veraPDF 0.22 released

veraPDF-logo-600-300x149The latest version of veraPDF is now available to download. Version 0.22 has the following improvements:

Application enhancements:

  • changed default feature generation to document level features;

  • added a new GUI dialog for managing feature generation options;

  • added a user-friendly Java OutOfMemoryError with suggestions for reconfiguration;

  • CLI can now overwrite report files;

  • added help message when CLI processes STDIN stream; and

  • synchronized the Web demo validation report with the CLI and GUI report styles.

Conformance checker fixes:

  • removed the rules for validating file provenance information;

  • fixed an issue with structure type mapping in Level A validation; and

  • implemented resource caching for memory optimization.

Test corpus:

  • converted all ‘fail’ test cases on file provenance information to ‘pass’ tests.


Download veraPDF 0.22:

Release notes:

Call for testing

veraPDF is building an open source, industry-supported PDF/A validator. Please support our efforts by downloading and testing the software. If you encounter problems, or wish to suggest improvements, please add them to the project’s GitHub issue tracker ( Your feedback is very important, it helps to improve the software.

Keep up to date with the latest developments of veraPDF by subscribing to the veraPDF consortium’s newsletter (

Upcoming events

eafip Workshop for public procurers in the Energy sector

workshop_electricityThe eafip Workshop for public procurers in the Energy sector (ministries, regional and local authorities, agencies, public utility entities, etc.) will be held in the Europahuset in Stockholm, Sweden on the 23rd November 2016.

The aim of the event will be to highlight the benefits of innovation procurement of ICT solutions through the Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) and Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) approaches across Europe, with a particular focus on the framework of exploration, extraction, production, transport and distribution of energy.

The workshop will feature:

  • Presentation / networking discussion on the EU funding opportunities for PCP and PPI (in the framework of the Horizon 2020 calls).
  • Presentation of case examples and lessons learned.
  • Presentation / networking discussion on the eafip Toolkit (aimed to support you in preparing your innovation procurement).

The workshop is open to public contracting authorities who have a unique chance to openly discuss unmet procurement needs, innovation concepts, project ideas, and much more. All procurers have an opportunity to briefly present their ideas / plan / projects in the parallel sessions.

Please note that this event will be held in English.

Download here the provisional agenda.

For more information visit

Online Learning in the 21st Century: Practice Problems and Prospects

The XII International GUIDE Conference “Online Learning in the 21st Century: Practice Problems and Prospects” will be held on February 15-17 2017 at B Resort & Spa, in Orlando, Florida, United States of America.  The conference will be jointly organized by Guide Association and University of Phoenix (Central Florida).

The conference aims to promote discussions about the current status and next evolutions of distance learning. Particular attention will be given to the new pedagogical approaches to be used for the new digital generation, innovative emerging technologies and the keys for the successful improvement of a standardized quality system in e-learning. guideMoreover, the congress aims to push for the creation of communities of experts sharing information and best practices. Particular attention will be given to case studies and practical experiences.


CALL FOR PAPERS open until 21st November 2016

Rethinking pedagogy for a digital generation

  • Flipped Classrooms, Blended learning and other active learning pedagogies
  • Case studies on gamification approach to optimize the learning process
  • New ideas on social networks to create collaborative learning

Emerging Technologies

  • Augmented and Virtual Reality enhanced learning
  • Next generation m-Learning and case studies
  • B.Y.O.D. philosophy in distance learning
  • Next generation multimedia products

Data Mining Strategies For E-Learning Organizations

  • Data-taking and analysis to increase distance learning quality
  • Opinions analysis and case studies
  • Innovative data mining methods in distance learning

Engaging and supporting faculty

  • Teacher training
  • Case studies in faculty support
  • Faculty development in blended and online learning

Creating communities in Distance Learning

  • Academic partnerships virtual collaborative success stories
  • Innovative practices and shared facilities
  • Case studies for the creation of communities of best practices

Founded IDEA – The International Digital Epigraphy Association

idea_logoOn 9 May 2016 a group of core partners of the EAGLE project founded IDEA – The International Digital Epigraphy Association in order to maintain, perpetuate and improve upon this ground breaking project.

IDEA represents the most fluid, lean, and efficient way to preserve EAGLE’s legacy and it will carry forward the work established by the EAGLE former partners.

The goal of the association is the promotion of the use of advanced methodologies in the research, study, enhancement, and publication of “written monuments”, beginning with those of antiquity, in order to increase knowledge of them at multiple levels of expertise, from that of specialists to that of the occasional tourist.

