The Best in Heritage – video promo

The Best in Heritage and IMAGINES: the event for museums and heritage professionals.

In addition to the global survey of best practice, that is featured by The Best in Heritage and in particular by the dedicated special 2016 event IMAGINES, the conference features rich social and cultural content organised with help of Dubrovnik Museums, all taking place in the Renaissance city centre of Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The conference is organised in partnership with EUROPA NOSTRA & the Endowment Fund of ICOM, with the support of the City of Dubrovnik and with sponsorship from Meyvaert Glass Engineering.

This conference was started in 2002 by European Heritage Association from Zagreb, which still supports the event.

Who is meeting whom?

  • Meeting of museum and heritage professionals with various experts we cannot do without (architects, designers, consultants, information specialists, suppliers, tourism experts, media people etc.);
  • Meeting of institutions and professionals from a broad range of practice and interest in the field of heritage to provide practical inspiration and create a rich mutual learning environment;
  • Meeting of experienced veterans and ambitious, creative newcomers from the converging variety of professions in the field of heritage, all in the context of the information society;
  • Meeting of minds and cultures: Dubrovnik has been, throughout its rich history, a geographical point where Mediterranean meets Central Europe, where West meets East, where North meets South.
  • Meeting of museums, heritage and conservation professionals as an opportunity to check rising convergence through four shared objectives and circumstances: user orientation, societal mission, Information and communication technology and common theoretical basis.


The book of the conference is available HERE
Learn more on The Best in Heritage
Learn more on IMAGINES

No Time to Wait: Standardizing FFV1 and MKV for Preservation

Source: Ashley Blewer’s report on the MediaConch website



No Time to Wait!: Standardizing FFV1 & Matroska for Preservation was a symposium intentionally overlapping with Internet Engineering Task Force’s 96th meeting, held in Berlin. No Time To Wait! was held on 17-19 July, 2016 and hosted by Deutsche Kinemathek, Zuse Institute Berlin, and MediaArea. The symposium was designed to bring together audiovisual archivists and audiovisual format designers with a focus on the standardization of a preservation-grade audiovisual file format combination package. The structure of this symposium was contingent heavily on the CELLAR working group and the initial meeting of this working group at IETF and first rounds of RFCs submitted to the organization.


Kieran O’Leary from the Irish Film Institute shows format conversion and colour space info.
Photo credit: CC BY-SA Erwin Verbruggen.

Why these formats?

After introductions, the first talk of the symposium was from Erwin Verbruggen (Netherlands Sound & Vision), who gave a summary of the PREFORMA project. And with it, the insight and history into the decision-making behind the selection of these open formats and how they compared against other potential options to use in the development of a conformance checker for preservation-grade audiovisual formats. As obvious by this symposium, Matroska and FFV1 (and LPCM) were chosen by PREFORMA. The Internet Engineering Task Force working group, formed last year, adopted Matroska and FFV1 but chose to focus on FLAC.

Steve Lhomme was able to attend the symposium and the IETF meeting, which is amazing because he is one of the founding developers of the Matroska format. His continual input on the CELLAR listserv and during the conference was absolutely invaluable. By the end of the symposium, Steve also had a thorough understanding of the unique needs of archivists and he was happy to assist in the required mapping work to ensure his format is suitable for this use case.

Fun fact: Steve original came up with the Matroska format because he was trying to catch Jacques Chirac, at the time President of France, lying on television. The origins of this format seem very archivally-minded, even if that context was not known or considered at the time.

Peter Bubestinger gave a personal overview of the history of FFV1 as he sees it (and as it relates to archives at large and in specific, from his time working at Austrian Mediathek. When Peter was giving his talk on the history of FFV1, he made note that he was hesitant, despite FFV1 being an incredibly good idea to implement technically, of moving forward with it as an archival format because the specification was listed as “experimental.” Eventually they decided that even with this marker, it was worth moving forward with FFV1 implementation for archival assets. He emailed a core developer of FFV1, Michael Niedermayer, and the developer told him that it was left on the website by accident and that the standard had been stable for at least 3 years at that time.

