most advanced digital technologies’ support, the vast majority of the surviving inscriptions from the Greco-Roman world, we think EAGLE can be a valid and qualified competitor for 2013’s edition of DH Awards. Continue reading

The 2021 MARE People & the Sea Conference

The 11th MARE People and the Sea Conference will take place from the 28th of June to 2nd of July, 2021. This year, the conference will be held virtually and will focus on the theme “Limits to Blue Growth?”. For … Continue reading

KOST-Val released by the TI/A Standard Initiative team

KOST-Val is an open source validator for different file formats (TIFF, SIARD, PDF/A, JP2, JPEG) and Submission Information Package (SIP). It has been developed by KOST-CECO, is a Swiss coordination office which is member of the TI/A Standard Initiative team, a group of experts focussing on the definition of a specification of a Archival TIFF Format. Continue reading

“ARE YOU READY TO PARTICIPATE?” Communicating the Museum’s 20th edition

Today’s museums are working towards being more inclusive, encouraging participation and a greater diversity of audiences, ideas and perspectives. The main challenges remain as museums strive to meet with their audiences in genuinely participatory ways. The pressure is on museums … Continue reading