Furthermore, scope of the association is to expand and enlarge the results of EAGLE providing a sustainability model to ensure the long-term maintenance of the project results and to continue to cope with its original aims.

EAGLE-IDEA locandina-2-A5-webIDEA first General Assembly will take place in Pisa on 28 September 2016 together with a half day public event to present the Association to the wider audience. View here the programme of the event (in Italian).

The IDEA association has been established as a non-profit association with a democratic structure, political independence, and unlimited duration.

IDEA allows membership to both natural and legal persons, public or private bodies, companies, and associations. Founded by the partners of the EAGLE project, the association aims to enlarge its network internationally and welcomes new members sharing its aims.

To join the IDEA Association, fill in this form and send the receipt of your payment to Anita Rocco (IDEA Secretariat,

For further information please contact Silvia Orlandi ( or Claudio Prandoni (

The Creative Museum Project @ The Brighton Digital Festival

brightonThe Creative Museum project is an Erasmus+ funded project – it sees museums as dynamic learning environments providing opportunities for staff and visitors to explore and repurpose collections in new and creative ways.

Based on the outcomes of the project to-date, this practical half-day conference looks at some of the recommended ingredients for building a ‘creative museum’, whether you work in a museum or not.

The event is co-chaired by Don Undeen, University of Georgetown (Washington DC) and former Senior Digital Manager, Met MediaLab (New York) and Jo-Anne Sunderland Bowe, Director, Heritec Limited and Project Co-cordindator, The Creative Museum project. Also present are a variety of speakers from Brighton Museum, Culture 24, Lighthouse, Museomix, Radiona, and the Chester Beatty Library (Dublin).

This special event for the Brighton Digital Festival is for museum professionals, digital specialists, makers, tinkerers, hackers – anyone who wants to look at museums in a new and interesting ways. This session will be fully participative – be prepared to come with lots of questions and an open-mind.

The event will be followed by networking opportunities and a drinks reception and has been organised as part of the Brighton Digtial Festival.

Supported by Clearleft / Sixty Eight Middle Street

With thanks to the Brighton Digital Festival


WHERE: 68 Middle Street – Middle Street, Brighton, BN1 1AL, United Kingdom

Registrations HERE

EAGLE e IDEA: il futuro dell’epigrafia digitale

EAGLE e IDEA: il futuro dell’epigrafia digitale

Museo della Grafica, Palazzo Lanfranchi, Lungarno Galilei 9, Pisa, 28 Settembre 2016

Evento organizzato dall’Associazione IDEA (International Digital Epigraphy Association)



11:00 – 13:30 Assemblea Generale (riservata ai soci dell’Associazione)

15:30 – 15:45 Introduzione (Antonella Fresa, Promoter Srl – Information Technology, Research and Innovation)

15:45 – 16:00 Dal progetto EAGLE all’associazione IDEA (Silvia Orlandi, La Sapienza Università di Roma)

16:00 – 16:15 Sostenibilità ed evoluzione della infrastruttura tecnica EAGLE (Franco Zoppi, CNR-ISTI)

16:15 – 16:30 Nuove prospettive offerte dal materiale reso disponibile da EAGLE (Giuseppe Amato, CNR-ISTI)

16:30 – 17:00 Aggiornamento, completamento, miglioramento e approfondimento del materiale epigrafico: problemi e prospettive (Silvia Evangelisti, Università di Foggia; Anita Rocco, Università di Bari)

17:00 – 17:15 Wikimedia e il progetto di alternanza scuola-lavoro (Saverio Malatesta, La Sapienza Università di Roma)

17:15 – 17:30 Esperienze didattiche con EAGLE (Alessandra Giovenco, British School at Rome)

17:30 – 18:00 Aperitivo offerto da IDEA



idea_logoIDEA è un’associazione senza scopo di lucro nata dal progetto Europeo EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy). Obiettivo di EAGLE ( è quello di raccogliere e catalogare in un unico database, facilmente ricercabile, oltre un milione e mezzo di immagini e altri oggetti digitali relativi a centinaia di migliaia di iscrizioni provenienti dal mondo greco-romano, corredate da informazioni essenziali e, in molti casi, dalla traduzione in inglese o in altre lingue moderne.

L’associazione IDEA ha per scopo la promozione dell’uso di metodologie e tecnologie avanzate nella ricerca, studio, valorizzazione, divulgazione dei “monumenti scritti” a partire dall’età antica, al fine dell’ampliamento della loro conoscenza a più livelli di competenza, da quello degli specialisti a quello del turista occasionale.