It was a treat to have Kate Murray from the United States Library of Congress join the symposium and give a talk on her many years of work developing AS-07, which focuses on but is not limited to the MXF format. This gave insight into the larger issues around standardization and conformance within the context of audiovisual preservation. She was kind enough to give us the “lessons learned” from this work — including the hazards of waiting until “everything is perfect” before showing anyone publicly. She referenced the paper User Needs and MXF options for deciding if MXF is the right choice for one’s institution.


Kieran O’Leary from the Irish Film Institute shows format conversion and colour space info.
Photo credit: CC BY-SA Erwin Verbruggen.

How does this relate to IETF?

Tessa Fallon, co-chair of the CELLAR working group, gave a talk about the standardization track and the rules associate with the event. One afternoon of the symposium, held at the Zuse Institute Berlin, was dedicated to watching a livestream of the CELLAR working group. Steve Llome, Dave Rice, and Jerome Martinez attended the meeting, hosted by Tessa Fallon and Tim Terriberry. They were able to give updates on the work done thus far on the specification of Matroska and FFV1 and ask questions of the crowd. Afterwards, they were able to get feedback from other IETF members and tips on making progress collaboratively while working out the details.


Steve Lhomme presents Matroska logo history.
Photo credit: CC BY-SA Erwin Verbruggen.

Leading Issues

There is a gap between the format designer work and the communication relayed to archivists, which is something this symposium sought to find an increased resolution or progress towards. The title of the symposium is apt; there is very little time when it comes to media formats that exist in crisis. There is an urgency that digitization begins as soon as possible, and as much as possible. Magnetic media formats are increasingly unable to be played back due to their inherently fragile nature. Moreso, the machines required to play back these formats are increasingly becoming obsolescent. The technicians with the ability to fix format players are increasingly less and less available too.

Daniel Borosa (Croatian Radiotelevision) gave a talk which covered the urgency of these formats, especially in the context of the Balkans region of Eastern Europe. He stressed that collaboration and assessment are important, but it is a challenge to acquire funding to be able to process this audiovisual material.

Overall funding was an important theme, especially during the preservation working group. The current work done on Matroska and FFV1 are thanks to the PREFORMA initiative, which is funding the MediaConch conformance checker for Matroska, FFV1, and LPCM. Some takeaways from the preservation working group and advocacy unconference group is to seek out local funding networks, and to do advocacy work not just outside of one’s own institution but internally as well. Another loose topic was that of “outreach,” which evolved a bit into the importance of collaboration among archivists. Several conversation streams and talks focused on the importance of being okay with writing bad code and releasing it publicly in order to get feedback and help from other archivists. It is important to be comfortable asking for and getting help. There is a desire for more technical workshops that empower archivists by giving them a situation in which it is “safe to fail.”

Switching up a bit — many of the talks and large portions of some of the meetings emphasized the importance of putting patrons first. Igor Wiedler gave a lightning talk on the “morality of software,” emphasizing that software is never neutral, that all code written is inherently political, and that should be considered when writing any kind of software. Natalie Cadranel gave a brief lightning talk on working with OpenArchive, a mobile application that facilitates access to archives while also maintaining a user’s privacy.

An issue coming heavily out of the FFV1 and preservation working groups, despite meeting separately, was the need for high-level understanding of the significance of FFV1 and why it is good for preservation. The technically-savvy people wanting to implement FFV1 can see the benefits — but that may not be apparent to people in management-level positions. Two unconference groups worked on what the issues were surrounding FFV1’s lack of attention in the archival community. One group came up with some guidelines to form an “Executive Summary” which would convey the reasons why people are choosing FFV1 in a way that is easy to understand (and somewhat marketing-heavy). They concluded that FFV1 also needs a webpage explaining these features… and maybe a logo. Any takers?

Other issues: How to move the conversation forward for something perceived still as experimental (even if it isn’t)? How does one convince IT staff that a “market” solution isn’t always the best? Investing in open source is a long-lasting commitment. There is a problem with the “free” in open source being considered “free as in no money” rather than “free as in freedom.” Hence the need and use of the acronym F(L)OSS, which stands for Free (Libre) Open Source Software, emphasizes that the “free” mean “freedom.”.