L’associazione è aperta sia a persone fisiche, sia a enti e organismi pubblici e privati, società e altre associazioni. Per iscriversi visitare la pagina


EAGLE-IDEA locandina-2-A5-web

“Satire is riding… the waves of the Mediterranean” – contest for the Internet Festival (Italy)

IF2016_cover-850x330There’s still time until Monday September 19th to participate in the online comics and illustration competition “Satire is riding…the waves of the Mediterranean”, dedicated to migration flows and open to professional and non-professional artists from all over Europe and the countries of the Mediterranean. The competition is but one of the initiatives and activities of the coming edition of the Pisa Internet Festival from October 6th to 9th. This year, the focus will be on future innovations using the Web as a symbol of the interweaving of data, concepts and relationships but also on the theme of migration and the link between migration and conflict. We have already received dozens of drawings and cartoons from artists from all over the Mediterranean as well as from countries such as Russia and Bulgaria.   

In order to take part in the competition that was created by #IF2016 and the cultural association “Brain cult”, all you have to do is log on to the Facebook page La satira naviga and send us a valid identity document. You will then be able to send us your drawings (one or more cartoon(s)/illustration(s)) on the theme of migration in the Mediterranean, within the specific technical requirements (accepted file formats: tiff, jpg, bmp, gif,  quality:300 dpi minimum size: A4).

The illustrations will be published on the gallery of our Facebook page: La satira naviga. The two cartoons that receive the most “Likes” before 11.59PM on Monday September 19th 2016 will receive the “IF Best Cartoon 2016” award and the authors of the cartoons will receive their award in Pisa, during the #IF2016. A third artist, selected by the Festival jury, will receive the special “IF Satire Award 2016” and will be invited back as a member of the jury for the #IF2017.

All that’s left to do now is start drawing and get voting. Perhaps irony and creativity will help untangle the knots of the Mediterranean that are getting tighter each day.

About Internet Festival
The Internet Festival confirms its status as the most important national event on innovation and the Internet. It is a unique opportunity to experiment with new connections, draw out new landscapes and imagine ever complex spaces. It is a journey that begins in Pisa and goes on to explore the world of cutting-edge technologies, new communication tools, digitalization and its effects on various sectors (from food to music to culture to international conflicts, business marketing, big data, Public administrations, theatre and sport), not forgetting the theme of social innovation, the younger generations and the ecosystem of start-ups.

The Internet Festival is supported by the Region of Tuscany, the City of Pisa,, the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the Cnr (Italian national research council), the University of Pisa, the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Scuola Normale Superiore, the Chamber of Commerce of Pisa, the Province of Pisa and the Associazione Festival della Scienza. The director of the Festival is Claudio Giua who is the president of Fondazione Sistema Toscana. The festival coordinator is Adriana De Cesare for Fondazione Sistema Toscana. Anna Vaccarelli (IIT-CNR) and Gianluigi Ferrari (University of Pisa) jointly coordinate the executive and scientific committee.

Internet Festival, 6 – 9 October 2016, Pisa


“Unlocking Sound Collections”, Europeana Sounds second international conference

The Europeana Sounds project organises its final international conference – “Unlocking Sound Collections” – on Friday 4th November 2016 in Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania.

After the success of its first international conference in 2015, which gathered more than 250 participants at the National Library of France, Europeana Sounds invites you to celebrate Europe’s vast sound heritage. The free 2016 conference will showcase the latest innovations to share this common heritage with the widest possible audience.

The conference will start at 9:30am and continue throughout the day until 5pm. The venue for the conference is the stunning historic building of Vilnius University, the oldest such institution in the Baltic states.

During the conference, inspiring keynote talks, interactive presentations and powerful live performances will blow your mind!

Take a look at the programme:

Meet the speakers:

Online FREE registration will be open until seating capacity has been filled.

“Reusing Digital Cultural Heritage: Boosting Education, Audience Engagement, Business Creation”

During Euromed 2016 conference in Nicosia (Cyprus)

Monday 31st October 2016 h. 5 pm

Digitization has been a major objective for most, if not all, cultural content holders in every European country. Museums, Librarie, Galleries, arts organisations and also private archives have completed significant digitization actions, also with the support of EU financing, so that now the amount of digitized cultural heritage in Europe is really impressive.

Further progressing with digitization, which should be extended also to minor collections, archives and private citizens, requires us to understand how digital cultural data can be re-used in novel ways, in order to leverage on this wealth of digital resources to improve citizens’ participation, access and enjoyment of cultural heritage and also to unlock the business potential that lies within it.

Enjoy a collection of photographs, courtesy of the Digital Heritage Research Lab at CUT, from the EuroMed conference. More are available in their Facebook page

This panel, organized by the Europeana Space project and involving the most notable EU projects and initiatives dealing with digitized cultural heritage, intended to showcase different approaches, examples and best practice of reuse for digital cultural data, and to assess their impact in terms of enlarging citizen participation, developing advanced tools and resources for educational purposes, and for creating new businesses and job opportunities.

Relevant speakers from the key institutions in Europe, which are involved in the scenario of digital cultural heritage, illustrated experiences of content reuse that exploit digital technologies to foster societal progress and also economic rewards. The panel was a great occasion for sharing knowledge and networking with cultural managers, ICT experts, researchers, creative industries, service providers and other EU projects.


Invited projects/organizations:

Europeana Space: Best Practice Network focused on creative reuse of digital cultural content that is currently incubating 7 innovative start-up projects of services and products that utilize digital cultural content.

Photoconsortium: international association spin-off of Europeana Photography project, a thematic aggregator about early photography that digitized and made accessible online nearly half a million historic photographs. Within the legacy of Europeana Photography, Photoconsortium is also the curator of the travelling exhibition All Our Yesterdays.

Europeana Fashion: International non-profit organisation established after the conclusion of Europeana Fashion project in order to bring together and engage fashion institutions and creative industries in the valorisation and exploitation of fashion heritage online.

EU ScreenXL: this project includes organisations and archives who agreed to work together on providing access to their audiovisual materials sharing more than 40.000 videos, photographs and articles representing Europe’s television heritage have been made available online through a freely accessible multilingual portal.

ENERGIC OD: European NEtwork for Redistributing Geospatial Information to user Communities Open Data address obstacles for effective uptake and exploitation of geographic information, proposing a broker architectural approach where specific components (the brokers) perform all interoperability actions required to interconnect heterogeneous systems. ENERGIC OD applications and newly developed Virtual Hubs optimize the exploitation of geospatial Open Data for new marketable services of concrete use to the citizens and to stakeholders for more informed decision making. GeoPan Atl@s APP (developed by POLIMI) provides a facilitated access based on metadata to historical cartographic archives and enables the analysis of built environment and built heritage in relationship with the current landscape, archeo-landscapes and changes of ancient river beds.

Europeana Sounds: this a Best Practice Network, focused on opening the gateway to Europe’s sound and music heritage making it accessible online.

The Disruptive Media Learning Lab is a hybrid innovation practice and research unit.  It instigates and supports open dialogues, promoting collaborative work and exploratory play for all interested in (re)defining the future of learning, and the university, in the age of disruptive media.

PREFORMA PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives, is a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) aiming to address the challenge of implementing good quality standardised file formats for preserving data content in the long term.

Chair of the panel

Sarah Whatley – Coventry University

Professor Sarah Whatley is Director of the Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE) at Coventry University, UK. Her research interests extend to dance and new technologies, intangible cultural heritage, somatic dance practice and pedagogy, dance documentation, and inclusive dance practice; she has published widely on these themes. Funded by the AHRC, European Commission, Leverhulme Trust and Wellcome Trust, her current funded research projects focus on the creative reuse of digital cultural content, smart learning environments for dancers, reimagining dance archives and dance documentation, the generative potential of error in dance and HCI, dance and disability, and dancer imagery.  She is coordinator of the EU-funded Europeana Space project. She is also founding Editor of the Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices and sits on the Editorial Boards of several other Journals.

Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order):

Raffaella Brumana – Politecnico di Milano

MsArch (honour), Ph.D. in Geodetic and Topographic Sciences. Since 2016, Polimi Full Professor at Polimi DABC, (Geomatic Sector of Surveying-Photogrammetry-Modelling/GIS/BIM). Main Research topics: GI, SDI, Architectural and Built Environment surveying, Virtual Museum, n-Dmulti-scale-modelling-monitoring  in complex scenarios, Open Source Geoportal implementation,  OGC compliant in the domain of Cultural Heritage, Landscape, Architectural Heritage, Archaeological sites, Historical Site, Heritage documentation, Digital data collections and Open Data access. 2001-15 Associated Professor. Since 2012 Member of the Scientific Board of the DABC School of Doctoral Studies. She leads the GIcarus lab (4DBIM-GIS-SDI), Geospatial Information & Content modeling: Architectural heritage & built environment, eUrbanAtl@s, Surveying & Monitoring,

Antonella Fresa – Promoter srl

Director at Promoter S.r.l., small engineering company in Pisa (Italy). Since 2002, Technical Coordinator and Communication Manager of numerous European projects in the domain of digital cultural heritage, digital preservation and digital humanities, smart cities, creative re-use of digital cultural content, citizen science, crowdsourcing, and e-Infrastructures. Previously, Project Officer at the European Commission, multimedia development manager at Tower Tech S.r.l. in Pisa, video controller development manager at Olivetti Advanced Technology Centre in Cupertino (CA), engineer at Olivetti Pisa and Ivrea.