The unconference group focusing on Matroska’s technical specs also focused on its “weaknesses” which can be resolved through disambiguation while working on the RFC. One issue is timecodes — Matroska’s elements related to time codes are not necessarily in line with archivist’s expectations. The CELLAR mailing list is very active regarding this issue.


Dave Rice and Peter Bubestinger showed the timeline of FFV1 development.
Photo credit: CC BY-SA Erwin Verbruggen.


So much of the intent of the symposium revolved around getting cultural heritage institutions, format designers, preservation-focused digitization vendors, and computer engineers in the same room and speaking the same language (or at least being able to come up with a shared pidgin-language). Michael Bradshaw, a YouTube engineer working on webm and its relation to its parent structure, Matroska, led a working group and an unconference group to dig into the technical details of the formats. Much of the data from his talk can be found on the YouTube Engineering Blog here. It was great to be able to link the preservation interests with web initiatives happening within large web-focused organizations like Google and Mozilla.

Tobias Rapp, NOA GmbH, gave a talk on his institution’s research into what they recommend as vendors, and compared what he knew about AVI (the limitations and positive aspects) and what he knew about Matroska. A lot of the “question marks” found in his slides were later resolved during the Matroska working group meeting

Kieran O’Leary’s unconference group was focused on building or ensuring creation of tools that facilitate not just archivists but filmmakers actively making films so that if the original source can be something archive-worthy. This included namedropping a lot of different tools in their share-out summary: “shotcut, vlc, natron, virtual dub, avi demux. VL MC Avid Sorenson Squeeze”. A current need is for someone to write an Adobe Premiere plugin that will allow the software to be able to import (read) and export (write) FFV1.


Group photo at the close of the No Time to Wait! symposium in Berlin.
Photo credit: CC BY-SA Erwin Verbruggen.

Future of formats, next steps, future of CELLAR work

The symposium spurred conversations about the future of the specific formats, not just in their current specification forms but how they will comply with emerging media formats. How will we map METS/MODS or other metadata standards into Matroska tags? How will these formats deal with emerging audiovisual technology like 360* virtual reality video mappings, or mapping onto a plane or sphere? What kind of forethought can we have now to adequately comply with future standards, read future types of formats, and archive these formats?

Reto Kromer and Kieran O’Leary (Irish Film Institute) gave a talk on integrating FFV1 into film-scanning workflows and working with DPX, emphasizing that FFV1 may seem to be popular to video audiovisual formats but can comfortably handle film, too. There was interest in what small steps would be necessary to have film scans encode directly into FFV1 rather than having to be normalized later, after digitization work. Peter Bubestinger and Kieran Kunhya both spoke on “stress testing” FFV1.

Peter’s work can be found here and Kieran’s work can be found here.

Work has and will continue to be active on the CELLAR mailing list.

Reminder: The CELLAR working group can be extremely technically specific, with conversations circling around specific details associated with Matroska and FFV1 and FLAC. However, plenty of work can be done for anyone with the time and willingness to help out. Feedback is crucial for the RFC (it is called Request for Comments for a reason) and even correcting typos within the specifications makes a real impact on the development of these formats. If you are not sure where to begin, don’t hesitate to send an email to the CELLAR listserv asking what can be of most use or contact Ashley Blewer directly for help.


Hermann Lewetz from the Austrian Mediathek during the lightning talks.
Photo credit: CC BY-SA Erwin Verbruggen.

Read more

PERICLES-PREFORMA-MediaConch workshop at Tate

tate_logoOn Saturday 23 July Tate hosted a workshop in London focussing on new tools to support the conservation of digital video, led by Dave Rice and Ashley Blewer.

The workshop focussed on the functionalities existing with the latest versions of MediaInfo and MediaTrace accessed via the command line, and demonstrated the additional user friendly functionality being developed through MediaConch in developing policies for the technical evaluation of files.