Sergiu Gordea – AIT Austrian Institute of Technology 

He joined the Digital Insight Lab at AIT-Austrian Institute of Technology in 2010, working on Cultural Heritage and Digital Libraries projects. Within the scope of ASSETS for Europeana Project he served as technical coordinator. Afterwards he contributed to the realization of the Europeana Creative and Europeana Sounds projects, taking the role of project manager and lead developer. As member of Austrian Standardization Institute, Sergiu contributed to the development of ISO/IEC 23000-15 Multimedia Preservation Application Format standard. In 2016 he contributed as collaborator to development of W3C Web Annotations standard. Current research interests include semantic enrichments, text and content based information retrieval, recommender systems and artificial intelligence.

Stefan Rohde-Enslin – Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK)

He is a member of staff of the Institute for Museum Research, State Museums in Berlin responsible to support museums in questions of digitisation and long term preservation of digital data. He is involved in digital preservation since 2004 when he joint the German competence network “nestor” as a representative of German museums. Inside the “nestor”-network he is heading a working group for “non-textual media”.

Jonathan Shaw – Director of the Disruptive Media Learning Lab, Coventry University

Adobe Education Leader, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice at Bournemouth University, Academic Board Member for Photography Studies College, Melbourne, Australia and Trustee for The Photographers’ Gallery, London. As a photographer he has been described as being part of an early generation of artists responsible for the emergence of a new school of photography which blurs the boundaries between the still and moving image. He has four publications: NEWFOTOSCAPES (2014), Crash (2009), (re)collect (2006) and Time|Motion (2003). He was awarded a Direct Fellowship of Royal Photographic Society (RPS), and a Fellowship of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), in recognition for his achievements in Photography and innovative educational practices.



ESTS 2016 / DiXiT 3: Digital Scholarly Editing: Theory, Practice, Methods

This thirteenth annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS), is organized in conjunction with the Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training Network (DiXiT) and hosted by the Centre for Manuscript Genetics at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.

5-7 October 2016

Keynote speakers:

Kathryn Sutherland and Paul Eggert

Guests of honour:

Hans Walter Gabler and Peter Shillingsburg

As digital publications are reaching a stage of maturity and scholarly editors are becoming increasingly aware of the seemingly endless possibilities of hybrid or fully Digital Scholarly Editions, the impact of the digital medium on the field of Textual Criticism has become undeniable. As a result of this ‘digital turn’, textual scholars are now faced with new challenges and opportunities that have called for a re-evaluation of the field’s established theoretical and practical framework. For the thirteenth annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS), organized in association with the Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training Network ‘DiXiT’, we intend to face this new direction in textual scholarship head-on, by focussing on the recent developments in textual scholarship that are instigated by this reassessment of the theories, practices, and methods of scholarly editing in general, and of the Digital Scholarly Edition (DSE) in particular.

The event will be hosted by the Centre for Manuscript Genetics (CMG) and takes place from 5 – 7 October 2016 at the city campus of the University of Antwerp.

Registration now open: payment can be made by bank transfer or alternatively on the day at the registration desk. A one year-membership of the European Society for Textual Scholarship is by default included in the registration fee (no extra charge).

The University of Antwerp will be awarding five competitive bursaries to assist early career scholars speaking at the conference. Criteria and regulations apply, please check the conference website for more information and guidelines of application:

The day before the conference, Tuesday 4th October, the CMG will host three parallel workshops on digital scholarly editing:

‘Digital Scholarly Editing and Textual Criticism’. Full day (11h00 – 16h30). Organizers: Franz Fischer and Marjorie Burghart.
‘Project Logistics’. Morning (9h30 – 13h00). Organizer: Peter Boot.
‘Born Digital Record of the Writing Process.’ Afternoon (14h00 – 17h30). Organizer: Torsten Ries).

Participation in the workshops is free of charge, but places are limited. Participants can apply for a workshop together with their conference registration.

Social events
A number of social events have also been arranged to provide participants with plenty of opportunity for networking and for exploring the beautiful city of Antwerp. This includes a reception at the historic Stadhuis (City Hall) open to all participants, as well as a conference dinner at the University Club.

Full programme here

Registration here

More information here