Case examples from PERICLES were discussed  as well as tools from the PREFORMA Project. In attendance were expert representatives from the British Museum, the British Film Institute, the Irish Film Institute, the National Archives, Artefactual, LUX, the British Library, BBC, and the PREFORMA Project.

Keep your eyes peeled in future newsletters for a blog about the workshop and the tools discussed, written by one of Tate’s Time-based Media Conservation team.


Source: PERICLES Newsletter – July 2016

PREFORMA Experience Workshop

Following the successful Open Source Workshop, organised in Stockholm in April this year, the PREFORMA project invites the digital preservation community to attend the Experience Workshop – Improving long-term digital preservation, which will be held in Berlin on November 23, 2016.


The aim of the workshop is to demonstrate the conformance checkers for file-formats developed in the project, involve memory institutions outside the PREFORMA consortium in testing, using and further developing the software, and share the experience gained by PREFORMA memory institutions working with developers under R&D service agreements.

Hosted at the Kulturforum in Berlin, the event will feature keynote presentations by representatives from the European Commission on the opportunities offered by the Pre-Commercial Procurement instrument, talks by international experts in digital preservation on the importance of checking the conformance of the digital files against the standard specifications, live demonstrations of the software developed by the three suppliers (the veraPDF consortium, Easy Innova, MediaArea) and an informal networking event where the attendees can share experiences, meet the PREFORMA developers and learn about the tools.

This event is aimed at anyone interested in digital preservation and cultural heritage: memory institutions or other cultural heritage organisations involved in (or planning) digital preservation initiatives; developers who want to contribute code to the PREFORMA tools; standardisation bodies maintaining the technical specifications of preservation file formats; any other person interested in cooperating with us in defining open digital preservation standards.

The workshop will be co-located with Europeana Space final conference, the third edition of the Networking Session for EC projects in the cultural heritage field and the meeting of the German Working Group on PCP and PPI (Pre-Commercial Procurement and Public Procurement of Innovative solutions).



The event is free of charge.





The event will be held in English.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact:

Claudio Prandoni,

2016 Digital Preservation Awards launched

DPA2016_LogoThe prestigious Digital Preservation Awards is the most prominent celebration of achievement for those people and organisations who have made significant and innovative contributions to maintaining a digital legacy, and will culminate in a glittering awards ceremony at the Wellcome Trust in London on Wednesday 30th November 2016.

Last year big winners on the night included the University of Freiburg and partners for their ‘bwFLA Functional Long Term Archiving and Access’ project; Alasdair Bachell from the University of Glasgow with his work on Game Preservation in the UK; Adrian Brown for his book ‘Practical Digital Preservation: a how to guide for organizations of any size;’ and the University of Manchester for their ‘Carcanet Press Email Archive.’

The work of finalists and winners of the Digital Preservation Awards enjoys an elevated profile within the digital preservation community, with individuals and organisations often finding themselves in a much stronger position for further funding and future development.



Winners of last year’s edition


2016 sees the addition of a new award, creating six as follows:

  • The Award for Research and Innovation recognises excellence in practical research and innovation activities. The award includes a cash prize of £1000, a trophy and certificates.
  • The Award for Teaching and Communications, recognising excellence in outreach, training and advocacy. The award includes a cash prize of £1000, a trophy and certificates.
  • The Award for the Most Distinguished Student Work in Digital Preservation, encourages and recognises student work in digital preservation. The prize includes attendance at an international conference, a trophy and a certificate.
  • The Award for the Most Outstanding Digital Preservation Initiative in Industry, encourages and recognises the adoption of digital preservation tools and approaches in a commercial environment. The award includes a cash prize of £1000, a trophy and certificates.
  • The Award for Safeguarding the Digital Legacy, celebrates the practical application of preservation tools to protect at-risk digital objects. The award includes a cash prize of £1000, a trophy and certificates.
  • The Digital Preservation Coalition Fellowship, this new award will be presented to an individual, recognising a sustained and impactful contribution to the digital preservation community.  The award includes a trophy, certificate and honoary personal membership of the DPC.


The result of the design phase of the PREFORMA project has been nominated for the Award for Research and Innovation. The main outcome of this phase is the design of conformance checkers for text, image and audio-visual data sets. It includes the full set of technical and functional specifications for developing and deploying the open source tools, which allow memory institutions to verify whether their digital files comply with the standard specifications of specific file formats intended for long-term preservation. It defines also the terms of reference to establish the open source community committed to sustain the software, generate users’ feedbacks, and improve the standard specifications.


The Digital Preservation Awards are supported by leading organisations in this specialist field, including the Nationale Coalitie Digitale Duurzaamheid (NCDD) and National Records of Scotland. Once again kindly hosted by the Wellcome Trust, their London premises on Euston Road will add to the glamour of the awards ceremony on Wednesday 30th November 2016.


For further information and to find out more about how to enter visit the DPA 2016 webpage.

D8.8 – Monitoring of the Open Source Project implementation

Deliverable D8.8 reports on monitoring of the Open Source Project implementations. Based on development efforts for each supplier, this deliverable provides feedback on their use of: an open work practice for development; frequent open releases; and promotion activities aiming towards a sustainable community. In particular, it focuses on establishing sustainable communities, together with an assessment of how this is succeeded. The deliverable presents an evaluation of how each open source project implementation adheres to requirements expressed in deliverable D4.3. In so doing, the deliverable provides an evaluation of the extent to which best practices from community driven open source projects have been adopted with adherence to full transparency for all digital assets. Specifically, the evaluation considers software and associated digital assets provided via links to developed and provided resources (including source code, executables, and test files) and tools (including software configuration management system, mailing lists, and build environment) used in each open source project. An important outcome from this evaluation is a report on adherence to requirements (as specified in D4.3) and an assessment of how contracted organisations have managed to establish thriving and long-term sustainable open source communities of relevance for memory institutions and other stakeholder groups.

D8.3 First Prototype Report

This deliverable presents the results of the 1st part of the Prototyping phase in the PREFORMA project. It consists of four distinguishable parts.

The first part (chapter 1 to 3) gives the overall context, including aims and objectives, documents particularly important for the work preformed, and formal background. It also summarises the discussions with the suppliers and internally in the PREFORMA Consortium, and presents complementary issues in more  depth.

The second part (chapter 4) focuses on the results achieved by the suppliers, based on their software releases and submitted reports.

The third part (chapter 5) analyses the progress made by the suppliers, including what is left to be done.

The fourth part (chapter 6) resumes the outcome of the 1st part of the Prototyping phase in the form of six main conclusions and a brief charter of success. The results achieved indicate that the project is moving in the right direction. The interplay between theories, discussions, releases and testing has created an exciting situation for the coming development with huge potential for further interest and involvement as well as enhanced communication between different stakeholders.

D8.2 Design – First Report

This deliverable is considered to be the report on the activities related to the preparation and procedure of the design phase #1. This first phase of the suppliers’ work started with the design, the definition, and the specification of the functional and the technical part of their preparatory work according to the call for tender, the submissions (description of work) of the six winning supplier teams and consortia, and the following negotiation phase between the PREFORMA consortium and each supplier. The document will thus include a description and the basic statements related to all phases of WP5 (Design phase 1) including references and methodologies for:

  • Short summary of the negotiation phase procedure.
  • Suppliers’ functional and technical specification work.
  • Basic statements of the end of phase one report.
  • PREFORMA first lessons learned from the design phase.
  • Procedure of the evaluation of the suppliers’ documentation.
  • Preparation of the decision making process and underlying procedures.
  • Decisions made by PREFORMA consortium.

The previous task 8.1 laid the foundation for evaluation strategy for comparing the results of the suppliers, at the end of the design phase. The evaluation framework has been defined in D8.1, based on contributions of the technical partners as well as of the memory institutions. The strategy negotiated and established in T8.1, and consequently described in D8.1 was used as an input for evaluating the suppliers’ results at the end of the Design phase 1 to select the (number of) suppliers who will continue the execution of the tender.

This document is thus intended to include all useful information for the internal and external work process as well as to give an idea on how PCP does work and how the evaluation in PREFORMA will be performed.

After a brief introduction to the general approach and methodology (Chapter 1), the first part (Chapters 2, 3) summarises the outcomes of the evaluation of the 16 proposals received last year (2014) and of the negotiation process, until the formal decision to award a contract to the 6 suppliers who worked in the design phase.

The second part (Chapter 4, 5) builds on the results of the work with the suppliers as well as the work of the suppliers themselves. It is based on the submitted results of the six supplier consortia, and indicates the results that they have achieved.

The third part (Chapters 6, 7) addresses the way (methods, measures, principles) the PREFORMA consortium members and the external reviewers did the formal review, the evaluation, and the preparatory work for decision making on the specification work with a particular focus on the evaluation final stage resulting in decisions on which suppliers to invite for the bid to eventually participate in the prototype phase.

The last part (Chapters 8, 9) is dedicated to the preparation and the decision on which of the suppliers to invite for submitting the bid for the prototype phase.

veraPDF 0.18 released: try it!

veraPDF-logo-600-300x149The latest version of veraPDF is now available to download. It is accompanied by a beta version of our new documentation site. The site provides installation and user guides to help you get started with the veraPDF conformance checker. The beta site is online here:

veraPDF 0.18 has the following fixes and enhancements:

Application enhancements:

  • suppress all PDFBox warnings in the CLI interface when parsing PDF documents
  • generate error report instead of the exception in case of broken PDF documents
  • added a new CLI option to save XML report to a separate file in recursive PDF processing

veraPDF characterisation plugins:

  • enhancements to example pure java plugins
  • plugins now configurable through a dedicated config file

Conformance checker fixes:

  • ignore DeviceGray color space in soft mask images
  • treat glyph with GID 0 as “.notdef” in case of Type0 fonts
  • fixed validation of role map for non-standard structure elements (Level A)
  • fixed validation of page size implementation limits in case of negative width or height
  • fixed validation of non-standard embedded CMaps referenced from other CMaps

Test corpus:

  • added 180 new test files for parts 2 and 3


  • test coverage now monitored by Codecov online service
  • integration tests for 2u and 3b validation profiles added
  • using codacy and coverity online code QA services


Download veraPDF 0.18:


Release notes:


veraPDF is building an open source, industry-approved PDF/A validator. Please support our efforts by downloading and testing the software. If you encounter problems, or wish to suggest improvements, please add them to the project’s GitHub issue tracker. Your feedback is very important, it helps to improve the software.

Keep up to date with the latest developments of veraPDF by subscribing to the veraPDF consortium’s newsletter.

E-Space at EDULEARN16 in Barcelona

On 5 July 2016, prof. Fred Truyen (KU Leuven) presented on Europeana and Europeana Space at the important event Edulearn16 in Barcelona, with a paper “Getting Creative with Europeana: Innovative Strategies & New Tools for Education”, co-authored with Clarissa Colangelo, Sofie Taes and Roxanne Wyns.

Building upon the E-Space experience, and taking into account that education has been a main target of the project, with a dedicated portal and a MOOC (to be launched in October 2016), this paper wants to make a stand for the hackathon as an engine for innovation in education, by showing how this concept furthers co-creative learning by establishing a direct relation between idea, product and experience.

fred edulearn

EDULEARN is one of the largest international education conferences for lecturers, researchers, technologists and professionals from the educational sector, that after 8 years has become a reference event with more than 700 experts from 80 countries gathering together to present their projects and share their knowledge on teaching and learning methodologies and educational innovations.

In his presentation, Fred highlighted Europeana content, in particular on photography, and the importance of creative reuse for education. The photography demonstrator developed within the Photography Pilot not only provides access to images, thanks to the WITH API of E-Space Technical Space (that searches a wide range of online repositories (e.g. Europeana, DPLA, DigitalNZ, The British Library, Rijksmuseum), but also enables users to weave the photographs into their own stories, by mixing them up with other content and overlaying a narrative.

Learn more: